Wii for you and Wii for me
Its interesting since its the first thing you notice that graphics are always talked about when it come to more powerfull hardware.But im a new game sort of person.IF i want old style game then thats what ill get.There are thousands of them all available and constantly more on portable systems.Consoles to me are for a different experience.I want to be drawn into the game.Going back a generation is hard for me.I still enjoy them but the lack of ai physics and visuals hurts(mass efeects emotion system for dialog).I guess thats the thing about wii.As everyone says its about having a different experience but however that relies on the games providing that.If developers try to force games on wii that are better off on ps3 or xbox it will make me sad.Car and fighting games probably are better off on the other consoles for example.And sony if the tilt doesnt work for a type of game, dont use the dam function.They need to use the new controls for new games and not just to experience last gen games a new way.For a system that all about playing together and offering no online as of yet thats just wrong.Ive got a hd tv and going back to sd is gunna hurt as well.Trying to read text on ps2 games after spending time on the 360 is a blurry mess.
They are marketing it for to young an age again as well imo.The nz veiw yet again is going to be that its kiddy.I can envision the marketing allready.Does europe have that problem with nintendo?
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
wrxh8r Wrote:For a system that all about playing together and offering no online as of yet thats just wrong.

What are you talking about man? It is Wi-Fi out of the box. In fact, they want you to be constantly connected to the net for this thing called Wii connect 24 which will automatically download content like game demos and other stuff to it’s internal flash memory. There is also the User Interface which is their Wii Channel's. Basically, turn on your console and you can change to different channels like one for whether, one news, the Mii channel which lets us crate virtual personas (in the form of little 3D charecters you design) to take online to use in games, the opera web browser and obviously the games channel. It's seriously going on line buddy.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Fun is a relative thing. The games that you, Blight and Schultz think are fun are not so fun to me. The people I mentioned above, don't want to buy a Wii because they don't find its games appealing either. People have different tastes.

...you don't find any nintendo games fun? Sad i..i...don't understand. i always thought mario was fun for everyone. shooting shells at people and leaving giant bananas for them to slip on. *sigh*
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
No one here are fact Nazi's but don't spout BS if you have'nt checked it out, of course the wii is online how the F**K are you going to download the thousands of back cataloged games, HELLO!

What you have to realize is that a lot of parents will see the wii as the system to get their kids, family friendly, light on the wallet, and of course the Nintendo name, known to them as quality assurance. Simple logic, many parents will see the ps3 pricetag and smirk, then see the 360 and its sole purpose of slaughter games, then the fun reliable nintendo, elementary.

Especially in the US there are a hell of a lot of gamers under 10 yrs old, my neice and nephew, 7 and 5 love playing video games and I must say quite competent as well, that group adds up to quite a penny for nintendo.
Blight Wrote:I think this kinda illustrates the MASSIVE difference in the three main Gaming Markets. There is NA, (Western mostly) Europe, and Japan, and they all have different projections. The 360 is practically flat lined in Japan. The Wii is held by annalists to be strongest in Japan too. I think it will do the worst in Europe, since Nintendo just doesn?t have the presence over there that it has in other places. NA is set to be a three way right now. Honestly, know one knows exactly what will happen, but I think every console will do pretty dang well here. The PS3 is in the best position since it looks strong in all major sectors, while the other two have weak area's. But in the end it's all speculation. My personal thoughts don't have any reflection on what will happen either. They are just what I think will happen, which oddly enough is based on what other people (who claim to be experts) think will happen lol. If deciphering business models was this easy, we'd all be millionaires right?

I agree with you on this but I think the Wii will do quite well everywhere, even if it will do better in the US and Japan. Like you I think the PS3 looks strong in all major sections. The 360 is the one that seems to have the biggest problem, what with not selling well in Japan. However, the 360 has been around for a while now, what we know we know for a fact, while the other two have yet to be launched so all we can do is try and predict the outcome. Perhaps in the end the 360 will do better than the other two, although I personally doubt that. I do think the 360 will sell better in Japan once the kind of games that appeal to the Japanese start coming out.

wrxh8r Wrote:They are marketing it for to young an age again as well imo.The nz veiw yet again is going to be that its kiddy.I can envision the marketing allready.Does europe have that problem with nintendo?

I can only speak for my country, but Nintendo usually publicizes its products as being for everyone and not just for kids, they tend to focus a lot on the whole 'fun' thing

Homeless Joe Wrote:...you don't find any nintendo games fun? Sad i..i...don't understand. i always thought mario was fun for everyone. shooting shells at people and leaving giant bananas for them to slip on. *sigh*

I find that sort of game fun for a couple of hours (Mario last a bit longer actually) but then I get bored because it's just more of the same. It's the same with racing games, fighting games, etc. I need a story and/or some sort of mystery to keep me interested.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Oh wii is going to be online at some stage i wont deny that.But when.Name one game that isnt pokemon that has online play,at or near launch.Cause right now and since launch 360 has had msging between friends,buddy lists online play.All in all some nice comunity features.So will ps3.Nintendo have always said they are about games but at launch you will be able to view the weather and browse the net.Wheres the games online.Personally i like the extra features.I have an xbox that is for media centre only and i plan on installing linux on ps3 but online gaming has been round forever.Getting it there for launch shouldve been possible.
Went to a comic/geek/gaming show in nz today.Both wii and ps3 had booths showing video reels and plastic display models.Alot of people looking at ds stuff.All of 5 looking at wii.Video reels playing miis and a few more "playable by all age groups games"eg brain training or whatever theyve renamed it.Was very colourful and cute.50 metres away a sony reel was playing with resistance,motorstorm and heavenly sword.Absolutly packed.Had to barge your way past.Thats how bad a state nintendo is in over here.
Ended up spending over half a wii on anime Sad oh well retail theropy. Smile weta had some awsome gear for sale.Superman statues and what not.I so wanted a ray gun.They were so fricken cool.Shouldve taken photos.http://www.wetanz.com/collectibles/index.php
Sorry for ot
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
Just read that Sony is having even more production problems and it looks like they won't even be able to reach there 2 million units by years end. Things looking worse for Europe as they got pushed back to March and now they won't even be able to meet US and Japans. Also with other thread too how they just won court case about imports saying they are unsafe for consumers. I feel sorry for Europe they get screwed not only with the Price.
Its all typical sony.Although in a year or 2 it wont matter either way.None of the ps2 fanbase care since it happened then as well.Sucks for early adopters though.I noticed linux yellow dog announcements(if thats what its called)I hope its left pretty open.Id like to see some media applications.I only use my xbox for arcade and media now.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
WII!!!! WII!!!! WII!!!

The count down is on! 17 Days, for those of you who care!!!!
The launch titles seem a little weak to me. And starting at 10 bucks for N64 game is high. Count me in on Gunstar Heroes, Trauma 2nd, and Super Star Soldier!

http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
The way I see it is nintendo will probably get alot of people on this thing that haven't played before. If you look at what they are doing with the DS with brain training and english lessons etc. they really opened up a new market.

But I'm not someone who falls in this categoy. I want pretier, more complex games. I want huge open worlds with alot going on and realistic physics and lighting and I'm not at all bored of the current controllers. So for people like me and alot of the other nintendo fans it won't bring what I/we want. It'll succed and become popular, just not with the current gaming public. I'll play it for the Zelda's (although Twilight princess is going into my cube), metroids and mario's but I fear that'll be all that caters to my audience. In the end i fear it'll have an even less interesting library than the cube. Lots of exclusives that I'm not interested in.

I could be wrong ofcourse and even hope that I am but with its weak power ports will be hard to do and a good fps costs alot of money to make which devs will probably put into a pc/360/ps3 game before the wii. I also still don't see it being comfortable to play games for a few hour with the remote but we'll see.
I think you are wrong. And for one it does cater to me and i am kinda in your park. but the thing is they have a addon for the remote that will be the standard Gamecube controller. SO you will have your "old" style controllers. Also that list doesn't mention any of the Nintendo games that will be lauched with the console.

And with that remote. Alot of people thought the same thing about getting tired after few hours. Until they played. the reviewer said he played for about 5 hours and didn't feel any tired at all. But that will depend on the person.. You already naturly move you hands when playing regular controllers unthinkingly. Just now those movements will be translated into actual gameplay!

And graphics are overrated. Like now. EQ2 supposdly has "better" Graphics but IMHO WoW's graphics are so much more involving and make you seem more into the game even though they are "cartoony" over EQ2 which feels like no love was given to it.
Schultz Wrote:the thing is they have a addon for the remote that will be the standard Gamecube controller. SO you will have your "old" style controllers.

Does anyone know if they will release any controllers that are the same as the old NES, SNES and N64 controllers? That would be so cool to play the old games with the original controller...
Yes they have a Retro Controller like the SNES one.
If you look at the pic for accessories its that picture. but they don't have any listed in teh accessory's.

Found a better picture
I find it funny that some say the wii is weak, the gamecube can render re 1, 0 and 4 and for the most part those games are far superior graphically to any ps2 game and the wii is much more powerful than that, so I think you graphic whores should reserve said judgement till you have actually played the system.

As far as open and expansive worlds go I get very bored when I spend 70% of gametime running back and forth, you might as well play a track and field game. Also since the wii is using dvds the games can be much longer and have more content.

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