Huge ADV sale!
At Walmart, I saw a Ah! My Goddess, volume 2. I also saw Spirited Away, and Laputa. There are also alot of sailor moon eps (english version of course)

At my new Walmart, I only saw Spirited Away and the Yu Gi Oh movie..I already own Spirited Away, and I hate Yu Gi Oh. But I'll keep my eyes open.
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
the last time i was at wallmart zellers etc. everything was waaaaaaaaay overpriced. I saw Laputa there and there was no price. i had them scan it and they wanted like 40 dollars for it. needless to say... i didnt buy it. Sad
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
vegeta76 Wrote:the last time i was at wallmart zellers etc. everything was waaaaaaaaay overpriced. I saw Laputa there and there was no price. i had them scan it and they wanted like 40 dollars for it. needless to say... i didnt buy it. Sad

Oy, can't say I blame ya. o_o

I saw that DVD at Super Value for 25 bucks. Pretty nice getting it that cheap here of all places (if you lived here, you would know what I mean) But now, Super Value is gone, and Super Store is here. Its prices are mighty good, IF they had anime. Oh well =P Can't say I didnt try.
Theres this one store, called Gamezilla ( Its the cloest gaming/anime store to here. I was happy, but then I took a closer look, and theyre prices scared me.
Example: Revolutionary Giel Utena the Movie - 51.00$ Canadian, damnit! :eek: All of theyre DVDs where that price. And my freind bought The Game Skies of Arcadia (remake) for 80 bucks there.
I WILL give them credit for there VHS though..I mean, 5 bucks isnt all that bah, eh? Big Grin
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
katherine_jean: where exactly in NS do you live? sounds like anime is sorta hard to come by where you are. Im in toronto so its not all that hard to find (a good price is a different story though....).
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
I have a question, how do you track your orders fromn this site?
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:I have a question, how do you track your orders fromn this site?

You don't. Email JJ if you have a specific concern.
Cidien Wrote:You don't. Email JJ if you have a specific concern.

So you can't track your orders fom ADV? or are you talking about Import Anime?
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
vegeta76 Wrote:katherine_jean: where exactly in NS do you live? sounds like anime is sorta hard to come by where you are. Im in toronto so its not all that hard to find (a good price is a different story though....).
I live in Antigonish, NS. Its "The Highland Heart" Most people have heard of us. We hold the Highland games ever year.
I remember they showed us on Marten Mystery once...Oy. They made everyone, fat, scottish, kilt wearing and we lived in huts. Big Grin
Actually we're a pretty rich town. But oh well.
I can find some anime if I go to Halifax, turo, and *sometimes* New Glasgow, getting there is a whole different story. Though I recently have been able to order from I recomend them for Manga. for anime. ^^
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:So you can't track your orders fom ADV? or are you talking about Import Anime?

You should be a little more specific when you say "this site". The answer's obvious.
Cidien Wrote:You should be a little more specific when you say "this site". The answer's obvious.

Oh sorry about that. I was asking if there is any way to track your ordeers from ADV site.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Oh sorry about that. I was asking if there is any way to track your ordeers from ADV site.
Ask the ADV site..not us. Smile
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
Vicious Wrote:I ordered 2 titles from ADV on Friday night when I first found out about the sale.

*wonders how much longer until LE comes in here and starts bashing ADV*
Due to the lack of LE in this thread, I'll fill in:

adv is so stuiped i really hate them theyr va's suck they woodnt give me a job u shud hate them to u guys r so dum y u like those idiots?

Feel better, Vicious?
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
onizuka17711 Wrote:Due to the lack of LE in this thread, I'll fill in:

adv is so stuiped i really hate them theyr va's suck they woodnt give me a job u shud hate them to u guys r so dum y u like those idiots?

Feel better, Vicious?

Lmfao! Big Grin
That was excellent.

I rather like ADV, they have halfe reasonable prices, *sometimes* XD
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Oh sorry about that. I was asking if there is any way to track your ordeers from ADV site.

No. Only way to do it is to call them up.
Geez... it's soOoo tempting to get Lost Universe from them right now... but grr... can't give in.... gotta abstain.

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