Burning downloaded anime on to DVD
Cidien Wrote:?? Adding black bars doesn't suddenly make the files able to be burned to a dvd that can play in a dvd player. Still need a special dvd player that can play avi/wmv etc.

They're talking about converting the files with TMPGEnc. This will turn the files into acceptable MPEG2 formats that are ready for DVD movie conversion.

But still, the left and right side of the screen will still chop off some of the subtitles, unless you are watching on an LCD or HDTV. Normal TV screens are like a bubble screen and the 4 sides of it cut a bit of the picture off. Most digisubs try to use the full length of the viewed anime since the majority of people are watching it on computer, which we can see the full image without anything cropped off.
Thanks for the warning Gubi,i will register for the forums and try to get a answer on how do i burn MKV files onto dvd,thanks alot for the replies and the website fellas,please keep them coming in!
is there a way that i can open or explore a movie and see the files in it so i can see if the subs are on .srt format instead of when i open it the movie starts playing?
bignev44 Wrote:is there a way that i can open or explore a movie and see the files in it so i can see if the subs are on .srt format instead of when i open it the movie starts playing?

Demux the streams.
Thanks Gubi but how do i do that?

What program do i use to do that?
bignev44 Wrote:is there a way that i can open or explore a movie and see the files in it so i can see if the subs are on .srt format instead of when i open it the movie starts playing?

If you're looking to do that with MKVs, use MKVEGUI. that program will let you extract the files you want. WAVs, AVIs, SRTs, or any other formats that they hide in MKV containers.
I've converted some xvid movies to mpeg2 with a little freeware program called avi2dvd. Its really easy to use but takes a while to decode everything. You can add subtitles and everything and it builds an iso image on its own. Never used it for anime but its really easy to use and there's lots of info on afterdawn including a tutorial.
To save on effort I found it easier just to buy a DVD player that plays Divx and XviD files straight from a DVD. I use a Kiss DP-1000 it does'nt cut off any subtitles on teh top or bottom. It's just another option you might want to take, you can also get 26 Episodes on one DVD-R
"It is not the destination that counts its how you get there"

[Image: ngebanner02.jpg]
sk1nd0g Wrote:To save on effort I found it easier just to buy a DVD player that plays Divx and XviD files straight from a DVD. I use a Kiss DP-1000 it does'nt cut off any subtitles on teh top or bottom. It's just another option you might want to take, you can also get 26 Episodes on one DVD-R

Chipped XBOX with XBMC is the way forward. I doubt Kiss players play MKV or advanced containers and codecs...
Well no, but I dont have a Xbox so that option is not open to me
"It is not the destination that counts its how you get there"

[Image: ngebanner02.jpg]
Psygnius Wrote:If you're looking to do that with MKVs, use MKVEGUI. that program will let you extract the files you want. WAVs, AVIs, SRTs, or any other formats that they hide in MKV containers.

I have that program but i see not option to extract files,i muxed the file and all it did was copy the same file to a different location,i still cant open it...
Uh... then you're not using the same program then. because the E in MKVEGUI stands for extract... and that's the only thing this program can be used for.

Here's what it looks like....

[Image: mkvegui7xl.th.jpg]
Ok thanks pal,i did have the wrong program but i cant find the site to download it from,i did it on Google and they gave me a bunch of French and Italian site.
if your in the US get a philips dvp-642 player, $60 at target. Plays all formats, then you wont have to encode. B
bmvtoys Wrote:if your in the US get a philips dvp-642 player, $60 at target. Plays all formats, then you wont have to encode. B

That dvd player will not play MKVs or OGMs. That DVD player will work with the current standard of Divx and Xvid.

To the person that asked for the link to the program: Here's a link to MKVEGUI

I think you need to install some other program before MKVEGUI will work though... can't think of it at the moment, sorry.

Also, I guess there's already a guide for MKV to DVD if you're interested....

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