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Please suggest some Dreamcast games. Just bought one for $39.95 used at my local comic book store. Any help is greatly appreciated. :mrgreen:
Don't you have another forum to flood now, instead of this one?
1 suggestion ... Sword of the Beserk!!! its kinda a continuation after the end of the Berserk series.. If anything i can burn yea a copy of it for yea. And i think there are Slayers for DC and a few other games.. Btw the Dreamcast rocks as a system there is NES/SNES emulators on it so you can play your old NES/SNES rom games.. ;o)
No Slayers games for the DC, They're all for the Saturn. Well, there's a Slayers SNES game, and I think there's one for the PSX.
Jet Grind Radio
Sword of the Berserk (nice choice schultz!)
Project Justice
Skies of Arcadia
Soul Calibur
GEEZ! i know there's a TON more.... but i just can't think of them.....
Quote:Originally posted by "Suzakuseikun"
No Slayers games for the DC, They're all for the Saturn. Well, there's a Slayers SNES game, and I think there's one for the PSX.
whoops i forgot my friend got his DC and Saturn in to play Anime games.. and i guess i got them mixed up.. LOL but you can get a Saturn Emulator for DC i belive.. there are sooooo many things on the DC since it isn't at all hard to program for. (Its only WinCE subsystem)
Of course you have to get Berserk Millenium Falcon. Although it takes place nowhere in the manga or anime you still get to be Gatsu ripping through hords of enemies and what not. A bit of warning though, this game contains many spoilers especially if you haven't seen the show yet. There is one character that even if you do see all the anime you will not know **SPOILER** Skull knight. Skull knight is responsible not only for saving Gatsu and Caska but Rikert as well. The anime makes it seem like Rikert dies he does not. The skullknight comes in and scares away the monsters and tells Rikert of the dangers that await his friends. Later when the Eclipse masacre is taking place skullknight breaks in and atempts to take Voids life, but he is thwarted by some quick magic on voids behalf. He shows his strength by chopping Zods arms off ( yes Zod is there) he then grabs Gatsu and gets the hell out of there. When gatsu awakes he tells him what is know going to happen to him ( being "Branded" the demons will seek him out to the ends of the earth) He then wishes him luck on his journey because it will be a difficult one.**SPOILER END** O this is about dreamcast I will suggest Phantasy Star Online as well. The dreamcast is a great system you should be happy with it. 8O 8O 8O
Quote:Originally posted by "Schultz"
Suzakuseikun Wrote:No Slayers games for the DC, They're all for the Saturn. Well, there's a Slayers SNES game, and I think there's one for the PSX.
whoops i forgot my friend got his DC and Saturn in to play Anime games.. and i guess i got them mixed up.. LOL but you can get a Saturn Emulator for DC i belive.. there are sooooo many things on the DC since it isn't at all hard to program for. (Its only WinCE subsystem)
nope.... there's no saturn emulator either (be it for the pc OR dc)......
either way there's about 3 slayers import games in total (all of which i own)... but most of them were for the playstation
but i've been trying to think of more dreamcast games..... cause it seems my tastes are always different then everyone else..... and i always seem to like the no name games that people hated....
like tech romancer, the evolution series, D2.....
Ok game suggestions huh, well I think we are all in agree on Beserk. But as for other games... We have a great selection. First i will not repeat the above suggestions beacuse I agree you should get those as well.
1. Shenmue (and if you want import Shenmue 2 from the UK)
2. Ikaruga (be warned it's coming for the Gamecube though)
3. Any fighter Game (ask anyone the DC is still the best fighting system)
4. D2 (great follow up to D)
5. Sega Smash Pack Vol 1 (there never was a Vol 2
Now if you can read or fumble your way through Japanese Import these
1. Love Hina Smils Again (makes ya wanna watch the series again No Rob)
2. Fire Pro Wrestling (hey it even has WWf & WCW in it)
3. Sakura Wars (any of the there are 4 and an online version)
As for Misc pick ups get this... (Really This is a must have)
1. Bleem - there are 3 bleem disks each act as a converter for PSone games. It takes "said" game plays it on your DC. I own the Metal Gear Solid for the PSone, but when I got the bleem disk and played it in my DC it was better in every way. Sound, Graphics, and Load times or lack there of. Like i said It is a must have.
I hope that helps.
Schultz wrote:
whoops i forgot my friend got his DC and Saturn in to play Anime games.. and i guess i got them mixed up..
That friend would be me
Hey Desfunk you know of any walkthrough's for slayers 2 on the saturn I'm having some serious pain in the ass time with it.
PS gamefaqs is no dice
The Evolution games are good. Any capcom fighter although the dreamcast controller is a pain in the ass to start with. Street Fighter III is amazing superb game. 8O 8O 8O 8O
Quote:Originally posted by "morgorath"
Hey Desfunk you know of any walkthrough's for slayers 2 on the saturn I'm having some serious pain in the ass time with it.
PS gamefaqs is no dice
aww.... that sucks then..... i've never really played the game that much......
and 2 was ALOT more complex then part 1 (which i've stumbled through like 5 times now).......
sorry bout that u_u
and morgorath.... you should stay away from listing imports....... you'll probably confuse him :p
though the sakura wars games are GOD!!!!! too bad they never made it out in english u_u (though i own all 4 anyway

first you need to get Soul Calibur
the greatest game ever made
then since you will love it so much
you will have to buy a playstation 2 and then get a old playstation game by the name of soul blade (soul edge if you get japanese import)
after that since you will want more, get Soul Calibur 2 (if its out already)
then after that you will have to hind in a cave for many years till another sequal is made.
the soul calibur series is the only game series to feature the 8 way run
you have to buy it just for that
Thanks for the suggestions. I will probably trade one of the games I got for Jet Grind Radio. :mrgreen:
Hey Steve here is a list of my personal favorites for the DREAM CAST :twisted: The original GOD of todays home consoles. :twisted:
Record of Lodoss War: a fantastic overhead view rpg.
I give it 4 out of 5 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Street Fighter 3: THIS is street fighting.
I give it 5 of 5 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
SNK Vs. Capcom: Need I say More?
I give it 5 of 5 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Sword Of The Berserk: HOLY SHIT!!!
Is this nesessary? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen:
The King Of Fighters Dream Match 99: HOLY FUCKING SHIT
GET THIS NOW: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Grandia 2: This is a great rpg, no excuse not to have it.
I give it 4 of 5 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2: not as much a phenom as the others listed
Still gets a 4 of 5 in my book though: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Worms Armageddon: If this doesn't rot your brain, nothing will.
Phenomenal game, OWN IT: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen:
The Last Blade 2: Excellent fighting game.
4 of 5: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Some other games to try ( I should as well and highly want to) would be :
Guilty Gear: PS and PS2 versions are great :twisted: but this import is supposed to be the best
Also try Street Fighter 3 third strike. Same as far above but more characters.
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