Spiderman 2 - Can you say 'awesome'?
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
That is what I am pointing out. Hell in the sredits she doesn't even have a name. But she plays a role in Peter's live that grabs are attention for what purpose?

She does appear in the credits. Her name's Mageina Tovah and her character's name is Ursula.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by digital artboy

PS - and yes, Black Cat is a hottie. I hope they don't pick someone as bad as Kirsten to play her [eg - alicia silverstone or sumthin]

I think they should get Keira Knightley to play Black Cat. :o
She would have to develop a bit of muscle and grow some breasts first.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
She would have to develop a bit of muscle and grow some breasts first.

There's a dirty joke in there somewhere, but I'll leave it alone this time. Big Grin

I think she'd make a good black cat. I mean MJ is supposed to be a model and they got Kirsten Dunst to play her and she is nowhere near model material.

I just thought of an even better black cat. Time to recast. Eliza Dushku!!!
I agree KD isn't model material but neither is Eliza Dushku (for starters she's only 5'5''). Keira is more model material than the KD and Eliza but models nowadays have defined muscles, breasts and a lot of curves which is something Keira somewhat lacks (you see that very well in "Bend it like Beckham").

But I agree with you, Eliza would play a better Black Cat. She's got the body and she's used to playing strong women (Faith in "Buffy").
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
She does look a bit tired but old?!! I think that given the fact that she's only 22 that's a bit hard. Nobody looks old at the age of 22, unless you have some aging disease.

Nobody? How do you explain 16 yr-olds looking like they are 24, 22 yr-olds looking like they are in their late 20s and early 30s?
Maybe in Portugal, the girls look their ages but in LA, most of the times, women look older than they really are. Wink
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I agree KD isn't model material but neither is Eliza Dushku (for starters she's only 5'5'').

Hey!!! What's wrong with 5'5"?? Me being 5'8", I think 5'5" is a good height for girls. I can't have them being taller than me you know. Sad

Also, have you seen how tall Tobey Maguire is? Do you know how small he'd look if you were to put Rebecca Romijin Stamos opposite him?
i would be happy if they would include morbius in the story. he would be an interesting sub villian. hopefully harry is the hob goblin and not the green goblin. so it wouldn't be a repeat of the first movie, that would be just lame and a lack of creativity.
There's nothing wrong with a girl being 5'5'' but to be a model you need to be at least 5'7''. Tobey Maguire is 5'7'' (so are Kirsten Dunst and Keira Knightley ) and Rebecca Romijin Stamos is 5'10'' but I don't think there's anything wrong with a taller woman dating a smaller man! Just look at Tom Cruise (5'7'') and Nicole Kidman (5'10''), they were married for 11 years! Height didn't seem to be an impediment!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I don't think there's anything wrong with a taller woman dating a smaller man! Just look at Tom Cruise (5'7'') and Nicole Kidman (5'10''), they were married for 11 years! Height didn't seem to be an impediment!

Height's only an impediment when you're vertical. But once you get horizantal . . . :o
Quote:originally posted by Vicious
Height's only an impediment when you're vertical. But once you get horizantal . . .

whoa hohoho......i agreeBig Grin
Quick to the point as usual Vicious...

Quote:She does appear in the credits. Her name's Mageina Tovah and her character's name is Ursula.

There is a little know fact in the theater biz. After being invloved with productions since the age of 10. I can tell you that if your name doesn't get said / mentioned once in the production your charcter is not of any importance. I may have to watch the film again, but I don't remeber anyone saying her name. I think Peter said the landlords name once when he was asked about his rent, and that was about it.

And Taller women have there plus side to Vicious. There are some things that women with long legs come in handy for...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Well i have just seen spiderman 2. i was not a fan of the first movie, i saw it once and that was enough, it wasnt terrible but it wasnt all that great either. Spiderman 2 friggin rocked though!
that is all.
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
There is a little know fact in the theater biz. After being invloved with productions since the age of 10. I can tell you that if your name doesn't get said / mentioned once in the production your charcter is not of any importance. I may have to watch the film again, but I don't remeber anyone saying her name. I think Peter said the landlords name once when he was asked about his rent, and that was about it.

And Taller women have there plus side to Vicious. There are some things that women with long legs come in handy for...

Okay, if you've been involved with productions since you were 10 than you certainly know a lot more about those things than I do! I bow to your knowledge master. Wink

And you know, a woman doesn't need to be 5'11'' to have long legs. It's more a matter of anathomy. The Japanese, for instance, have a long torso and short legs but the Europeans have long legs and a short torso. My point is that a woman can be 5'5'' and have long legs. Just look at Milla Jovovich or Letitia Casta, one's 5'8 the other's 5'7 and they both have long legs. I'm 5'7'' and my legs are as long as my boyfriend's who's 6'.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Quote:My point is that a woman can be 5'5'' and have long legs.

Ah yes she can, but natural logic only suggest that the taller a women is the longer her legs will be. No of course if a women is 5'5 and another is 5'8 there is a good chance they will have the same leg inseam. Now if we compare say a 5'4 woman (US average hieght for women) to a 6'0 tall female. The chances are very great for the 6'0 woman to have longer legs. Oh and comparing your legs to your BF's is like apples to oranges. Women traditionally have longer legs and men have a longer torso.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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