Anime Expo
Out of curiousity and great enthusiasm, I finally made it to AX today.
Ended up kind of disappointed.

The main exhibition hall is only about 70% occupied. Only 30% of the hall is occupied by the studios, ADV, Geneon, Tokyopop, Bandai, Media Blasters etc. While their designs are really great and professional, all the other 'stalls' are just like what you see in an ordinary market fair.

I've never been to an anime convention/expo before so I didn't really know what to expect.

Geneon had an autograph signing session. Long queue. Bandai had "muscle man" competition. If you are able to hit the bell way high above, you get a prize. Viz had a "manga money" competition. Enough manga money collected, you get a free prize. Tokyopop 'threw' out autographed mangas at the crowd.

Geneon staffs were really friendly. Full of smiles and readily answered questions. ADV staffs, only a couple were nice. The rest had the "don't approach me" look on their faces. One of the girls, threw a pen at me and said," If you want a free price, sign up for Newtype Mag now!". Hehe...I walked away. Viz front desk attendants were too busy chatting with each other. They practically ignored the people who were asking them questions.

As for buying, I thought that maybe I'll be able to get some pre-releases from each studio. However, most of the stuffs they were selling there, *shrug*, either I have already gotten them or seen them. If you are looking for sweet deals, forget it. All the DVDs or Boxes are priced only $2-$3 lesser than MSRP. I was going to get a brand new WHR Ltd Ed box coz don't know which a$$ at home tore the corner of the box by a tiny bit. Dang...they are selling the box for $100-$120. Bandai employee said," Oh! It's at this price because it's totally OOP! The S-cry-ed box is $70 because it's OOP too. We only have 1 left!" "Any .Hack//Sign box?" I asked. "NOPE! We don't even have that in stock anymore. Sold the only and last one on the first day of the expo at $200!" Luckily, I already have all those.

As for anime screenings, the only one I went to see is Nasu: Summer in Andalusia. The rest, except for Flame of Recca, seen them before. My bloody roommates didn't want to go watch it coz they were so bored with the exhibition and wanted to go home.

The only thing I enjoyed looking at are the cosplayers. Oh man! I saw guys dressing as Chii. Almost died laughing. There were so many Narutos around. Narutos with black hair, Narutos in jeans and t-shirt. The best of them are sailor moons with spare tires and thunder thighs. Saw a few Kenshin. The one who left me with the deepest impression was the one with patchy red curly hair. I walked past him and SHEESH....I was thinking to myself, TAKE A GODDAMN SHOWER! It's chilly in the convention center, I can't think of a reason why would he smell like that.
The funniest one was, there's this girl who dressed up as Maria from a hentai series. The old lady at the food condiments kiosk asked her who was she impersonating. The girl told her. The old lady was like," Sweet Jesus. You are porno anime star?" Then the old lady walked away quickly, leaving her kiosk unattended.

I guess that's about it. Spent only 1.5hr-2hrs there. Went with purse full of cash and ready to max out the credit cards. Came back with nothing......hehehe.

Highly doubt that I would be returning next year. It's a good experience anyway.
How big is your purse???:p I don't see how you could fill a purse with cash unless it is just pennies and 1 dollar bills.
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
The best of them are sailor moons with spare tires and thunder thighs.

Thank you for that mental image. :eek:
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
How big is your purse???:p I don't see how you could fill a purse with cash unless it is just pennies and 1 dollar bills.

I stuffed the purse $1 bills? BINGO! I brought enough $1 bills till I can't button down the purse. Heheheh think about 80 $1 bills.:p I only brought abt $1k cash and a credit card with $10k credit limit. You are right, it's the $1 bills that filled up the purse. Big Grin

This is my purse:

Attached Files
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Quote:Originally posted by r00ster
Thank you for that mental image. :eek:

Hahahahah...u are most welcome. I forgot that I saw 3 pimply face, flat chested and hairy Fayes. There's also one who looked 5 mths pregnant and tree trunk thighs. They are so well dressed that I think Vic might go up to them and tell them to go home.

However, I really do admire their courage to cosplay. I don't have the guts to do what they did. I'd never do that in my life since I know that I won't be a perfect impersonator.
Dude, I was there. I have to say that out of all of the Sailor Moons that looked like they could knock over semi if they leaned against it, the worst thing had to be the dude dressed up as Faye Valentine. I am still having nightmares about that -___-. I never want to see a fat guy in yellow shorts ( that looked like a thong on his ass ) again. scary! :eek: .

Courage with a dash of insanity.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Usually, the only people with purses filled with $1 bills are strippers.
Cold....but I was thinking the same thing at first, come to think of it.

I am so ashamed ;_______;.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Stripper? Sure, why not? Can't blame some ppl for their ignorances about other businesses which earn mainly dollars. No wonder there are always discriminations against others by toads in dried-out, abandoned wells. tell the truth, this is the first time I've ever gotten such a remark. At least at the banks, if I ever deposit 1000 $1 bills, the 'professional' tellers ask, " You are depositing for a laundromat?"
I am sorry ;______;. I offended you. Please accept my humble apology. Sorry Sad .
Hot Damn, that was cool!

What can I say but, 'whoops' and maybe 'sorry'?

That sounded really sincere. heh. :p .
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Quote:Originally posted by Japschin tell the truth, this is the first time I've ever gotten such a remark. At least at the banks, if I ever deposit 1000 $1 bills, the 'professional' tellers ask, " You are depositing for a laundromat?"

Hmmmm . . . Looks like I gotta be the rude one here.

I worked at a bank for a long time. When the strippers came in to deposit a bunch of ones, we knew they were strippers. They stand out. Not necessarily because they're dressed differently, but all the guys know what I mean. When really hot girls deposit a wad of $1 bills . . .

Those 'professional' tellers that you're talking about, could probably tell that there is no way that you're a stripper. Don't take it the wrong way. I mean, noones trying to stick $1 bills in my boxers either. I'm just saying, you might be attractive in your own way, but you're probably not stripper hot.

Let me translate for you. You hear "You're depositing for a laundromat?" But they're really saying "There's no way you're hot enough to be a stripper, so where'd you get all the ones from?"

And I guarantee, that if you were there when one of those strippers walks in, there is nothing 'professional' about any of the male workers there. Look around, and you'll see all of them ogling her.
Yeah... I remember my time as a teller.

"security check at wicket 3"

yep yep yep yep... those were good times.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Let me translate for you. You hear "You're depositing for a laundromat?" But they're really saying "There's no way you're hot enough to be a stripper, so where'd you get all the ones from?"

And I guarantee, that if you were there when one of those strippers walks in, there is nothing 'professional' about any of the male workers there. Look around, and you'll see all of them ogling her.

There's no way that I look like a stripper. Anyway, the banks I go to, weird to say, all the tellers are female. There used to be 1 or 2 male tellers( only saw them there for 1 or 2 mths, then they disappearead) but I never ended up going to their counters. Maybe I live in a wealthy neighborhood too. Figure they don't think that a stripper can live in a neighborhood which requires high maintenance.

As for attractiveness, I have enough men oggling at me, more than you'll ever have women oggling at you, Vic. :p

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