A question for Kerry supporters
Last Exile Wrote:if you dont like kerry , wake up bush is just got to fuck us in the end and then all of us will be gay if you know what i mean, so just dont vote bush shouldnt win cause you hate kerry. hell vote nader.

our early election booths are fucking up some one voted 5 times for kerry and 4 out of the 5 times it came out bush , funny the machines were made in florida hummmmmmmmmm....



That is really messed up...The damn machines don't work but that's not really a surprise modern technology is unreliable in this situation from the looks of it...But as far as Vote Nader. It has been said many times that a vote for Ralph Nader is just like a vote for Bush. I mean lets be honest Nader has no chance in hell of winning or I would vote for him. It's been obvious that he has no chance but there?s one thing that's impressive about him and that is the fact that he hasn?t quit. Maybe a little off topic but just stating the truth...
[Image: IA.jpg]

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Interesting link. If you are sqeamish don't take a look as a few pictures are very graphic and very real. These are not the fakes.

Why to vote for Bush in 50 pictures. Yes, it's pure opinion. Yes, I agree with it 100%

Cidien Wrote:Interesting link. If you are sqeamish don't take a look as a few pictures are very graphic and very real. These are not the fakes.

Why to vote for Bush in 50 pictures. Yes, it's pure opinion. Yes, I agree with it 100%


To me they arent very graphic but they do show the worlds reality for what it really is too a point...I have seen many of those images or similar ones before so that's probally why it I don't find it disturbing at all...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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There is a picture of a man head after it was chopped off and another americans charred body hanging from the bridge. While I can look at it I feel sick/angry every time I see a picture of those charred bodies hanging from the bridge. I hope every single person there celebrating dies the most horrible death possible.
Half those pictures wouldn't have been made if Bush would have minded his own business.

Quote:There is a picture of a man head after it was chopped off and another americans charred body hanging from the bridge. While I can look at it I feel sick/angry every time I see a picture of those charred bodies hanging from the bridge. I hope every single person there celebrating dies the most horrible death possible.

While I'm not going to make excuses for it but this is war. US soldiers did the same in WWII, Vietnam and for that matter in Iraqi prisons. This is what you choose for and knew would happen. These are people who feel worse than when Saddam was president. They were 'freed' by bombs. Instead of seeing armies in their streets fighting for every street the US bombed the country flat which is good for winning a war but its the worst way to make the citizens accept you. If your house is bombed down or someone you know is killed how can you ever say ohh well, its for the good of the country, lets welcome the americans when you never invited them or attacked them in the first place. Most Iraqi's don't have a clue why this war is fought (neither do we really) and only see people invading their country. This war has been fought the wrong way to make everyone embrace democracy in Iraq and thats Bush's fault. He should take responsibility for his actions.

Quote:Exactly, Kerry is a LIAR. Always has been since the very beginning of his political career, always will be. Bush isn't making excuses or outrageous claims like this. I for one do NOT want a liar who says whatever people want to hear to get into the white house. Those kind of people are the very worst kind we could possibly elect to run our country. Yes, sadly history has plenty of people like that. I've pointed out in the other thread Kerry lies about other things. If it may change anyones mind let me know and i'll make an entire point of the outright lies (just the major ones, not the minor ones) that Kerry has and is still making. Such as suppressing one million black voters last election. I still find it hard to believe he's trying to so to deceive that black voters in america. This isn't the 70's Kerry, come join the rest of us in the year 2004.

Back up there buddy. Bush isn't making excuses or outragious claims? What about the war and the WMD? If seen him say many times: "Saddam has WMD, we know what he has and where they are blablabla". Lies, all lies.

I'm not clear on the black voters thing in Florida. Did or didn't it happen?

And I'm interested about your lies from Kerry Cidien? Although I must tell you I expect some big ones from you if I'm to believe he's worse than Bush. And please don't come to me with Bush propaganda and his voting record. I don't know alot about Kerry but I'm pretty sure his 'lies' didn't cost any lives.
Cidien Wrote:(sorry rarnom if you only wanted democrats to post)

Naw, at this point people have resorted to bashing Bush again, and so anything is fair game.

And as far as Bush lying about WMD's, I don't think that it should be called an out and out 'lie'. He was giving information based on what he thought was the truth. He didn't intentionally mislead everyone. Many politicians including Clinton and Kerry have been quoted on record as saying how Sadaam was a 'threat' and that he had WMD's. I thought this was old news anyway... Rolleyes

Also, all due respect mr. elcoholic, but if you are basing all your opinions on 'Farenheit 9/11', you have to realize that that film is not the god's honest truth. Mike Moore is one of the most radical left wing bomb throwers out there. You can't trust him to give a completely unbiased and fully factual account of events. You wanna talk about 'propaganda'? Mike Moore might as well be the Democratic Minister of Propaganda.

And yes, there are right wingers who also do the same thing like Hannity and Rush, but while I do agree with them more, I take what everyone says with a grain of salt because this IS an election. Even Sean Hannity has said on his show that there are things that he disagrees with the President on, but that this isn't the time to show descent.
In a way I think I have the same feeling. There are things here and there that I might not agree with Bush on, but I agree with him on many more important issues than Kerry.

I say just educate yourself (using the news and other 'non-partisian' sources) and pay attention to what YOU see. Just like I did when I saw Kerry make the outrageous statement about keeping us 'safe'. I have been watching Kerry this whole election and the more he talks and promises me the world the more I realize that I do not want him as my president. If you like what Kerry says then you should vote for him.
Last Exile Wrote:i just cant get over bush and his stupidity. "Internets" "We Will not have a Volnter army, uh..uh..uh..uh i mean a draft." I dont believe a word bush says so i guess if you want to fight for our country go right ahead and vote for bush you panseeeeey ass mother fuckers.
Why vote for bush he is a stupid fuck. i call him curious george cause he loooks like a monkey in so many ways ! he is always amused with things that he doesnt get or cant understand. in my opinion he should be sent back to school and not be left behind.

if you dont like kerry , wake up bush is just got to fuck us in the end and then all of us will be gay if you know what i mean, so just dont vote bush shouldnt win cause you hate kerry. hell vote nader.

our early election booths are fucking up some one voted 5 times for kerry and 4 out of the 5 times it came out bush , funny the machines were made in florida hummmmmmmmmm....

Actually if you knew more about how things work.. You would see that if Kerry is Elected you would probably have more of a chance for a Draft.. Kerry wants to Get ride of the Inactive Reserves which basically is this.
Say if you do 4 years Military service your contract is actually for 8 years.. Basically you do 4 years Active and then 4 years Inactive which basically means you do nothing but you can still be called up to do miltiary stuff. Like the Current Iraq Conflict. Which using this since those are people that signed up and commited to this.. They can't really complain. well they can but they shouldn't since they singed the contract. Now Kerry has said he was to get ride of this.. (This is also what he is calling the Psudo Draft) When he gets ride of this and now when america needs extra solders where do you think he would be able to get them? He would have to initiate a draft to get people instead of calling the Inactive Reserves.. So please learn a bit more before you say Blanket statements like that.
Cidien Wrote:Interesting link. If you are sqeamish don't take a look as a few pictures are very graphic and very real. These are not the fakes.

Why to vote for Bush in 50 pictures. Yes, it's pure opinion. Yes, I agree with it 100%


So by voting for Bush things like this won't happen or slow down around the world? That is so fucking WEAK!!! Shit like this will always go on, as long at there is difference in the world, it doesn't matter who is in office, Bush or Kerry. I think it was stupid for Kerry to promise no more attacks like 911, and Bush for declaring war on a country that had no links to Al Qaeda. I'm from a third world country where my school didn't get bomb threats, we just got bombed, by terrorist. Americans don't hear everything that goes on around the world, well unless its in the middle east its seems as of late. Most of the other third world countries go through this stuff everyday, but there is no news there. Why don't they post the pictures of the innocent people that have died because of the war, hell all the other news around the world do, they show video footage of people in Iraq crying and cursing American soldiers. I have a few friends over there now, and I pray that this shit comes to an end soon. Well I'm not going to start another debate, by saying who I am voting for, I think you guys are doing a great job with that, bringing up good points from both sides. I usually keep out of political debates, but this 50 reasons to vote for Bush is fucking stupid, but then again that's just my 2 cents.
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rarnom Wrote:2. If Kerry wins, and we are attacked, do you think Kerry will apologize? Or will he blame the Bush administration?

He certainly would be pulling a Bush if he did that.
evilomar Wrote:So by voting for Bush things like this won't happen or slow down around the world? That is so fucking WEAK!!! Shit like this will always go on, as long at there is difference in the world, it doesn't matter who is in office, Bush or Kerry. I think it was stupid for Kerry to promise no more attacks like 911, and Bush for declaring war on a country that had no links to Al Qaeda. I'm from a third world country where my school didn't get bomb threats, we just got bombed, by terrorist. Americans don't hear everything that goes on around the world, well unless its in the middle east its seems as of late. Most of the other third world countries go through this stuff everyday, but there is no news there. Why don't they post the pictures of the innocent people that have died because of the war, hell all the other news around the world do, they show video footage of people in Iraq crying and cursing American soldiers. I have a few friends over there now, and I pray that this shit comes to an end soon. Well I'm not going to start another debate, by saying who I am voting for, I think you guys are doing a great job with that, bringing up good points from both sides. I usually keep out of political debates, but this 50 reasons to vote for Bush is fucking stupid, but then again that's just my 2 cents.

Actually supposidly from the 911 Commision Report Al-Qaeda did have ties to Iraq

Now that site seems to pull from teh actual reports.. But i make no guaretee's of its validity.. I am going to try to find the Office report and see what it says..
rarnom Wrote:And as far as Bush lying about WMD's, I don't think that it should be called an out and out 'lie'. He was giving information based on what he thought was the truth. He didn't intentionally mislead everyone. Many politicians including Clinton and Kerry have been quoted on record as saying how Sadaam was a 'threat' and that he had WMD's. I thought this was old news anyway... Rolleyes

Also, all due respect mr. elcoholic, but if you are basing all your opinions on 'Farenheit 9/11', you have to realize that that film is not the god's honest truth. Mike Moore is one of the most radical left wing bomb throwers out there. You can't trust him to give a completely unbiased and fully factual account of events. You wanna talk about 'propaganda'? Mike Moore might as well be the Democratic Minister of Propaganda.


I'm not basing any of my opinions on farenheit. I just saw it for the first time last saturday and have been in many discussions about this subject before then. I wil admid to be probably one of the most biased posters here. Not at all because I like Kerry since I know next to nothing about him but because I can't believe Bush became president of the most powerfull country in the world. I'm sorry but he comes across like a simple man with a low IQ to me. I strongly feel he can't be trusted and is president for his own and his friends gain. I haven't seen him come across intelegent in any interview. I'd rather have his wife for president since in interviews with them together she acted way more profesional than him.

I know farenheit isn't all true but its a movie of over two hours, full of accusations. I always learned, where there is smoke there is fire. Some of it has to be true. I was especially shocked by the way he portraid the 2000 elections in florida and the Saudi evacuations and connections to the Bush family. Plus, I have seen Moore in interviews defending his movie and he came across as an honest man, a feeling I don't get when I see Bush.

Maybe Kerry is just as bad or worse but he hasn't gotten a chance to prove otherwise. For me Bush has shown his incompetence many times. The fact that he ruined relations with the UN and many countries ways heavily for me since I think globilisation is the way to go to solve all the problems of the world. If we work together we can solve anything.

As far as the WMD goes. Bush shouldn't have said that he knows where they are. He did. Its a lie. And the information, well I don't believe there was any and Bush planned to go to war before 911. Not to long ago I saw the guy from his own administration testifying to, I believe the 911 commision, that he was ordered to find the connection with Iraq no matter what (I think it was the CIA director). Sorry but I forgot his name.

4 Years ago my countries administration handed in their resignation because 4 years earlier they send troops to Kosovo who didn't have the arms and authority needed to protect the region they were assigned to. As a result hundreds of Muslims were deported and murdered and our troops couldn't do anything to stop it. They weren't allowed to use force. After a long investigation it was concluded that the mistake was our countries and my government took responsibility by resigning. I would wish Bush did the same and admited he (would have been different if the UN went allong) went there on false grounds. But I don't see him as the kind of man who takes responsibility and admits his own mistakes (which he doesn't as seen in the third debate).
Schultz Wrote:Actually supposidly from the 911 Commision Report Al-Qaeda did have ties to Iraq

Now that site seems to pull from teh actual reports.. But i make no guaretee's of its validity.. I am going to try to find the Office report and see what it says..

This only says they might have had meetings. None of which resulted in cooperation on whatever project they were planning. And then I still think there are countries (saudi arabia/Iran/Syria/Pakistan) who had closer connections and posed a greater threat.
you all know we started this war thanks to the bush family right ?
we fuled the "evil power" that is now pissed off at us for turning on them and fighting. so well if you vote for bush well we might just see more wars and death. i find it funny bush goes after any country he was friends with before he was president. so if they dont let him have there oil well they have weapons of mass destruction. so well if you want a man that has a PMS attack every month once a week and thinks a war is the best choice for his very small small small ego, well go ahead and pick him. and what i said about nader fuck that just dont vote.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Bush small ego? I disagree. Wink
kakomu Wrote:He certainly would be pulling a Bush if he did that.
I find it telling that you would call a behavior done by Kerry a 'Bush'. If he is supposed to be a 'different' candidate than Bush, then why would he behave the same? You have proven my point. If Kerry does blame Bush then he is worse than Bush because he has the nerve to make a promise like that and then if it doesn't pan out then he blames someone else. If Kerry was truly a 'different' type of man, a real stand up guy, then he would take responsibility after making such an outrageous claim. Kerry is making claims that he will be able to do everything better. Even Bush is being honest about the fact that we aren't completely safe. He is being realistic. Kerry is not being realistic. He is making irresponsible promises that he cannot keep. That is why he is so frightening to a lot of us.

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