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im sitting here making a list for a friend of my HK anime so he know what i have to borrow and im looking through all of my titles and this got me thinking of this topic. so everyone what was the first HK title/series you bought and where ?
My answer :
Outlaw Star Perfect collection -
-they ripped me off it was like 35 for the set and was my first buy. it shipped from hong kong and was the mac version. at first i didnt know what and why the set was so cheap and when i got it i played it on my old xbox and it didnt work it skipped and would not play straight through ! i was pissed ! now on my new dvd player and xbox it works fine damn tomnson drive !
also now the site is no longer there and i liked it cause they had hard to find titles and also R1 movies and they were at whole sale prices , and they were real.
"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE
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First HK I bought was Tekkaman Blade and Berserk!!!! 2 of the greatest animes EVER!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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My first HK set was Noir... you know... that set that I still hold as an example of the worst subtitles ever made... Good thing I bought Yami No Matsui at the same time so I had some good subtitles to compare to. Thank god that most subtitles are more like YNM than Noir otherwise I don't think I'd still be getting HK releases.
Happy 1000th post to me. It's been over two years getting to this point but here I am. Thanks goes out to JJ for providing this excellent forum to hang out in. I've checked out other forums but I feel most comfortable here. Now I've got to start on my second thousand...
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Berserk here as well... and ripped off as well

Ahhh memories. I bought it off some guy from ebay and I was trying to get the FX one and he ended up giving me some other company. I was pissed but the set was fine.
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Here is another vote for Berserk. I actually prefer the MI set over the FX set for video, but the FX subs are better. I own both...
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My first set was Captain Tsubasa Part 1 3DVDs and Yu-gi-oh Part 1. I was thrilled with the prices and especially the artwork of the gatefolds
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You're Under Arrest 2nd Season (4 DVD) Anime Studio
Neon Genesis Evangelion Movies Complete Collection (Anime Studio)
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My first set I got ripped off majorly from I paid around $40 total for the MI version of Cowboy Bebop. The video was amazing...but the subs sucked and almost made me cry. I had a friend over and she asked me if it was because the characters were speaking bad Japanese or something...
And after that I thought I'd try again with Noir but what do you know I got the one with crappy subs! I stopped buying HKs for quite some time after that, but thankfully started back up when I found this site =D.
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
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Berserk (AV). It's still the best subtitled set you can get, besides fansubs...IMO. I bought it from if anyone remembers those tricksters. I never had a problem with them, but I have heard some sad stories of them taking a bunch of people's money.
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If I remember correctly, it should be Zenki Saga 1. I bought it without knowing that it's a HK. Realised that it was a HK only when I looked at the dvds and the email address after the synopsis. Was pleasantly surprised by the picture and audio quality.
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The first set I bought was Naru Taru. I got it for around $30(I think) from a video store in Chinatown, and it has no indication anywhere on it as to the compamy who did it. The second set I bought was FX's Cowboy Bebop Perfect Collection for $24 on ebay. I was so impressed with that one that I searched for FX online a few(1.5?) weeks ago while I was bored. That search is what led me to this site, and I couldnt be more happy with what I found.
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The first Hk set I bought was from here. I bought a few titles. umm,I think they were Ai Yori Aoshi,Aysha no Ceres,Fruits Basket, and dont remember..Kristy
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I bought Ranma 1/2 off of Ebay. I actually thought it was a legitimate version from china. Man, i'm glad i never got scammed on Ebay....
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Maison Ikkoku by MI. 10 disc, 3 gatefold set. I saw it on ebay and thought it was an official import set.
I realized what was what, whe I saw some mistimed subs, and a yahoo email address.
Overall it was nice to be able to see the series after VIZ had cut me off, several times.
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My first set was Berserk.
Congratulations Zagatto on 1000 posts.