Now this question has been bugging me for an extremely long time and it's about life in itself. Today it came out again when Daisy asked me about it...
Why are we really here is there a reason other than to destroy everything we touch? But there are two points to this question that deals with my personal thoughts for starters if humanitys good was weighed against its evil[see X to understand this thoughts origin] humanity would be dead. While you want to believe in the good of man there is no pure good some are more good than evil but most are not. I know I am less good than evil but it's not all black and white its not that simple everything about its truly a puzzle. The point is humanity does destroy we are the only creatures to truly kill out of ego and it's sad....Do we really have a purpose of any sort?
Why are we here for such a short time? By the time we know what we really want we die that's what I honestly believe....
I think you've been watching waaay too much Eva.
Vicious Wrote:I think you've been watching waaay too much Eva.
Never seen Eva and have no interest in it. That's the first problem with your remark so heres my advice learn that some people really do have deep thoughts such as this one. It is the reality of this world if what ive said before hasnt made everyone realize that by now its sad...
I wonder as well and also if there is a God who created him/her?
That was a jump to conclusion what Vicious said. I hear it has a lot of why we are here thoughts and questions in the show also it was slow. I myself have never seen EVA and don?t plan to for the reason it is slow and also doesn?t make sense at the end. I have a friend that has seen it about 6 times now and still doesn?t get it. You would think at age 30 you could get the gist of it. I guess with age comes confusion.
You were saying we are here for a short time and I believe this to be true. I was thinking how young people are starting there careers from 19-25. That?s young then I think it takes only a good 20 more years and you?re almost ready for retirement. Its scary and weird why time it self is so fast noting stops it just keeps on going. Also we work while we are young and then when we are old we cant have fun because we are too old to do anything risky. We should have the first 30 years to have fun and live then work till we die or till we can?t stand.
I don't tend to like topics/ideas like this because they are very self indulgent and in a way a little arrogant to assume that we have some mystical purpose here. There is no "meaning" to life or any purpose, people simply exist to exist, same as all life. There is no grand scheme or predefined fate designed by someone pulling the strings and controlling our every move.
I mean its not like a job, "ah your purpose artist!". People simply exist to exist, no particular reason or purpose behind it. And if you really wanted to add some kind of meaning to life, then look at the traits that all life share. Survival and reproduction. If life had any particular "meaning" then that would be it.
We exist, and anything that you consider good or bad is simply abstract association created by society and attached to an action or happening. It's simply based on your perception which stems from your upbrinning and surroundings. So nothing any human or anything else does is inherintly good or evil, positive or negative, these are simply ideas that we attach to them based on our perception and society.
So this thing of "why do we exist if there is so much evil in the world" kind of idea doesn't really fly with me.
Very good post Ryujin. I completely agree.
My reply was going to be: Why does there need to be a reason? but you said the same with a few more words

I, too, agree with Ryujin. Why does there have to be a point? Humans seem to try and invent a purpose to life whether its there religon or whatever, but I don't think I need a purpose in life other than to enjoy my time here.
Humans exist to screw each other over!
PS. did i mention i lost my faith in humanity quite a while back

rav96 Wrote:Humans exist to screw each other over!
PS. did i mention i lost my faith in humanity quite a while back

That makes sense and I yeah faith in humanity has been a lost cause for a long time...
Hmmm, I swear I know the answer to this;
You know that big guy in the sky? We call him God, & a few other names, well, whatever that power is got bored with his own friends (angels or whatever) who stayed the same, so he made lots of little imperfect things (& contray to some ideas of Christanity, imperfection doesn't mean evil -_-) that can evolve in both body & mind...thus we are pure entertainment to a higher being.. Why he contiunes to watch the same boring arse show I'll never know, which then again i'm sure he has many more channels, & we are contantly coming up with better technology. So maybe one day he'll let us clash with another of his majorly entertaining groups
Like 50% of that is part of Cathanism..
i think there is no purpose to life. there is no destiny, no preordained order to things. the whole thing about god is a difficult subject. if god created us, already knows the beginning, end, and everything inbetween, then where is are free will? we are told we have free will but if are creator shapes and molds us, already knowing the outcome of his creation, that means are destiny was preordained and whatever we do, is what he knew we would do, what he made us to do, is that free will?
Homeless Joe Wrote:i think there is no purpose to life. there is no destiny, no preordained order to things. the whole thing about god is a difficult subject. if god created us, already knows the beginning, end, and everything inbetween, then where is are free will? we are told we have free will but if are creator shapes and molds us, already knowing the outcome of his creation, that means are destiny was preordained and whatever we do, is what he knew we would do, what he made us to do, is that free will?
All of which hence the reason that Cathanism says we were created to entertain him, therefore we have free will.
Puppet Master Wrote:Never seen Eva and have no interest in it. That's the first problem with your remark so heres my advice learn that some people really do have deep thoughts such as this one. It is the reality of this world if what ive said before hasnt made everyone realize that by now its sad...
I'm sure people do have deep thoughts. I just wouldn't actually ask them on an anime forum. Most anime fans are high school/college kids. What type of answer are you expecting to get from them? Actually, I wouldn't post it on any online forum. I'm not asking serious questions to people I've never met and have no idea what their face looks like.
If you NEED an answer: In Islam, we're taught that our purpose for being is to worship Allah and that this life is a test for the afterlife.
Naruto Wrote:I wonder as well and also if there is a God who created him/her?
This one question is the reason I stopped being a commited Christian. The whole Christian religion is based on the fact that God has always existed. That makes absolutely no sense.
So what came first the Chicken or the Egg?