Wii for you and Wii for me
It's funny to see these predictions running around about two consoles that haven't been released yet. When comparing the price point and features of the two consoles I am leaning towards Nintendo having a real winner here but Sony is certainly going to recoup their investment.

In the long term it's still all about the games.

I personally know about six people who have ditched their PSP to grab a DS even though the PSP is clearly more technical advanced. Nintendo has continued to develop some amazing games for the DS taking advantage of some of the unique qualities of the DS while the PSP has turned out to be a watered down PS2 with nothing particularly new to offer players.

The PSP is still selling well and has a reasonable stable of games available for it but the DS is outselling it like crazy. I think it's because of that combination of a lower price point and tons of great games being available.

I think I might have more to say but I have to get to work now.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
ds vs psp is a pointless comparison.Gamecube didnt do well because of the gba.Sony tried to make console games work on a handheld and failed. well any gain is good really.
My only concern is third party support for wii.I look forward to getting one next year though maybe earlier depending on ps3 availability.Shame about nz getting shafted by nintendo yet again.At $327US its a little too close to the 360 price.Unfortunatly i see them bombing major over here.When people walk into a store and see gears of war running next to it for practicly the same price the graphic whore in them will come out.Mixed with bad pal support and history.
Depending on regions etc ill import a ntsc unit for cheaper i think.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
Of course all the wii's sold out here very quickly as well. I'm just saying unless you were in line 12 hours before the ps3 reserves took place you wern't getting a reserve. Plus the fact that people around here aren't getting ps3's until march...

My friend jumped into line like an hour before the store opened and got a wii reservation guaranteed to get one on launch.

Around here at least the ps3 is gonna kick the wiis ass. The only thing the wii has going for it is more consoles on release. They better hope their system works better than many people are expecting. I will get one, but i'm expecting to use my gamecube controller more than that remote.
Cidien Wrote:Plus the fact that people around here aren't getting ps3's until march...

Where are you from? As far as I know only the PAL (Europe and Australasia) version of the PS3 will be launched in March.

Anyway, if we're going to predict things, like Zagatto said, I must say I agree with the prediction that says the Wii is going to be "the other" console. The Wii's processing and graphical capabilities are nowhere near as good as either the PS3's or the 360's. Like wrxh8r said, the graphic whore in people will come out which means they'll buy at least one of those consoles, the Wii will be the other one. The Wii will definitely sell well but as Nintendo itself said, it's not meant to compete with either the PS3 or the Xbox 360.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Such speculation is expected, some favor one or the other per their own interests. Though this brings up a good point in that nintendo and the wii are not trying to and are not meant to compete face to face with the 360 or ps3. Nintendo is doing what they always do, trying to advnace the medium and open up new areas of fun interactive enjoyment. Even though I am furvently awaiting the wii I will at least also geta 360 and possibly a ps3 so in the end the wii might end up my other system, that determined by the games.

Though I say this to graphic whores, I still enjoy playing my psone over most of my ps2 games to date.
I still perfer to replay all my old SNES / NES games then any of my new games. Once i beat them they go onto the shelf to hardly ever get revisted. (though i am playing Wind Waker again in preperation to the new Zelda game. Probably going to play both the N64 versions again too since i have them on my Gamecube).
I will back Schultz up on this one... my SNES has been seeing lots of action lately but it's been months since I played anything on my PS2.

Of course... my DS has been getting the most attention since I picked up Kirby's Canvas Curse. This has been an incredibly fun game to play and anyone with a DS should pick it up.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Zagatto Wrote:I will back Schultz up on this one... my SNES has been seeing lots of action lately but it's been months since I played anything on my PS2.

Of course... my DS has been getting the most attention since I picked up Kirby's Canvas Curse. This has been an incredibly fun game to play and anyone with a DS should pick it up.

My favourite game and some of the best games I ever played are Playstation games (only played SNES games on PC emulators) but that didn't stop me from buying the consoles that came afterwards. It didn't stop you either. You may prefer your SNES and its games but you did buy a PS2. Even if you don't use it much you bought it. I barely use my Gamecube but I bought it and by doing so added to the number of Gamecubes sold worldwide. Even if you don't enjoy your PS2 you helped make it a sales success. And why did you buy one? Why, if you were satisfied with your SNES? Do you see where I'm trying to get at? Just because you like the old systems doesn't mean you won't end up buying one of the newer ones. One thing doesn't prevent the other. And let's not forget something, there are many people who never played older system games. Someone who's 14 has likely never even heard of the SNES and probably doesn't like the way Final Fantasy VII looks, even though it's the favorite game of a lot of people. Someone who grew up playing games fully in 3D probably won't want to pick up a game in 2D, even if it happens to be a great game. In fact, it doesn't even have to be a young person. I know 2 guys who are almost 30 and the first thing they did when they saw the new Suikoden was complain about the graphics. Of course they're now enjoying the game very much but at first they complained and it's not even a 2D game.
Even if they aren't for some, graphics are important to a lot of people. Personally, I like good graphics but give me a good story and I won't care so much about anything else.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Even if they aren't for some, graphics are important to a lot of people.

I know, even though it sometimes defies logic. But even though I dig game play so much more, I do it too. Looking at oblivion is like "Holy Shat!" That game is gorgeous. But I don't think any of the games on Wii look bad. Some have graphic styles that in many ways kinda make graphics power moot. Mostly I'm talking about cel shading, which I am a HUGE fan of. But there are also some other techniques that I think you might be able to pull off with the make it's games have that oh so shinny look. Metriod Prime 3 Looks great. Brawl looked amazing. And the new Zelda just has a look that I think only Nintendo could have done, and it was for Gamecube. I mean, sure you look at Gears of War, and Zelda doesn't look as good, but if someone calls it ugly, they are blind or psycho fanboy. We aren't talking about the difference between 2d and 3d here, but for many games, subtle resolution differences that get totally knocked down when NOT looking at a HD TV.

The kiosks will be key. I work in the Electronics department at Wal-Mart, and if it wasn't for the setup we have to demo Guitar Hero, the thing wouldn't have sold a third as well. But people walk by and see people playing it, and it gets them thinking, and excited, and they just have to try it. If they can set Wii up that way they can stick it in between the 360 and PS3 and people will wait in line to get their hands on it's strange remote like controller so they can bowl or play tennis or hit home runs. I read at IGN that Nintendo is working with retail companies to get a logical setup so people can play this thing. Once they do people will at least realize they are for real and for fun, even if they don't leave the store with one. Nintendo has a lot of minds to change, but they can do it with showing and playing.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
As I was reading what you wrote I got the feeling you were defending the Wii, saying "it will sell"! It will, it definitely will, I don't think the Wii is going to have any problems in that department. What I've been trying to say is that it's not a console meant to compete with the other two. People aren't going to chose between buying the Wii and the 360, they're going to chose between buying the 360 and the PS3, the Wii will be their other console (hence why it will sell so well). And I never said the games for the Wii had bad graphics. In fact, I was pretty disapointed with the first games that came out for the 360, there was nothing new and/or spectacular there, nothing that I hadn't already seen. But the 360 (and the PS3) does have the potential for spectacular graphics and in time that's what we'll see. Games for the 360 and the PS3 will look better and better (there's a limit to how good they can look obviously) while the Wii will stop in time (as far as graphics go). That's why I think that sooner or later people will buy either a PS3 or a 360 or even both.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Except me. I have no plans on buying a 360 or Ps3. Also with this generation a few of the known companys to be exclusives to a system are not going to be namely Square. (This helps the 360 the most) and that kinda kills things for Sony because then people are not required to buy the Ps3 for that company's games which was known to be true in the Ps2.

Also i guess its because i am getting older. But to me and more modern games are just getting to be Interactive Feature Length movies. And truthfully i am sick of them. I truely want my games to be fun again. have reply value so that i can just sit down and enjoy them. I think that is why i am looking forward to the Wii so much. I can just sit down and enjoy a game and hopefully they will have reply value to them.

And i know Nintendo is exploiting people like me.. (I buy all the old rehashes on my GBA and DS when they release them so i can play all the old games.) but hell i don't care they are fun and in the end.. *I* don't care about graphics much at all anymore i just want my games to be just fun.
i've taken some time off from console games...due to wow...but recently i'm getting back into it and honestly i'm a little dissapointed. i got an xbox360 for my bday and picked up some games. yeah the graphics are good, but the games, idk. for instance i got samurai warriors two. it looked cool and all, i'm a fan of the series killing hundreds of guys with a spear is a good way to relieve stress lol, but i really didn't get into it like i had the other ones, i just felt let down. there are a lot of games that come out that are fun and look good, but when you finish playing them, that's it, you dont' want to come back. personally, i think the a lot the games that keep people coming back are put out by nintendo. especially multiplayer games like mariokart and super smash bros. i have more fun playing that with my friends then i do playing any other games. nintendo knows how to make fun games. not just fun for young adults, but fun for everyone.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Andromeda18_ Wrote:As I was reading what you wrote I got the feeling you were defending the Wii...

Um, I was giving my stance. In fact, the only reason I quoted you was to agree with that one point that I quoted. I made my comment on that and went on to talking about some other stuff that I just wanted to say anyways. Wasn?t really directly debating anything you said...

But since you brought it up, I don't really want a PS3 or a 360. Granted, if I happened to get one some how it would be nice, but honestly I haven't seen that game that makes go, "hot damn, I gotta play that."
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Schultz Wrote:Also with this generation a few of the known companys to be exclusives to a system are not going to be namely Square. (This helps the 360 the most) and that kinda kills things for Sony because then people are not required to buy the Ps3 for that company's games which was known to be true in the Ps2.

Well, I don't know exactly what the other companies' approach is going to be, but Square isn't going to launch the same game for all the systems. So far 2 games for the 360, 2 for the Wii and 3 for the PS3 have been announced and they're all different and exclusive to their own system (well, except for FFXI). Final Fantasy XI and Project Sylpheed for the Xbox 360, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers and Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors for the Wii, and Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII and an untitled MMORPG for the PS3 (the MMORPG will be available for Windows Vista as well).

Schultz Wrote:Except me. I have no plans on buying a 360 or Ps3.

Blight Wrote:I don't really want a PS3 or a 360.

I meant what I said in a general way, there are going to be exceptions, obviously. I myself am an exception to my own theory, I don't intend to buy a Wii, at least for now, so for me it won't be my 'other console'. I know some people who don't intend to buy the Wii either just like I know people who do (so far the only people I know who don't want to buy a PS3 and/or a Xbox 360 are people I met on the internet, like you guys).

Homeless Joe Wrote:i have more fun playing that with my friends then i do playing any other games. nintendo knows how to make fun games. not just fun for young adults, but fun for everyone.

Fun is a relative thing. The games that you, Blight and Schultz think are fun are not so fun to me. The people I mentioned above, don't want to buy a Wii because they don't find its games appealing either. People have different tastes.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Andromeda18_ Wrote:. I know some people who don't intend to buy the Wii either just like I know people who do (so far the only people I know who don't want to buy a PS3 and/or a Xbox 360 are people I met on the internet, like you guys).

I think this kinda illustrates the MASSIVE difference in the three main Gaming Markets. There is NA, (Western mostly) Europe, and Japan, and they all have different projections. The 360 is practically flat lined in Japan. The Wii is held by annalists to be strongest in Japan too. I think it will do the worst in Europe, since Nintendo just doesn?t have the presence over there that it has in other places. NA is set to be a three way right now. Honestly, know one knows exactly what will happen, but I think every console will do pretty dang well here. The PS3 is in the best position since it looks strong in all major sectors, while the other two have weak area's. But in the end it's all speculation. My personal thoughts don't have any reflection on what will happen either. They are just what I think will happen, which oddly enough is based on what other people (who claim to be experts) think will happen lol. If deciphering business models was this easy, we'd all be millionaires right?
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

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