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Andromeda18_ Wrote:That's something that's been annoying me for some time now. Why is it that Hollywood keeps remaking foreign movies? It does indeed seem like they've completely run out of ideas. It also leads me to believe that it's the public's fault. Most likely the American public doesn't watch foreign movies all that much and so when Hollywood sees the potential of such movies as The Ring or Oldboy they think it will be much more profitable to remake them using American actors. Sounds to me like a cultural problem. there's one thing I want to know about them remaking Japanese movies; do they take out parts of them or something? I know they have before in video games, so I was wondering about the movies.
Like with The Ring, I thought it was decent, but left a lot unexplained & to be desired. Then I read the comics & they helpped me to understand the story a bit more & I actually liked it a bit more.
The Grudge on the other hand just seemed stupid; it went for 'something suddenly pops out' kind of horror & just ended up be lame. And there was sooo much about it that felt left out, but seeing as how I've never watched the original I have don't know if there was, & was wondering if someone could enlighten me on this.
I've had one guy tell me both movies were better in japanese format, but he was just trying to sound like an elitest.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
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Big budget adaptions of whatever medium turned into a movie are rarely for the fans. A movie studio just sees a hot/big property (game, book, series, etc) and believes they could turn it into a big multi million dollar movie. They hope that the fans of the property will see the movie, and for the most part the fans do, however the movies are never made for the fans nor do they ever try to ever make the movies exactly like what they're based off, they're always the director's version of that property, hence they're called "adaptions"
a quote which I think explains what's wrong with re-makes & the sort, it's not done for the fans, it done for the money..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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I guess I wouldn't mind the foreign remakes if when they remade them and didn't americanize them so much or change the story so much. The other thing that bothers me more is when they market them they don't say based on the Japanese ect film. I have had a hell of a arguement with people about the ring and gudge until I could give material proof that the american version was not the original. give credit were credit is due, don't try to pawn the film off as a hollywood original.
So what happened to the day when hollywood was willing to look at original scripts and idea's? I hear there is plans to be a Goonies remake and looks at a Johnny Quest Film and another Stargate film. Come on lets look at something new for a change
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Mantis421 Wrote:I guess I wouldn't mind the foreign remakes if when they remade them and didn't americanize them so much or change the story so much. The other thing that bothers me more is when they market them they don't say based on the Japanese ect film. I have had a hell of a arguement with people about the ring and gudge until I could give material proof that the american version was not the original. give credit were credit is due, don't try to pawn the film off as a hollywood original.
So what happened to the day when hollywood was willing to look at original scripts and idea's? I hear there is plans to be a Goonies remake and looks at a Johnny Quest Film and another Stargate film. Come on lets look at something new for a change Hollywood does them because they make a lot of money. Most people thought The Ring was an original idea and look at how much it made...Remakes are a cheap way to earn good money.
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onizuka17711 Wrote:Hollywood does them because they make a lot of money. Most people thought The Ring was an original idea and look at how much it made...Remakes are a cheap way to earn good money. And that's why to me, indie films have been owning Hollywood more & more through out the years -_-
Even when an indie movie isn't originally, it normally has something really uniqe like wild camera angles or jsut the perfect setting that isn't to fake.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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With as bad as hollywood has gotten in the last 5 years or so with all the remakes ect the best films I have gotten to see were IFC type ones or internet short films Like the BMW Driven series or the Brian Ferry film "The Porter" which is available online and isn't even 15 min long
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Ciden leave your baggage at home, if you have bugs up your ass dont take it out on me.
It was not a complaint I merely stated that it is still possible to make an original movie, I never said every movie I see must be original, you seem to like putting words in my mouth.
I woulld like to know what moron signed off on the honeymooners, or herby. Did they really think it was a good idea, what is with the sci-fi channel its like they take movies and remake them with no budget and horrible acting.
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I agree that Sci-fi chanel has gotten in on the act also I was at least happy with the redo of Dune they did because they expanded on the story which the original film did not but I agree that the presentation is not big screen worthy though. Unfortunatly most of the made for TV films they turn out look and feel more like the Sci-Fi / Horror films you would see on Showtime latenight where they are almost softcore porn.
As much as I enjoyed the short run of this show I am now happy to see hollywood turning out a big screen version of Firefly. They are not even making the special effects anthing more then what they were during the TV show so you are getting a 1 1/2 to 2 hour episode.
These Hollywood types are suppose to be so smart, then why cant they figure out why the new films are doing so bad the last few years
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Mantis421 Wrote:These Hollywood types are suppose to be so smart, then why cant they figure out why the new films are doing so bad the last few years Because all they can see is the effects of what they're turning into a movie; they excpet it to sell because of the popularity of the original, but to insure this they often destory everything the original had going for it to catch the eyes of ALL audiences, & when it fails they say; oh well I guess the idea was just past its prime, time to find something else to remake..
Anyways, yeah I know what you mean about the sci-fi movies, it's about like LifeTime Movie Network, only thankfully not as bad;
the life time original movies; er well, take about five of them, keep switching out dates & character names & you have pretty much every cannon fodder movie they've ever made -_-.
How many movies can you make about a 35 year old man with a wife & two children discovering that he's gay? I've seen it done atleast 3 times -_-
One movie I can think of that was ruined, but I enjoyed was House of the Dead or whatever; when it comes to horror there's two things that are a must;
A) Boobies must be shown 
B) After having sex or attpemting to have sex you must be killed..
I think Cabin Fevor was a stab in the direction of original, save for the ending XD, but it just didn't phase me, plus I had high hopes about one scene I read about, which was completely retarded on film. I think I could make horror movies jsut as well as most the people pumping out the bullcrap these days;
like far to many horror movies aren't horror, they're action with a little suspense & monsters.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Batz Kage Wrote:The Grudge on the other hand just seemed stupid; it went for 'something suddenly pops out' kind of horror & just ended up be lame. And there was sooo much about it that felt left out, but seeing as how I've never watched the original I have don't know if there was, & was wondering if someone could enlighten me on this.
I've had one guy tell me both movies were better in japanese format, but he was just trying to sound like an elitest.
Thing with The Grudge is that the Japanese one was crap and didn't explain anything at all. In fact it's a Japanese trait to have films that are vauge as hell. The Japanese Grudge had less explanation in it than the USA version which then leaves the USA script writers trying to add some story in it (like with the teacher or whatever in the USA Grudge). Same with all the horses and stuff in the USA Ring.
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gubi-gubi Wrote:Thing with The Grudge is that the Japanese one was crap and didn't explain anything at all. In fact it's a Japanese trait to have films that are vauge as hell. The Japanese Grudge had less explanation in it than the USA version which then leaves the USA script writers trying to add some story in it (like with the teacher or whatever in the USA Grudge). Same with all the horses and stuff in the USA Ring.
I agree with what you said when it comes to The Grudge but not so much when it comes to Ringu. Besides, not all Japanese movies are vague as you said. It's truth there's no vaguer a movie than Vital but for instance, One Missed Call and Kagen no Tsuki aren't vague at all.
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Andromeda18_ Wrote:I agree with what you said when it comes to The Grudge but not so much when it comes to Ringu. Besides, not all Japanese movies are vague as you said. It's truth there's no vaguer a movie than Vital but for instance, One Missed Call and Kagen no Tsuki aren't vague at all.
Oh I don't think Ringu wasn't that vague it just didn't have a USA style way of storytelling to it which leaves the US script writers trying to add as much stuff as they can. The truth is the Japanese films should be left as exactly that, Japanese. The Grudge however... What the HELL was that about?
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gubi-gubi Wrote:Oh I don't think Ringu wasn't that vague it just didn't have a USA style way of storytelling to it which leaves the US script writers trying to add as much stuff as they can. The truth is the Japanese films should be left as exactly that, Japanese. The Grudge however... What the HELL was that about? Well uh the american version was like The Shinning take 3.7
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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I think the reason alot of americans especially didn't like the Jap versions of films like the Ring and the grudge is americans are use to movies that have been dumbed down to make them easier to understand. For the most part american audiences need the story and plot in films spelled out to them, they don't want films that make them think. Even with anime some of my friends who just got into anime through me love stuff theat is easy to follow, but dislike stories that make you think stuff like Kino's Journey and Last Exile. Get an american audience to watch Stanley Kuberick or Terry Gilliam film and most can't follow it because they have been conditioned for simpler story lines. European and asian audiences havent had their intelegence insulted for all the years with films like they have here in the USA
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I dunno, I didn't have to think much watching kinos journey or last exile. And there's a difference between having to think to understand a movie and a movie that simply has no plot.