hey, Cowboy:

you seem to think everything played on the radio sucks. what if you heard songs from your five favorite bands played on the radio? would that mean they all suck, too? perhaps you should re-think your broad generalization.

in this age, being 'different' is the cool thing. i can understand you being upset with how MTV exploits artists, and even hating those artists for letting themselves be exploited. however, deciding all popular music is crap just comes off as a cry for attention. "look at me, i listen ONLY to DIFFERENT music! i'm so cool!" or something similar. if you decide everything that ever was, is, or will become popular sucks, you're denying yourself some good music.

the beatles, stevie wonder, led zeppelin. they're all popular (and even more so in their day), yet they're all quality as well. under your malformed hypothesis, this would be impossible. you'd either have to argue that these bands all suck (good luck with that), or admit your theory has no merit or substance.

also, dillinger escape plan and thee michelle gun elephant are not bad examples of music. they are examples of bad music. there's quite a difference.

i keep breathing with my lungs and diaphragm, usually under control of my brain stem.
divide-by-cucumber error.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu

Emo Punk is one of the more commercialized forms of rock, so saying that is just about negating everything you had already said.

i never said it wasnt!

i love all punk fullstop!

but Taking Back Sunday,Thursday and Brand New have just been rocking my tits off lately!



(now isnt thAT GONNA ANNOY somebody, well i dont giva a f*ck!)
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by rav96

now i gotta go and revise ive alrready wasted hours bummin around on the net today! AHHH exams on Fri

Im More Screwed then a LA Crack Whore...
if i dont get down to proper revision, ive allready royally screwed up the prior exams!

Pharmacy Blows:mad:

here i am qouting myself and still on the net!
Ahhhh i need to stop and start studying its like 2.30am and ive done nothing since 9pm! AHHHHHH not too mention i got up at 2pm!

Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I really dislike emo because all they do is wine about how thier girlfriends left them, why dont they go cry in a corner and shut the hell up.


Today I was alive so I got up. Yet another day I must live in this horrid place. Ah! The world, so full of intolerance and pain. Oh well, at least there is love. Love to make the days in this place bearable. Love to make the world seem so nice, so nice and pretty. I live on the edge of love. On one side, love and all the wonders of?love, and on the other side heartbreak and despair. My life is such a precious, precariously balanced thing, balanced between love and oblivion. Just because I have never had a girlfriend, doesn?t mean I don?t know what love is. I know what real heartbreak is too. I know more than they could ever know.
I have the latest Dashboard Confessional record. Such a delicate, loving sentient being am I.
Woe is me.


I followed a girl down the street today. She was so beautiful. Like a rose. A beautiful rose. She didn?t even notice me. Why does nobody notice me? I knew from the moment I saw her, we were meant to be. But I knew that if I tried to speak to her, I would probably die. So I didn?t.
Yet again happiness is ripped away from me, like strips of Velcro being pulled apart. Ripped. Ripped from me so mercilessly.
I smoked the last of my Marlboro lights whilst I watched the sun go down. It was so beautiful. If only she could have been there.
I cry.


I broke my glasses. The humanity. Like somehow I was destined from birth to break them, today. Today of all days. An unavoidable curse on my being. My affliction. I cry.


Today there were these kids on the train staring at me. One of them had a ?Saves the Day? shirt on. Poser! Thinking he?s emo. I?ve probably got more emotion in my little finger than all the poser kids in the world. He probably only likes them because they?re popular now. Not like me, I used to like them when they first came out. I?d heard of them before their first 7? came out, even. I don?t like them now, not since they went all ?commercial?. I?m much more into ?Complex Theory Syndrome? and ?Heart-shaped Waffle Maker? at the moment. I haven?t actually heard them, but I bought their t-shirts over the Internet a few days ago. I read in my friend?s zine that they were really cool. Well, he?s not really my friend but I stand next to him and his girlfriend at shows sometimes. He likes ?Honeysuckle Serotina?. He?s cool. I?ve never heard of them. God, why does no one understand me? Why does no one really know what it is like to be me?


I?m too emotional to write anything today. I?m gonna stay in and think about my life and listen to Dashboard?again.


I?m going to a gig tonight. ?My Kitty Died? are playing the club. I don?t usually like going there because there?s no real scene, no sense of community, family. So if I do go I usually stand in the corner. I?m gonna wear my new ?Complex Theory Syndrome? shirt that came today. Maybe someone will see it and think I?m cool. Maybe even a girl. Maybe a girl who will truly understand me and love me forever. They?re being supported by some Goth band though. Ugh. I hate Goths. They?re always so miserable?and not even for the right reasons. But yeah, I?ll have to try and get there after ?Shitting Bats? have finished. Ugh.
I pricked my finger on a badge pin when I was trying to arrange all my badges nicely on my pack-back. I watched the blood flow from my finger. Another drop of blood that will never again run through the channels of my heart. Blood, which will never again course through my veins when I see her face.
I got it on my new t-shirt. I cry.


Today I had pizza. It was nice.
I watched old cartoons and pondered on the innocence of youth.
Dashboard was mentioned in Kerrang apparently. I don?t really like them anymore anyway.
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Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

OK im really going off the Net Now *HONEST*

gonna do loads of Study!

(plus i hope my multiple posting is pissing off some asshole out there
yay its making my niteWink )

*CRY!* E.M.O diary entry imminentWink
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
You cant spell "crap" without "rap".

i use to say that all the time !
C+Rap = Crap =Big Grin

and the same as rav96 breathes with his lungs i do with my gills !
so there !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


i dont think all stuff thats popular sucks .
Rap in general is what im talking about !
i love so many bands that are popular , and not i could care less if it sounds good ill pick it up and add it to my collection !

rap in general is the worst cause there is to much and the quanity over quality is what my main debate is ! and the lack of talent ! im not racist but if your black and you have a shitty past you get signed no matter what ! 50 cent is the best example all his songs are the fucking same and dont change ! he deserves to be on the street still.

rappers like Emenm or how ever you spell that mess ! he is so talentless its sad ! and to many songs that are the same and the words , im not a person that says no to violence or sex but the shit he says how could you enjoy listening to it ?

oh one artist to say somehting a bout Andrew W.K. worst fuckign singer ever all his fucking songs are the same diffrent words only !
She is beautiful ! repeated , I wanna party hard ! repeated seriously they call him a genius when they reviewed seriously the reviewers have gone to shits ville these days they write good reviews if they get paid to ! no trust worthy people out there anymore !

well im off this topic for tonight !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I can't say anything about Andrew WK I actually like one of their songs, but then again I ONLY like one of their songs.

As for Emo, I love msot of it. As to say I don't just listen to it stright, I put it in a mix, so that it's like Emo, Rock, Punk, Emo, Pyschobilly, Rock; that way I don't get fed up with all the wineing.

As for hating bands that turn popular. Well the few bands that I liked at one point & now don't really like seem like they've ran out of ideas & in an attempt to stay around went public.

Like Rancid, they rocked, then all of a sudden their last CD came out, I didn't like the sound, but it be came a must have for most the people I know.

AFI, a good band, & even some of their latest stuff is quite great, but it seems like their last CD was aimmed to boarden their fan base as to please others, & not just themselves.

About the only reason besides the fact that some artist compromise their music to fit mainstream needs, is that I tire of hearing so many people talk about music they don't really understand at all.
Like one kid I know likes AFI, he thinks they look like retards, but he says they sound cool, but by this he doesn't mean the music does, but only because they're now listened as hot up coming artist, which myself & my other friend have to joke around about.

I've also gotten into arguements around here because a kid was trying to tell me that a certain band was jjust so cool, when the band was one of those Good Charlote a dime a dozen bands... He refused to acpect the fact that their are other bands out there just as good, if not better just because he doesn't see them on MTV.

Although with the above said, I still listen to AFI, I just don't listen them on my favorites list, because as it's become in my neck of the woods, anyone who listens to them is automaticaly a worthless all black wearing piece of trash, or one who lack abishion (yeah I have bad spelling).

Hell, if bands like the Meteors, Mad Sin, & Demented Are Go! became the most famous bands in the world tomarrow I wouldn't care one bit less they toned down their lyrics because of this fact. Like the Nekromantix are becoming popular here, do I care, hell no, I still listen to them, but their lyrics didn't have to change for them to become popular, it's everyone's taste in music that's changing.

In short, what a bunch of these aginst the mainstream people are saying is that it's very shitty when an artist, or band changes their music to suit the masses instead of staying true to themselves. But then you run into those bands that say that they decided to take that turn to put diversity into their music, & you get right back on the marrigoround.:confused:
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
True and that Marrigoround is never stopping!

How many people read the EMO Diary?
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I didnt, too long. :o
I read it, it's quite humorus, & that's real compliment coming from me seeing as how half the people I know don't think I ever laugh at all.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
cheers took me a while to muster up, when i first wrote it in a online Musiczine!

and tis all true damns it!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
I didnt, too long. :o

Tis only take two mins!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Well, im a pretty lazy guy, so I didnt feel like reading it.

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