What truly is known about the mysterious man known as Junkie Joe?
Here are some strange facts you may or may not know:
- JJ lives in Canada
- JJ speaks more than one lanuage
- JJ loves his oatmeal
- JJ has never met Schultz in person
"WAIT! That can't be right!!" You say!
Oh, but it is.
However, come the end of April, these two will meet and I will have the digital images to prove it!!! Yes, that's right!! I will have pictures of JJ and Schultz...(dun, dun, dun)... TOGETHER!!!
Zagatto has met Rei, but for the first time JJ will travel to the Southern US (I hate living here) to meet Schultz.
Check back in about 12 days for exclusive photos found no where else!!!:eek:
Correction, JJ hates Oatmeal ~_~ but eats it religously
and for the last time Ka-Talliya, I will not do "Brokeback Mountain" poses with Schultz!
I would bring my camera down just to shoot a few of those.
JunkieJoe Wrote:Correction, JJ hates Oatmeal ~_~ but eats it religously
and for the last time Ka-Talliya, I will not do "Brokeback Mountain" poses with Schultz!
My apologies. I should have put coffee instead of oatmeal. So, no cowboy hats? Spoilsport!
Been cutting back on coffee too, tea, no sugar + Slice of lemon... yummy... think i am gonna go eat my oatmeal and have some of that!
So, does anyone else think that this meeting just might cause a cataclismic event?
I mean, come on, how long have you two known each other JJ?
umm.. need to ask Schultz on the dates, I think we've met 6-12months before he left for Japan... 5years? maybe more.... wow time flies... thats like 1/5 of my life right there
Ka-Talliya Wrote:- JJ has never met Schultz in person
JunkieJoe Wrote:I think we've met 6-12months before he left for Japan...
a little confused
Wow! I can't believe JJ and Schultz have never met! I thought they were big buddies.
This encounter should be interesting but also a bit awkward since they're finally meeting in person someone they've in fact known for years. Well, I'll be waiting to see those pics. And by the way Ka-Talliya, you're right about JJ being a mystery. Most of us members barely know him.
wow the great JJ will be revealed...
at least we can no see the great person whos filled our shelves with DVD's
and yeah another WOW coz like Andro i thought JJ and Schultz have met coz they are good friends, wel online friends

rav96 Wrote:wow the great JJ will be revealed...
at least we can no see the great person whos filled our shelves with DVD's 
and yeah another WOW coz like Andro i thought JJ and Schultz have met coz they are good friends, wel online friends 
We have tried to make plans before many times. But things just kept falling through. But this time hopefully things will stay as the plane tickets are already purchased. :p
JunkieJoe Wrote:Been cutting back on coffee too, tea, no sugar + Slice of lemon... yummy... think i am gonna go eat my oatmeal and have some of that!
I meant to ask this yesterday. Why are you cutting back on all these things? Do you think you're fat and decided to go on a diet or do you need it for health reasons?
I am not fat, abit skinny, well used to be, I used to eat just about anything, never gaining a pound, I have very fast metablism so I been eating just about anything, 6 months ago I decided to go healthy, read up on the subject, started weight lifting, watching my diet... my friends used to laugh and call me "Alex the nutritionist" but after 4 months they come to me for advice after I put on 42lb of musle.
42lbs of muscle in 4 months! Nice!
I try to eat healthily as well but indirectly it made me sick the other day. I usually drink tea with no sugar, it's the way I like it the most actually. But a couple of days ago I went to a Moroccan bar and drank one of the many teas they served there. The thing is Moroccan tea is supposed to be drunk with a lot of sugar and because I'm not used to it it wasn't long before I was throwing up in the bathroom. Oh man, the shame! It's normal for people to throw up because they had too much to drink but not because of too much sugar in a friggin tea! I guess my stomach just isn't used to that sort of thing anymore.