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Ryujin Wrote:I don't tend to like topics/ideas like this because they are very self indulgent and in a way a little arrogant to assume that we have some mystical purpose here. There is no "meaning" to life or any purpose, people simply exist to exist, same as all life. There is no grand scheme or predefined fate designed by someone pulling the strings and controlling our every move.
I mean its not like a job, "ah your purpose artist!". People simply exist to exist, no particular reason or purpose behind it. And if you really wanted to add some kind of meaning to life, then look at the traits that all life share. Survival and reproduction. If life had any particular "meaning" then that would be it.
We exist, and anything that you consider good or bad is simply abstract association created by society and attached to an action or happening. It's simply based on your perception which stems from your upbrinning and surroundings. So nothing any human or anything else does is inherintly good or evil, positive or negative, these are simply ideas that we attach to them based on our perception and society.
So this thing of "why do we exist if there is so much evil in the world" kind of idea doesn't really fly with me.
I think you live inside my mind, you have to!  Now seriously, I do agree with you but I also think that most religious people can't think like this. If you believe in a higher being you will likely believe we're here for some reason, that we're special. Since I'm an atheist and I don't think I'm any better than my fellow mouse I believe I'm just like any other animal. I was born just like an animal is born and while that animal will live to eat, sleep, breed and then die I'll do something more but that's my business and it's no intended purpose. I also think that the ones who ask themselves too often what the purpose of life is will eventually become deeply depressed. :p
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I wouldn't say that Andromeda, they will only become deeply depressed if they can't find and fulfill their purpose. I however have found it and fulfil it everyday, nothing can depress me... NOTHING
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Schultz Wrote:So what came first the Chicken or the Egg?
Well, actually it's not that big a mistery. Chickens evolved from another animal, regardless of whether that animal laid eggs or not (most likely did) the truth is the chicken came first, the chicken's egg was laid by that chicken but before the chicken appeared for the first time there were no chicken eggs. And if you want to talk about eggs in general then all animals evolved from unicelular organisms (which according to theories appeared in the ocean through chemical reactions and/or came from space on meteorites), the primitive "animals", so basically eggs came afterwards.
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balthier Wrote:I wouldn't say that Andromeda, they will only become deeply depressed if they can't find and fulfill their purpose. I however have found it and fulfil it everyday, nothing can depress me... NOTHING
I only said that because many, many people can't find a purpose or then end up realising it's all in vain. You're a fortunate case!
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Andromeda18_ Wrote:Well, actually it's not that big a mistery. Chickens evolved from another animal, regardless of whether that animal laid eggs or not (most likely did) the truth is the chicken came first, the chicken's egg was laid by that chicken but before the chicken appeared for the first time there were no chicken eggs. And if you want to talk about eggs in general then all animals evolved from unicelular organisms (which according to theories appeared in the ocean through chemical reactions and/or came from space on meteorites), the primitive "animals", so basically eggs came afterwards.
If that first chicken evolved, then the egg had to be there before the chicken. It may not have been layed by a chicken, but it contained a chicken. Which in my opinions makes it a chicken's egg, not a dino-chicken-like-creature's egg. For the chicken to come first it would have to have been magically zapped into creation without the use of eggs.
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WandererX12 Wrote:If that first chicken evolved, then the egg had to be there before the chicken. It may not have been layed by a chicken, but it contained a chicken. Which in my opinions makes it a chicken's egg, not a dino-chicken-like-creature's egg. For the chicken to come first it would have to have been magically zapped into creation without the use of eggs.
It wouldn't be a chicken's egg. Imagine chickens evolved from crocodiles (LOL! I have no idea what the chicken's ancestor was  ). Since at first a chicken, as all other animals, was a mutation of the animal from which it evolved then, in this crazy example I just made up, a crocodile laid crocodile eggs and from one of them a mutation was born and that mutation was a chicken. So yes, as far as eggs go the egg was there first but it would be a crocodile egg not a chicken egg, that would come from the chicken itself. But since the real question is "what came first, the egg or the animal who laid it?" if we trace it all the way back to the beginning of life on Earth then like I said the " animal" (unicelular organism) was there first.
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Wow, look Schultz. They're actually discussing it :eek:
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As much as I'd like to believe the whole good vs evil thing, my studies of Satanism leads me off that path with simple, yet seemingly irrelivant beliefs; that being that humans are born (in the eyes of most religious people) as evil. They are nothing but animals by nature. They will kill, they will commit any sin possible, less taught otherwise by morals (most of which come from religion). The Satanic belief is simply, that babies are the purist example of a human, seeing as they've yet to be tainted by any religion.
All that said, basicly it means all morals come from beliefs, they're not with us at birth, & without those morals we are evil..
Genetics aside, the above makes sense. In most cases, morals are learned as infants, rare cases show proof that a child raised in a "white trash" family won't in turn be "trash".
Personally, I am against most christan based religions, seeing as how pretty much everything that makes up the religion was around in other religions which date back futher than it.
And from my (limited) understanding, to much of the religion has passed through the hands of man.
That and too, Lucifer- Bringer or Light/Knowledge...the bible at many points reffer to Jesus as the bringer of knowledge, would would imply that he's satan...
My own personal belief (Cathanism), actually contridicts most of the above anyways
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Meh..I could argue these points and continue this discussion, but I don't really care enough and it conflicts with one of policies of never getting into religious debates, so I'm outta here, later.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
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Enjoy the time you've got; that is the point of life. If you are an atheist like me, you've got no heaven to go to after death. You've gotta live your life like it's your heaven.
^^Made by Blight
"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
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Yea, I could argue your satanic beliefs right into the ground but I'd rather let ya burn in hell for eternity then try to enlighten you're poluted soul. I'm no saint
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first of all i'd like to ask you where in the bible it says hell is a place where people where burn and be tortured for all eternity. because i believe the hell is only described as a distance from god and heaven as a closeness to him. now, i'm not sure what it says in the bible, i'm working on reading it all so i'll know, but from what i've been taught in church god has a purpose for everyone, and knows all that is to come. now by having a purpose, doesn't that mean he made us for a reason. made us to acomplish a goal and he already knows we will achieve it. doesn't that mean that we have no free will, at least not when it comes to our destiny? o and i don't have msn messenger. as andromeda said, the chicken came first, for there to be a chicken an egg, there must be a chicken to lay it.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
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Homeless Joe Wrote:first of all i'd like to ask you where in the bible it says hell is a place where people where burn and be tortured for all eternity. An ex-bud of mine of sorts said in the bible his people read, if you actualy think about the description of what was said, that they were talking about a town inwhich all the dead people were burnt for funerals or something like that.
I don't read bibles, well sorta don't. I've reasd little excerts of some Christan/Catholic bibles, & I've read a few passages from the Satanist bible. I decided a long time ago, that if I was going to bash a religion I'd atleast know something about it first.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Homeless Joe Wrote:first of all i'd like to ask you where in the bible it says hell is a place where people where burn and be tortured for all eternity. because i believe the hell is only described as a distance from god and heaven as a closeness to him. now, i'm not sure what it says in the bible, i'm working on reading it all so i'll know, but from what i've been taught in church god has a purpose for everyone, and knows all that is to come. now by having a purpose, doesn't that mean he made us for a reason. made us to acomplish a goal and he already knows we will achieve it. doesn't that mean that we have no free will, at least not when it comes to our destiny? o and i don't have msn messenger. as andromeda said, the chicken came first, for there to be a chicken an egg, there must be a chicken to lay it.
You can believe you're purpose / destiny is predetermined and that you have no free will but then what in the hell would make you think god would want you saying this bullshit? You are the example of free will because you're an example of what god doesn't want
People like you are a casualty to god, and true christians, catholic, jews, ect people that believe in god are his absolute joys, it makes it that much better to not have mindless robots loving you and instead have great people that overcome all evil with still having their same beliefs undeterred while other idiots (I say atleast 65% of the population) that choose ultimately to remain in a static state of mind where they never progress because they are too damn stubborn to think "they" could actually learn more.
~When a person becomes concieted and stubborn they become unable to learn, not because they can't learn, but because they don't want to, because they believe they already know what they need to to live a great life and never feel miserable no matter what happens to them, however they are wrong and if you are one of those people you will realize that in a critical moment and that moment finds everyone whether you want to deny it until the very second it happens or accept it, overcome any hardship in advance, and remain uneffected when it does happen.
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balthier Wrote:~When a person becomes concieted and stubborn they become unable to learn, not because they can't learn, but because they don't want to, because they believe they already know what they need to to live a great life and never feel miserable no matter what happens to them, however they are wrong and if you are one of those people you will realize that in a critical moment and that moment finds everyone whether you want to deny it until the very second it happens or accept it, overcome any hardship in advance, and remain uneffected when it does happen. You just descrbied half the close minded @s$holes I know...all of which are "christans"; hmm, maybe there's a connection there..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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