02-12-2006, 05:29 AM
gubi-gubi Wrote:Didn't really like it. The first one was good but the second was just a weaker version for me. Also wasn't the whole point that the people had a chance to repent and life their life? The people in the new one were there to all die apart from the cop's kid. I think the originality of the first one was what made it good. This was just an imitation.
Well, Saw2 was more of the same. But I expected it to be a total ripoff from the first which was great because of the brutal things people had to do to get out. In the second one the things they have to do are (or atleast look) even more brutal and that surprised me. Like when that girl is in the pit with the needles I found it hard to keep looking at the screen and that doesn't happen often with me.
I loved every minute of Jarhead. They cast a great group of people for that film.
I watched Zathura last night and its absolutely great. Its like a sequel to jumanji. 2 Kids find a board game named zathura and start playing. All of a sudden they find themselfs and the whole house in outer space batling robots, aliens and all kinds of stuff. Ofcourse they have to finish the game to get home. This film is beautifully made with nice special effects, good acting and an entertaining story with no dull moments. 9/10.