r00ster; for or against - was texhnolyze
The last time Rooster was on, according to import-anime, was 6/20/2005 at around 8:34pm.
Did he msg you back yet? Maybe he's bz or the pms got lost?
Like i've said - i've tried getting him to contact me for a month. It's been more than 3 days that I got irritated and told him he's acting really shady and he needs to email me now. I gave him 2-3 days to respond (I pm'd and emailed him) then I made the posts and emailed him again letting him know I had to add him to the shitty trades thread.
Cidien Wrote:He did say he eventually finished burning them months later and said he was working with canada post to find it but he had no tracking number. I thought he was gonna reburn some things for me (I mainly just want Kenshin so I can finish watching it with my girlfriend) but he's been ignoring me for a long time. =/
Ok, so what you're saying is that you're pissed because he never sent you some burnt DVD's? I can understand how you might be a tad annoyed, but you didn't even lose anything really in this. Just find download Kenshin if you want it that badly.

As for siding with r00ster, hell yeah I'm going to until he comes in to defend himself.

And as for you, I wouldn't recommend trying to rip someone off. I really can't say I know you that welll and doubt you'd get the same response as r00ster has gotten in his defense.
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
Um, 1 - I want the english version. And he owed me $50 of 50 burned dvds. Kenshin was only about half of that - I just stated i'd be happy if that's all I got at this point.

And as i've said, i'd love for r00ster to come defend himself as he's been ignoring me for quite some time.

Send me $50 - then i'll keep it and tell you that you never really lost anything anyways.....

Also, i'm not saying you shouldn't defend r00ster if you've delt with him - i'm just annoyed people that know nothing about him (me included even though i've talked to many time and traded with him before) would say he'd never do that. Well, unless he ends up sending me them finally he is doing just that.
Also, I just looked and it's been 3 months since he said he shipped them out - and he said he got the dvds to burn december 18th (decided to look up just how long it's been). So that's how long i've been waiting and how long i've waited to make these posts. I think I have a bit of a right to be upset. Especially when i've been waiting for Kenshin so long (one of two animes my girlfriends ever been even slightly interested in) so we can finish it.
Cidien Wrote:i'm just annoyed people that know nothing about him (me included even though i've talked to many time and traded with him before) would say he'd never do that. Well, unless he ends up sending me them finally he is doing just that.
We don't know him, but we've seen examples of his personality as he's a memeber of this forum, & from such examples we gather that he is a bit frank, but usually fair.

I'd say give him 3 more days, then others likely won't respect him much anymore -_-, less he comes back with a big excuse.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
I dont think anyone here ever actually said he would NEVER do it.. just that its unlikely cause he doesnt seem like the type of person who would :S
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
Cidien Wrote:Um, 1 - I want the english version. And he owed me $50 of 50 burned dvds. Kenshin was only about half of that - I just stated i'd be happy if that's all I got at this point.

And as i've said, i'd love for r00ster to come defend himself as he's been ignoring me for quite some time.

Send me $50 - then i'll keep it and tell you that you never really lost anything anyways.....

Also, i'm not saying you shouldn't defend r00ster if you've delt with him - i'm just annoyed people that know nothing about him (me included even though i've talked to many time and traded with him before) would say he'd never do that. Well, unless he ends up sending me them finally he is doing just that.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe he did send them and they got lost in the mail? If he says he sent them and they got lost, which it sounds like happened, he owes you nothing as I've heard no other claims of similar events. He shouldn't have to make up for an accident and if that's what you want him to do, you're being a little bitch and I'd avoid you too.

Of course, if that's not the case, please disregard the above :p .
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
is there any point whatsoever to this thread anymore? :confused:

damn all you hijackers :p
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
Batz Kage Wrote:We don't know him, but we've seen examples of his personality as he's a memeber of this forum, & from such examples we gather that he is a bit frank, but usually fair.

I'd say give him 3 more days, then others likely won't respect him much anymore -_-, less he comes back with a big excuse.

Like I said i'd love for him to come here and say something. I havn't heard a word from him in a long time.

And if he really sent them why would he be avoiding me? I havn't been harassing him at all or said anything demanding or rude until now. If he really did send them and they got lost he should have gotten a tracking number, I probably would have paid extra for it. We've had problems before and thought they lost our package once already but it ended up showing up like 3 weeks later - so we already learned not to send stuff through canada post w/o tracking or any kind. (Don't wanna search through emails but I thought he was gonna stop using canada post and use like ups or whatever he has near him so there's no problems like this)
vegeta76 Wrote:is there any point whatsoever to this thread anymore? :confused:

damn all you hijackers :p

Spose not - I just keep responding to what other people are writing. Also, I sent him an email to let him to know come to this thread to defend himself.
Cidien Wrote:Like I said i'd love for him to come here and say something. I havn't heard a word from him in a long time.

And if he really sent them why would he be avoiding me? I havn't been harassing him at all or said anything demanding or rude until now. If he really did send them and they got lost he should have gotten a tracking number, I probably would have paid extra for it. We've had problems before and thought they lost our package once already but it ended up showing up like 3 weeks later - so we already learned not to send stuff through canada post w/o tracking or any kind. (Don't wanna search through emails but I thought he was gonna stop using canada post and use like ups or whatever he has near him so there's no problems like this)
Give the guy a break! So he forgot a tracking number! So what? Does that make it his fault that it most likely got lost? Besides, why would he stiff you over burnt DVD's? That's just stupid...

As for avoiding you, did you ever consider that he may be busy? This has been around college exam time...
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
vegeta76 Wrote:is there any point whatsoever to this thread anymore? :confused:

damn all you hijackers :p
This one's my fault. Sorry :p .
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
onizuka17711 Wrote:This one's my fault. Sorry :p .

then may KJ eat your spleen :p
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
vegeta76 Wrote:then may KJ eat your spleen :p
Sounds painful :p ...

Where's she been lately, anyways :confused: ? Haven't seen her lately...
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka

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