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09-23-2006, 01:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-23-2006, 01:14 AM by Mot_Soldats.)
Blight Wrote:I have a question though: is it immoral of me to have a preference to Nintendo when I am the guy who sells more Video games and equipment at the electronics department in Wal-Mart than anyone else? I don't just come out and say don't buy this and buy this. I explain advantages (like backwards compatibility) and disadvantages (like the 360 sucking ass at backwards compatibility) when I am asked, but I do talk about the Wii a lot.
Doesn't sound like a problem at all since you explain things, if I didn't know about how the 360 is with XBOX 1 games already then I'd WANT to know.
Anyway I just got a DS recently and I'm focusing on it for now. I'll get a Wii next spring or summer it partly matters when Metroid prime 3 / SSBb are released. XBOX 360 and PS3 don't matter to me at all...
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I never been that much of a heavy gamer and I dont really bother reserving stuff or wanting anything right away, but I will admitt that I am going to wait on line for one of the first wiis and LOZ twighlight princess, just because I want to rip it open and use a sword and bow and arrow with that awesome controller. For the first time I writhe with anticipation.
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I'd just like to add that there are supposed to be a million consoles available for the North American release. A million. By comparison, Sony is shooting for 400K and Microsoft had around 358K on their go day. A friggin million Wii’s on day one!
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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Although I have a preference for the Playstation I never had anything against the other consoles. I never bought an Xbox simply because there's no game for the Xbox that I want to play. However, there are a bunch of Xbox 360 games coming up that have left me drooling so I'm pretty sure I'll be buying one eventually. I'm definitely going to buy a PS3, not on launch day because I don't think it's sensible (the release date in Europe was pushed to March anyway) but I'll buy one without a doubt.
Now, as far as the Wii is concerned I'm not so sure. I've never been a big fan of the games released for the Nintendo consoles, with the exception of the Gameboy, and so far the only Wii game I'm interested in is the new Zelda. I could buy the Wii just to play this game, after all it wouldn't be the first time I buy a console just because of one game (that's why I bought a Gamecube) but I would really like to avoid wasting my money like that. I mean, we are talking about 250? (about $315), that pays for almost half a PS3 and almost 2/3 of a Premium Xbox 360. It's not that I don't think it's a good console but if its games don't appeal to me then there's no reason to buy it.
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you don't like nintendo games  they are the most fun games out there. sure, they don't have a lot of blood and shit like that, but i still think mario games are so much fun, and playing mario kart or super smash bros. melee with some friends is a lot more fun then any multiplayer game out there right now.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
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Who said games need to have blood for me to like them? They need to have a story. I get easily bored with a game if there isn't an interesting story to keep me going. I enjoy playing games such as platform games and racing games but I get bored really fast. It doesn't mean there aren't some exceptions but usually that's the way it goes.
I think I'll be buying Okami next week. From all the videos I've watched and reviews I've read it looks pretty good. I hope it is.
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I think that is actually why Nintendo has now become known as the "Other" system. A lot of gamers have a PS2 and a Gamecube or an Xbox and a Gamecube. Simply because there are a lot of really simple fun games that any skill level can pick up and play and most importantly enjoy on the cube. It's the pefect balance against all the FPS or RPG games to have mario and zelda etc; to fall back.
The problem there at least for me is the metal gear factor. Games become so reliant on story and character that you have stopped playing a video game and are now in some journeyman rip of a lame interactive movie to the point where you are no longer attatched in any way to the story or characters. The story just pointlessly compounds itself.
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okami is fun, i'm playing it right now. it looks beautiful and the game play is fun. it's really easy at first but it does get more difficult, though i wouldn't say it's hard.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
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Man there are some killer games to look for on this console. If they can like, completely drop the weak (OMG it is AWEFUL!!!) VO they have for Project Hero's that game has some serious style and looks bad ass. Project Hammer looks interesting. Exite Truck looks fun, and omg the jumps are fracking HUGE! The next Zelda game looks to be a damn near be all end all for the series. But I think, for some odd reason, I really, really want to play Metriod Prime 3 the most. Man does it look awesome. I may wait till then to get a Wii. I want to get one sooner, but hell, with the hours I work right now, I wouldn't get to play the damned thing. Anyway, I think Christmas will be interesting this year. The PS3 will be a fraking bajilion dollars on Ebay, the 360 will probably do well, and the Wii will surprise some, while doing exactly what others have predicted it will do, and that is sell phenomenally well. The power shift cometh, Games could actually get interesting from a design stand point (for ALL consoles) once again.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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Blight Wrote:Games could actually get interesting from a design stand point (for ALL consoles) once again.
i sure hope so
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
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Maybe. I still think the Wii will be the alternative console. If you want nintendo games get a wii. If you want any of the other 50 awesome games nintendo won't pick up cuz theyre dumbasses you gotta get a 360 or a ps3. It may do better than anticipated though. Remember how cheap the gamecube was when it came out...
Also, anyone notice theyre taking reserves for ps3's but not wiis even though the wii is in production for some time now and the ps3 isn't? WTF gamestop.
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They took pre-orders today.. You gotta also figure nintendo has to give the info to the stores so they know how many units each store will be getting etc.. But i was first in line and already have my Wii Reserved along with 4 games!!! woot i can't wait till Nov 19th!
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My friend went by to gamestop half an hour before they opened and was 12th outta 14 wii's we're gonna get.
BTW they had about 8x that many people there for the ps3 reservation and the midwest isn't even going to be getting any ps3's until around march. So ya... the ps3 is already kicking the crap outta the wii. The wii is going to have to be damn impressive to seriously compete. Hopefully the fact that nintendo is no longer giving third parties two middle fingers way up in the air will help the system out. Their third party support is STILL really sad though.
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Well here is one problem. Ps3 will only have 2million consoles out by beginning of the year while the Wii will have 4million. So no ps3's on store shelves while Wii's there for christmas will help out. Also for launch titles there are more Wii launch games then there are Ps3 launch games. And hell i looked through the list about the only game worth a damn (to me) was MGS4 and that looks like it going to be released first part of Dec. And everywhere here the Wii preorders sold out fast. I saw alot of people turned away and trying to go to other stores.
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Cidien Wrote:BTW they had about 8x that many people there for the ps3 reservation and the midwest isn't even going to be getting any ps3's until around march. So ya... the ps3 is already kicking the crap outta the wii.
The head start is immensely important. The fact that there will be, at most, half as many PS3's as there will be Wii's available means a lot. For starters, if you go to get one console as a christmas gift and it isn't there, then you are going to go for something else if you can't get a hold of what you really want. Second, once people do start getting them, and friends see how damned awesome the things is, their minds are going to change. It has been really hard for Nintendo to try to EXPLAINE how the thing works. Some people have better imaginations than others. But once they SEE it, once they get their hands ON IT, they'll want one. Unless they are degenerate fanboys, but fanboys are the minority these day (thank god). I don't deny that Nintendo is taking a big risk, or do I deny that Sony still has a strong brand, but my money is on Wii to not only do better than the cube, but eventually get into a position that will secure their spot in the game industry for another ten years. I don’t care if they are number one, I just want them to be successful and continue to make great games on their own terms.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe