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Quote:Because if everyone in the world was like you
He likes to have a big anime collection and he's horny alot :p so how does this keep him from doing good deeds for others? Its not bad to want things in life and its still possible to care for others. Of course it would be great if everyone spend all their energy on making the world a better place but its just not like that and I highly doubt that you have no selfish qualities or you wouldn't be on an anime stores forum.
I'm very materialistic but that car crash you described is how I would react and actually have reacted in the past. I'm very in control of my emotions. Anger never leads to a positive result.
I do agree that selfishness is one of the biggest world problems and mainly the people who want power for themselfs but that can't be comparred to us individuals wanting nice clothes or a nice car.
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Atheists aren't the only jerks around. My entire life almost every "Christian" I've met has
been a jerk to me. Now I believe that once in a while we are all jerks but the ones we
must woorry about are the ones who are like that all the time. Now I guess I'm finally
meeting some true Christians here but just like all Christians aren't jerks, all atheists
aren't jerks either. Course I have only met one atheist so far (Onizuka) and he seems to
be alright. Anyway you are correct Balthier we can't let our emotions rule us, but we can't
ignore them either. Anyway just wanted to point that out to you. Here I go pulling an
Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures but: One More Thing be carful you don't start
stereo typing. Thats all I have to say.
Thanks for acknowledging what I've said
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02-02-2005, 06:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2005, 07:02 AM by balthier.)
elcoholic Wrote:He likes to have a big anime collection and he's horny alot :p so how does this keep him from doing good deeds for others? Its not bad to want things in life and its still possible to care for others. Of course it would be great if everyone spend all their energy on making the world a better place but its just not like that and I highly doubt that you have no selfish qualities or you wouldn't be on an anime stores forum.
I'm very materialistic but that car crash you described is how I would react and actually have reacted in the past. I'm very in control of my emotions. Anger never leads to a positive result.
I do agree that selfishness is one of the biggest world problems and mainly the people who want power for themselfs but that can't be comparred to us individuals wanting nice clothes or a nice car.
Well, yea individuals have ROOM for selfishness lol. But if a person devotes themself to presidency, if that person takes as much free time as any normal person he becomes selfish because doing so would hurt others. However, selfishness like "I want all my anime now" (which i have stated before lol) and things like that will lead you to react negatively when someone accidently imposes on you, whether it be hitting your car bumper or someone running and knocking into you on accident, if you are used to being selfish you're gonna act selfishly in certain situations that could hurt others.
It is possible to seperate the two, like when you're out in public you're selfless and when you're in your room secluded with anime you can be as selfish as you want. I'm just saying the MORE selfish a person is the more likely they will disrupt things in a situation when it will only cause harm.
Let me put it this way. If you are selfless enough to let the dog outside so his bladder don't explode during your favorite anime scene, well then ya might not react selfishly when something bad happens to you.
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just read all this topic ..very interesting read and vlid points...
and i must say one thing!
Religions unite and divide Humanity!
the latter being the killer of kinds and nations
ultimately its none other than a control system...
for example holy books are meant to be the "word of God"
and if you believe that then so be it...but somebody has to remind you that through out the years these so called words of god have been edited,translated (most of the time witgh high inaccuracies), interpretted, reinterprutted and events and such were written by HUMANS! and biases have been put in through out the years
i simply cant believe with BLIND faith as a lot of religious people do...pah
the HUMAN FACTOR will always be the CORRUPTING FACTOR!
most high end "priests" etc back in the day... preached holy book to those illiterate and so imposed there own views which most of the time lead to their idolisation in the guise of being gods own...hahahahaha
i was born into a religiuos Sikh family...but have had my turmoils with god or w/e...i dont believe he is my God (i believe we all have the same one but religions are different interpretatins which have been corrupted by Humans) but everyones...
God is no being but a belief
that to me is the defintion of GOD ie its the "the personification of Hope"
and hope is what gets alot of humans through life.
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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rav96 Wrote:just read all this topic ..very interesting read and vlid points...
and i must say one thing!
Religions unite and divide Humanity!
the latter being the killer of kinds and nations
ultimately its none other than a control system...
for example holy books are meant to be the "word of God"
and if you believe that then so be it...but somebody has to remind you that through out the years these so called words of god have been edited,translated (most of the time witgh high inaccuracies), interpretted, reinterprutted and events and such were written by HUMANS! and biases have been put in through out the years
i simply cant believe with BLIND faith as a lot of religious people do...pah
the HUMAN FACTOR will always be the CORRUPTING FACTOR!
most high end "priests" etc back in the day... preached holy book to those illiterate and so imposed there own views which most of the time lead to their idolisation in the guise of being gods own...hahahahaha
i was born into a religiuos Sikh family...but have had my turmoils with god or w/e...i dont believe he is my God (i believe we all have the same one but religions are different interpretatins which have been corrupted by Humans) but everyones...
God is no being but a belief
that to me is the defintion of GOD ie its the "the personification of Hope"
and hope is what gets alot of humans through life.
Very well said, you are correct on basically all of that. However different religions MORALS and PHILOSOPHY are basically the same, yet small events are differenet and those small events is what seperates the religions, when in truth the small events mean jack shit. It's how we interpret the religion and then decide how to live our lives. Instead religious people do feud with other religions (which in a sense is against their own religion). So any feuding religious person is obviously not seeking peace, but seeking to impose or disrupt for selfish reasons.
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02-02-2005, 07:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2005, 07:26 AM by balthier.)
onizuka17711 Wrote:And what's wrong with living by emotion? My life is my own, so I will live it for myself and for no one else. And how exactly is being materialistic or lustful selfish? How is doing what I want with my life hurting anybody else?
I just thought of something. Onizuka (who has an influence on you aparently) is VERY selfless. He became a wanted fugitive in Japan so a selfish little school girl could get away with murder. He jumped infront of a truck to save a woman (ok easier to do but still selfless) If you like Onizuka why would you be the exact opposite?
P.S. Onizuka is my favorite anime character of all time.
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balthier Wrote:I just thought of something. Onizuka (who has an influence on you aparently) is VERY selfless. He became a wanted fugitive in Japan so a selfish little school girl could get away with murder. He jumped infront of a truck to save a woman (ok easier to do but still selfless) If you like Onizuka why would you be the exact opposite?
P.S. Onizuka is my favorite anime character of all time. Now you can't tell me that Onizuka doesn't like his porno and cash, too :p . It is possible to be both you know...
^^Made by Blight
"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
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And another thing, why do you seem to think all atheists are selfish? You know, I seem to recall someone calling you the same think when you spoke of how it was stupid to pay for legal anime.....
^^Made by Blight
"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
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onizuka17711 Wrote:And another thing, why do you seem to think all atheists are selfish? You know, I seem to recall someone calling you the same think when you spoke of how it was stupid to pay for legal anime.....
Indeed. That's been bugging me aswell. Like good deeds can only be done by people who believe. In this world (and the past) the worst things imaginable are/have been done by people who call themselfs religious (even though you say they're fake). I think your confussing materialistic and selfish. Huge difference.
We might be selfish towards your god by not acknowledging him your eyes. You have no points to prove why we would be selfish towards humanity. Its the other way arround even. We make the most out of life because we know/think that's all there is. As long as religios people believe they will go to heaven when they die all is good for most of them and do not have any goals in life except getting into heaven.
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balthier Wrote:Yeah you're absolutely right. All because someone says they're a christian doesn't mean they "follow" christianity. If they did they wouldnt be lustful or materialistic but ya know what? They are. Thats why I stated earlier only 90% (i dont know the exact amount but VERY FEW) actually follow their religion, including priests and all those high up religious people.
I don't go to church or worship, but I have christian beliefs and at the same time I translate the bibles symbolism in to something different then what "regular christians" are taught in church. I think taking the bible literal is stupid and blindly believing it means you are flawed, because if you go and "blindly" believe the first thing that is taught to you, you could be making a mistake, especially if you keep on blindly believing things only to be shocked and have a nervous break down when you realize the harsh truth.
I guess what I meant about atheists being carnal is.. atheists "beliefs" are selfish, because they want the proof and facts to everything before they believe anything to be true. Carnal meaning controlled by ones emotions... well if you have to experience things to believe them I'd say you're controlled by emotions. If there is a force driving you that isn't directly related to "how you momentarily feel" then you are beyond carnal. Alot of religious people are just as selfish as athiests if not more selfish, but they are hypocrites to the doctrines of their religion.
It seems to me you see human beings as black and white creatures. We're not, we're gray. I need things to be proved for me to believe them, I live by my emotions yet I keep them under control, I believe in abstract things like love and kindness and these are no different than faith. I've been in a terrible car accident in which a truck smashed the car I was in against another truck in front of the car. My boyfriend was stuck inside, the firefighters had to cut the car open to get him out and all of this happened because the truck driver was talking on his cell phone while driving. Did I get mad at him? No, I didn't. People talk on the phone while driving, they shouldn't, but they do, it happens, it was an accident. I was the one who told the man to calm down 'cause he really thought he had killed us. I, like most people, can be extremelly good or extremelly evil. It has nothing to do with being an atheist or a believer. I don't go around killing people and that's because it's common sense, I think of the consequences, to me and to others. I don't need to believe in a higher being to control myself, to live in society and be nice to others. This is what I mean by "gray". Everybody is capable of the best and of the worst and it's not religion that prevents or promotes either, even when people use it as an excuse for both. People believe in god because it's conforting, many because they were taught to believe their whole lives, because they just do, but that doesn't make them any better than non-believers, any less selfish, any less evil, or carnal or whatever because in the end they're just human beings.
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Well, that just about sums it up perfectly for me. Lets close the thread and move on
BTW, are you sure you're just 22?
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onizuka17711 Wrote:Now you can't tell me that Onizuka doesn't like his porno and cash, too :p . It is possible to be both you know...
Yeah yea :p
Btw I did state it was possible to be both earlier. And Andromeda I think you're cool
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elcoholic Wrote:Well, that just about sums it up perfectly for me. Lets close the thread and move on
BTW, are you sure you're just 22?  Yep, me too. Nicely put, Andromeda.
^^Made by Blight
"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
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