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gubi-gubi Wrote:Wow I got my PSP the other day and I love it! I was lucky to get a PSP with 1.5 firmware which means I can run homebrew stuff (you can play snes roms and stuff. There is even a psx emu in progress!) and now even games off a memory stick duo! I ordered a 256mb one today (want a bigger one but can't afford it!) so I can play all the games of bittorent that are below that size (quite a few are only 150mb or so). I'd suggest if you are thinking of getting one get one quickly so you have a higher chance of getting firmware 1.50 or below...
im not going to worry too much about that stuff right now, the 2.0 update will be so huge that nobody will waste any time designing emulators for it. it will have a word proccessor webbrowser and more. i would pretty much expect everyone to update as soon as it came out
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odin0425 Wrote:it will have a word proccessor webbrowser and more. i would pretty much expect everyone to update as soon as it came out
Why would anyone give up the ability to play homebrew software and psp games off the memory stick for features that you will be able to do with homebrew anyway? There's already a web browser anyway you can download and better ones will follow... I'd take not having to buy games over writing word documents any day.
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I dont even own a psps but so you know sony has modified some of the games so that even if you have not updated it the game will install all the updates itself, and the updates prevent you from running emulators on the psp.
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geo85 Wrote:I dont even own a psps but so you know sony has modified some of the games so that even if you have not updated it the game will install all the updates itself, and the updates prevent you from running emulators on the psp.
True but there is already a fix for that that bypasses the firmware update and loads the game. Piracy will always find away
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gubi-gubi Wrote:True but there is already a fix for that that bypasses the firmware update and loads the game. Piracy will always find away
exactly, and if you had red my post you wouldnt sound so much like a tard here. the fact is this isnt just a dinky little update, after augest 12 new psps will be sold with this firmware version. so they will just hack it agian, and agian and agian, so my question is why not update? BTW you can get the japanise 2.0 firmware from the sony website, it works fine on US PSPs, just updated today, web browser is nice (kinda slow) no word document, but the will probibly release that with the keyboard that suposed to come out (money grubbing basterds) and with the update you can have backdrops.
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odin0425 Wrote:exactly, and if you had red my post you wouldnt sound so much like a tard here. the fact is this isnt just a dinky little update, after augest 12 new psps will be sold with this firmware version. so they will just hack it agian, and agian and agian, so my question is why not update?
Because its not hacked 'yet'. Which means no homebrew untill it is hacked. Besides, there are hardly any good games for it so no need to update untill absolutely necesary.
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elcoholic Wrote:Because its not hacked 'yet'. Which means no homebrew untill it is hacked. Besides, there are hardly any good games for it so no need to update untill absolutely necesary.
Exactly and it might end up never being hacked which then means you have to use a hardware modification which i'd rather not have to do.
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If a portable media device is something you absolutely want then the psp should be the last place you look, more and more come out each month and by January there will be at least one with just about everything you want on it, especially a decent battery life.
Also is it really worth it to spend $50 on a ps2 port, just to play it outside.
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yeah i was thinking should i get a psp but i rather sink the 250 into batteries and whatnot for my laptop at least untill it drops in price to like 150 to 170 or at least like 200 with some extras and stuff
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Even though it hasnt been mentioned since the start of the thread i cant help but wonder what the facination with 300 price point for next gen is.After 10 plus years inflation is gunna hurt.We are only going to get less and less each gen if they continue at that price.
masamune arcade..........still in development
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Hate to through a wrench into your comment but Playstaion 1 initial release was $300, Ps2 was released at $300, Nintendo 64 was released for $200, Gamecube was released for $200. sorry but i don't see your price inflation at all.. the last few genereations have been the same. and specially nintendo ahs always been around the 200 mark i think the SNES was $200 when it was released also..
Its always the company that comes out first that tries to milk the money for the few time that they are only out.. look at dreamcast was like 400 i think saturn was also.. and most of the time people are willing to wait till other thing comes out.
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Thats what i mean.There should be an inflation but there isnt.The dollar isnt worth what it was 10 years ago.Why arnt the prices rising.The cost of a pie for example has almost doubled in nz in that time,same with coke.That is an example to the extreme though.
Kinda like building a house for 20000 in 1960 and expecting to build the same house for 20g now.Why do people expect prices in electronics to stay even.Doesnt make sense to me.But then agian i doubt many people would look at it like that.
masamune arcade..........still in development
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Yea but the issues it Consoles are always sold at cost or loss. they make all there money off of game sales. So mostly its about hitting the right price point that people are willing to pay to get most console sold so more games are going to be sold so they actually make money..
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The PSP has finally come to Europe! It was supposed to be on sale on the 1st of September but the owners of the store where I had pre-ordered mine were nice enough to let me have it on the 31st at 11:30pm.

I've been having lots of fan playing Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade with my boyfriend. The game itself isn't awesome (not exactly the kind of RPG I like the most) but being able to play it with someone else is.
I really like the PSP! The screen is fantastic, the analog stick is really easy to use and quite confortable. I've watched some anime episodes on the PSP as well as some movies and the image quality is beyond anything I could've expected. It was one great purchase!!
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I am glad you like it but i have to say there are alot of things that suck about it.. i think the screen is too reflective and makes it a pain in the ass to play it in any type of sunlight as it reflects anything and everything arround you making it harder then hell to see the game.. the whole casing feels cheap and easy to break. Also i absolutly hate the loading from discs.. and Untold Legends is the prime example of this. Every time you go to char screen you have to wait for the damn thing to access the disc and load all the images for armor and shit in your inventory making it very annoying. Also i have had the system do a full lockup on me .. had to remove the battery to reset the whole damn thing....
But after having both the PSP and the Nintendo DS.. i would say WAIT on both of them until they get alot better games for either of them. IMHO they both suck right now.