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  Eureka 7 6 DVD Set
Posted by: sk1nd0g - 05-16-2006, 07:30 AM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (11)

Hi, I was looking around some HK DVD sites looking for a Eureka 7 set and found this set at Yugiland
I have never heard of this site, but anyway, the code is D_eureka. Doesn anybody know anything about this site set?. The only rumours I can rustle up is that MI has recently been putting out new sets with strange codes. any ideas anyone?

Here is a pic of the set

[Image: eureka.jpg]

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  A little story i wrote
Posted by: Homeless Joe - 05-12-2006, 07:12 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (4)

hey guys if you have some free time could you read this story i wrote and let me know what you think about it? i gotta finish revision it and stuff for my class. i attached it.

Attached Files
.doc   the road.doc (Size: 41 KB / Downloads: 9)
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  Very Important!!!
Posted by: Zagatto - 05-12-2006, 03:11 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (10)

When eating wasabi coated peanuts DO NOT rub your eyes.


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  Check this Ebay auction out
Posted by: Vicious - 05-11-2006, 07:19 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (17)


I started it because I'm tired of people in forums like AnimeonDVD.com always acting like bootlegs are the next coming of satan. I'm tired of their holier than thou attitudes.

Basically, I posted on AoD about how I sold off some of my old bootlegs on Ebay. Some guy posted and said how that was so wrong and evil. So that got me thinking . . . let me prove what a bunch of hypocrites those guys are.

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  Cookiejar down?
Posted by: aogail - 05-11-2006, 05:36 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (6)

Does anyone know what happened to Cookie Jar Video? I've been unable to access the CJV site for some time now -- it appears the domain is still registered but has no DNS entries.


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  Magic The Gathering?
Posted by: KnlfE - 05-11-2006, 04:41 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (9)

Hey, does anyone play Magic The Gathering? I noticed alot of players are Anime fans. I was just curious to see if Anime and D&D type events were connected somehow.

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  iTunes Help!
Posted by: gubi-gubi - 05-11-2006, 06:59 AM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (2)

Had to reinstall iTunes and stuff a month or so ago and haven't got round to sorting all my new mp3s into yet so I went to do it today and like half the files have the '!' missing sign on them. I know where they are but when I tell it where one is, the rest are still missing even though they're all in the same place. Anyone know how to tell iTunes where the rest are in one go like a group location or something?

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  I need some help/advice
Posted by: -spike- - 05-11-2006, 12:12 AM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (16)

This is kinda long, so please bare with me.

So there is the local teriyaki place near my school that my friends and I go to pretty much every week. The same people have always worked there. Well, the other day I walk in and there is a new girl working at the counter, she is very attractive and about my age(20). I order my food and hand her my debit card, she then asks for my ID, so I hand her my drivers license. She the looks at it and comments on how good my photo on the license is, I thank her and take it back. I then go and sit down with my buddies at the table.

I went back in for food again later that week. Again, she asked for my ID, but the second I showed it to her she remembered me. We then started talking about how she forgets peoples faces easily because of how many people come into the resturant; and that she doesn't know what peoples regular orders because she just started working there. After that I went and sat down to wait for my food. About a minute later she came over and asked for directions to the library, I gave her directions, she smiled, said thanks and went into the back.

I went back again the next week, I walked in and she said "HI!" kinda like she was excited to see me. She asked how I was doing, I said good. I asked how she was doing, she said good. She then commented on how pretty it was outside, and I said, yeah, it was really nice out. We then talked about how it was supposed to rain that day but it didn't. This is about as much as I have talked to her.

OK, so basicly there are some things I would like some help with:
1. When she commented about my photo, was she hitting on me or just being nice?

2. Does it seem like she is interested in me at all or am I reading the situation completely wrong?

3. I would really like to ask her out, but do you think I should wait and talk to her more before I do or just ask her outright?

4. When/if I ask her out, how should I go about it? I have never asked a girl out before.

Thanks in advance.

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Posted by: JunkieJoe - 05-10-2006, 10:53 AM - Forum: News/Announcements - No Replies

Restocked a bunch of titles this afternoon, check out the store if you were looking for brand new releases that sold out fast the first time around!

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  Saiunkoku Monogatari
Posted by: Mystical Rose - 05-09-2006, 08:47 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (2)

I was wondering if there is a HK set out for this series.
I love this anime and have seen up to episode 4 unsubbed. I don't understand japanese ,but know what is going on with the story since I know the basic storyline. I learned about it from Newtype usa.

If there is not a HK dvd out yet.. Does anyone think there will be? I really hope there will be. I have a feeling this is an anime I don't think will get released for the US. Sorry ..I pretty much have given up on certain animes coming out here ><

Any information on this series will help ^_^

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