Do u know if FX is ever going to come back?
Bottom Line: Nobody here knows anything.... and if they do they arent going to start talking now so people (Not just whoisthis) stop making threads about this because they are extremely pointless.
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
Actually most of the store owners have come out and said that FX is dead and never ever ever ever coming back again. That is is pretty much a done deal.

You can check this thread for updates: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5732

But I doubt there will be any more news on FX other than what has allready been revealed. Let's just hope EZdvd and the other existing companies will pick up the slack.

And I am sure until Vecna's body is put on display for all to see, forums will get this question on a regular basis until FX is completely forgotten.
[Image: kitty.gif]

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