takumi25 Wrote:Based on your statement its up to the person to be gay right?
Wrong! I don't think it's up to a person to be gay. Given the way the world treats them many wish they weren't, their life would be so much easier. My best friend fought it for so long! He even had girlfriends, a futile attempt to try and change. However ultimately there was nothing he could do, he's attracted to men not women and fortunately he now accepts himself the way he is. I didn't choose to be heterosexual either, I simply like men ever since I can remember. I was drooling all over Tom Cruise ever since I was a very young child. I think women are very beautiful creatures but I just can't make myself feel sexually attracted to them.
Blight Wrote:I heard that there is a gay gene or something but it sounds like a crock of shit.
Scientists have been researching it for long but so far they haven't discovered anything. There's no chemical inbalance in homosexuals' brains nor is there any gene that makes them that way just like there's no gene that makes heterosexuals be heterosexual.
Anyway, I agree with every single thing Zagatto said about it. It's like he was reading my mind.
Blight Wrote:It is true that your feelings determine the things you want but in the end it is your designs that propel you take be complacent or to take action. You always have a choice, and even if you decide to do nothing that was making a decision about what you are going to do. People often do things that they don?t like, but chose to them anyway, like work.
They may feel gay but people can be pretty good at ignoring their feelings.
This is the sort of thing that makes people think they're so much better than all the other animals. Yes we have the ability to choose, I couldn't agree with you more. However, human beings are animals and just like it happens with all the other animals there are many things that are beyond our control, it's part of our biology. It's like teenagers feeling everything as being the most important thing in the world. They didn't choose things to be that way, it's that way because it's the way human beings are biologically speaking. We can choose, yes! But we can not choose everything! For example, you can not choose to fall in love, you just do.
Black Howling Wrote:First the intelligent thing. I was talking about humans not animals. If you can show me an animal that is as intelligent as a human good for you but you can't. Do animals have artificial insertuation (spelled wrong)? No because they don't have technology.
That's just the thing, humans are animals! Perhaps I can't mention an animal that's as intelligent as Man but some scientists do claim dolphins are as intelligent as we are. We could even say that they don't have such things as artificial insemination because of their bodies (you can't do much with fins) not their minds. Besides we can't just assume our type of intelligence is the only one there is, that's pure presumption.
Black Howling Wrote:If every person was gay then some would have sex with the other sex to try to keep the race alive but what about the others?
Zagatto has already answered this, I think the exact same thing.
Black Howling Wrote:Although this doesn't have anything to to with being gay. Are they treated? I was just wondering because most of them don't get out of jail (if they are catched).
Pedophilia and beastiality are diseases, there's no doubt about it. And they can be treated (more like kept under control) with medicine. Do they treat people when they go to jail? I suppose that at least in some cases they do, if they don't well at leasts they should because those people are really sick. Not in the perjurative sense of the word but really sick, like schizophrenics are sick also due to a chemical inbalance in their brain.
Black Howling Wrote:Again because you have a human's intelligence we have all this crap about choice and religion and media. Animals don't choice to have children or not.
My point exactly! Animals don't have a choice when it comes to procreate, it's their natural impulse to do so, yet they still have homosexual relations (without it being rape) just as naturally as they have heterosexual ones. That's why I'm telling you homosexuality is a natural thing because animals who don't have a choice naturally display both types of sexuality.
Black Howling Wrote:Why is the world round?
There's an actual geological reason why the world is round but I seriously don't feel like explaining it to you right now. It's related to the time when the earth was being formed, which is also related to why the terrestrial planets are closer to the sun and the gas planets are further away, and to the gravitational pull.
Black Howling Wrote:ultimately I am not gay so I can't talk about them as if I have experince nor can you.
No but I know what it's like to be heterosexual and if I think that being homosexual is as natural as being heterosexual then my experience as heterosexual can be applied.
gubi-gubi Wrote:I wasnt talking to you I was refering to the earlyier post that said if they want kids they would sleep with a woman.
Artificial insemination is a much "cleaner" method for an homosexual to have a child however it's still a very expensive method so sometimes just sleeping with a woman and getting it over with is a cheaper way out. Besides, women can get pregnant right at the first time, particularly when they're younger.