The mystery that is JunkieJoe...
It's not troublesome... it's just that the Honest Tea is much more yummy than anything I've ever made... that and I have been known to be pretty lazy at times too...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
JunkieJoe Wrote:lol nah I will keep up with my diet... I all i need is few sacks of oakmeal and i am good ;p... basically first thing when u pick me up from the airport, we go to a grocery store!
So, I am going to need to beg my boss to let me go early that day...
Don't get me wrong, I love Schultz, but grocery shoping is not one of his strong points.

Now as far as teas are concerned, I have a cup of English Breakfast tea with a bit o honey ever now and again. Don't yell at's decaf.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:grocery shoping is not one of his strong points.

Funny lol, my Mom says the exact same thing about my Dad Big Grin XD
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
Well, in less than 2 days The Schultz's will play host to JJ. Time to get him ferschnookered and take some pictures!!!
You guys still in Louisianna? That's a pretty long trip there.

I hope you guys have alot of fun. Next meeting is in europe ok?Wink
Ka-Talliya Wrote:Well, in less than 2 days The Schultz's will play host to JJ. Time to get him ferschnookered and take some pictures!!!

~_~ I am having second thoughts about coming already! first they get me drunk then they post pictures of me on the internet... I dont like that combination.... wait.... maybe I do.....
It's looking like I might get to have brunch with JJ on the following Sunday. I get to play DJ at a wedding up in Ottawa on the 6th and it just seems stupid to me to not get together with him for a nice meal before heading back down to Hamilton.

I hope you guys have a great visit together.
The anticipation of photos has me glued to my keyboard.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I got a phone call this morning at 4. It's JJ on the phone and this is what I hear: "They aren't going to let me on the plane...(pause)...unless I give them your address."
Good lord, scared the crap out of me. I manage to give him the address I think...well, it's somebody's address in the US. JJ and Schultz have been texting back forth on their cell phones...and they won't stop. Rolleyes
So, JJ arrives at 1140 and it's 1050 right now...I can guess Schultz is probably pinging at work with excitement. He even cleaned his computer room!!! :eek:
cleaned his computer room is abit of a strech... more like stuffed most of the junk into the closet! ha! oldest trick in the book... should have stuffed it all under the carpet... Noob...

so yea.. posting this from Ka-Talliya's PC right now... I am behind enemy lines.. I am in redneck country! where WalMart CD section has half a row dedicated to country music! .... just smile and keep walking....

so yea... so far so good, aka no pictures of JunkieJoe taken yet!
Schultz Wrote:man i am going to die early from everything i eat. I don't eat healthy at all. though i have been able to cut back on Soda's quite a bit and drinking more water. But i still have one now and then. In this day and age its hard to keep away from things. JJ will have a challange coming down to keep up with his diet around me lol.

Average 20 beers a week. At a minimum. I am much worse off than you are.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Steve_the_Talking_Pie Wrote:Average 20 beers a week. At a minimum. I am much worse off than you are.

Don't forget the obligotary kebab on the way home on top of the numerous pints! I only managed 8 pints tonight and a double cheese burger... Im typing amazingly well. I must be maturing...
JunkieJoe Wrote:cleaned his computer room is abit of a strech... more like stuffed most of the junk into the closet! ha! oldest trick in the book... should have stuffed it all under the carpet... Noob...

so yea.. posting this from Ka-Talliya's PC right now... I am behind enemy lines.. I am in redneck country! where WalMart CD section has half a row dedicated to country music! .... just smile and keep walking....

so yea... so far so good, aka no pictures of JunkieJoe taken yet!

Actually, the closest is filled with mostly empty boxes for Schultz's multiple monitors. And random anime figurines I haven't found homes for yet.

I have to charge the battery on my camera today. So hopefully we have pictures by tomorrow. It's all rainy and thunderstorms down here today, chance of high winds and hale...yeah.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:I got a phone call this morning at 4. It's JJ on the phone and this is what I hear: "They aren't going to let me on the plane...(pause)...unless I give them your address."

Wow! Security must be really tight in the US if they don't let somebody board a plane unless they know where that person'll be staying!
Looking foward to seeing those pictures. Smile
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
One time coming to Canada the border guards actually called the people I was going to stay with. Of course, it just so happens that was the same trip that I was actually sneaking in the country to stay but they called my bluff... good thing I had the number of a good friend in Hamilton who told good lies for me.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Well, after an eventful weekend of eggs, tuna, steak, WOW, ATVs, Guns and other such assorted things, JJ has returned to his home in the North.
But not before he got caught on camera!!

May I present JJ, The Almighty.Big Grin

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