Andromeda18_ Wrote:It doesn't really bother me to tell you the truth.
Now all that needs to be done is to get the rest of us to think that way

How the hell did this thread turn into a debate about who believes in which fairy tale?
The only reason I dislike someone is if they are an asshole. The only probalm with homosexuality (I hope I spelled that right) is that if it becomes populer then the human race would perish. I don't see animals being gay (I could be wrong. Professers have actually made gay rats in labartorys...I think...) because it goes against nature. From natures perspective homosexuiality (I spelled it wrong didn't I) is almost a crime.
What do I think of religion? Fairy tales....nothing more nothing less (no offence you sheep!) IMO
No, what I meant was that I don't want to see two guys making out. I don't care if it's a good-bye kiss or something. But I am geeting better. I watched my first shoujo (Gravitation) the other day and by the end, was pretty much used to it. Don't really think that that has anything to do with the real world, though.... But I am respectful to a person's decision, and won't judge them because of their sexuality. Pretty much, I meant what DF said.
I have to say I take what onizuka stated a step further. It does seriously gross me out. I could never stand to watch a shoujo, I wouldn't get past the opening credits. I won't judge someone based on any aspect of his or her sexuality, but I still weirded out by queerness. One time I got hit on by a couple of dudes at Wal-Mart and I just ran away; totally freaked me out! I haven't had hardly any contact with homosexuals so when I am confronted with a situation involving someone who is gay it is still uncomfortable. I guess I still have some serious issues to work out but I think I just need time to adjust.
daisyflower2003 Wrote:No it doesn't have to be, I feel the same way Onizuka feels. Like I said before most people don't like PDA of any kind.
I've got friends who are Gay, and I don't mind the fact that they like being with the same sex, what is, for lack of a better word, "gross" is seeing them display their affection for one another. It's the same way with a guy and a girl; you don't want to watch your friend and her boyfriend make out in front of you, that's not cool. Or for me to make out with my boyfriend in front of anyone, it's wrong and well gross because people don't want to see that.
You are right about that personally I don't want my friend doing that either. If people are going to kiss they should do it behind closed doors period...
Actually all this is due to differing bbackgrounds and misintrepretations of the Bible.
Black Howling Wrote:If it becomes populer then the human race would perish. I don't see animals being gay (I could be wrong. Professers have actually made gay rats in labartorys...I think...) because it goes against nature. From natures perspective homosexuiality (I spelled it wrong didn't I) is almost a crime.
How would everyone start doing it? Some animals are gay and we are just nature aswell, nature created us so EVERYTHING we do is down to nature... If anything its probably natures way of stopping overpopulisation...
Black Howling Wrote:The only probalm with homosexuality (I hope I spelled that right) is that if it becomes populer then the human race would perish. I don't see animals being gay (I could be wrong. Professers have actually made gay rats in labartorys...I think...) because it goes against nature. From natures perspective homosexuiality (I spelled it wrong didn't I) is almost a crime.
Homosexuality will never become popular because it's got nothing to do with popularity. What you said is absurd! Do you think most people are heterosexuals just because it's popular? So what you're trying to say is that you like women simply because it's what people usually do, not because you're genuinely attracted to them! Also, you don't have to see animals being gay, they are! In reality animals are bisexual, they mate with both animals of the same sex and of the opposite sex. Most people have heard that dolphins of the same sex mate with each other, it's a very well known case but the truth is that in Nature this happens very often. Animals' instinct forces them to procreate to perpetuate the species, the gene pool, but that doesn't stop them from displaying homosexual behaviour as well. The same thing goes for human beings. Many gay people want to have children and many go as far as having sex with a person of the opposite sex just to have a child. Their instinct to procreate is at work here even though they are sexually attracted to people of the same sex and even though they are human beings who therefore have the capacity to go against that instinct. Being gay doesn't go against nature, quite the opposite. What is going against nature anyway? Nature is in continuous evolution. Did you know you are a mutant? That we're all mutants? That's how animals (humans included) evolve. You have one species but then a mutation is born and that mutation survives the sorrounding environment better and in time it becomes the majority and it is therefore the next step in that species evolution. That's how we and the monkeys appeared. We don't descend from the monkeys. We both descend from the same animal, we're kind of like cousins. In that species two types of mutations appeared one that led to us and another that led to the monkeys. So you see you can't really say that something goes against Nature because what you consider today as being against Nature might be the norm in the future. For someone who thinks religion is a bunch of fairy tales you sure share its view of things.
onizuka17711 Wrote:I watched my first shoujo (Gravitation) the other day and by the end, was pretty much used to it.
It's not called shoujo it's called yaoi. Shoujo is the opposite of shonen which is manga for boys. Yaoi is the word used to describe manga whose characters are homosexual. There's also seinen which is adult manga (no, it's not porn!).

Andromeda18_ Wrote:It's not called shoujo it's called yaoi. Shoujo is the opposite of shonen which is manga for boys. Yaoi is the word used to describe manga whose characters are homosexual. There's also seinen which is adult manga (no, it's not porn!). 
Thanks for correcting me. I wonder why I thought they were the same? *smacks self*
Let me share my opinion about religion and homosexuality.
For me, religion is a way of life. If you think the teaching in a certain religion is right for you then by all means you should join them. If you can bring out something good out of it then why not. I myself belongs to a religion and it helps me become a better person. It is up to the individual wether he likes it or not.
The same with being homosexual. If they want to be one then why not, its their freedom and its their life. The only problem that I can see with homosexuals is that they should not be allowed to adopt children. This is only my opinion so if someone is offended then Im sorry. The thing is...I think the decision to be homosexual should be around their teens so they can think for themselves. If children are being raised by homosexual parents then they will totally be confused of their sexuality because as most of us know, the first things that children learns are from their parents. So, if they found out that both of his parents are girls or guys then what??? Again...this is only my opinion and please dont take this against me

takumi25 Wrote:The only problem that I can see with homosexuals is that they should not be allowed to adopt children. This is only my opinion so if someone is offended then Im sorry. The thing is...I think the decision to be homosexual should be around their teens so they can think for themselves. If children are being raised by homosexual parents then they will totally be confused of their sexuality because as most of us know, the first things that children learns are from their parents. So, if they found out that both of his parents are girls or guys then what??? Again...this is only my opinion and please dont take this against me 
Well, I disagree with you. Actually it's not that I disagree I just see things differently. In my opinion sexuality isn't related to the way a person's brought up. I have a friend who's gay and he first found out he was gay when he was 8 years old. Another gay friend of mine found out he was gay when he was 17, he had girlfriends prior to that. Both my friends were brought up by a mother and a father, still they're gay, and both of them have brothers who were brought up in the same way and are not gay. Being brought up by heterosexual parents didn't matter at all. I believe the same thing happens if a child is brought up by parents of the same sex. In my opinion sexuality is ultimately an instinctive thing. Even if it wasn't why couldn't homosexual parents teach a child that there are people who like people of the same sex and people that like people of the opposite sex? A boy who lives with his mother and grandmother (let's suppose the father died), despite being brought up in a very feminine environment won't necessarily turn out gay. I think that a child who's brought up by homosexual parents will be more open minded and less prejudiced than a child who's brought up by heterosexual parents.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Homosexuality will never become popular because it's got nothing to do with popularity. What you said is absurd! Do you think most people are heterosexuals just because it's popular? So what you're trying to say is that you like women simply because it's what people usually do, not because you're genuinely attracted to them! Also, you don't have to see animals being gay, they are! In reality animals are bisexual, they mate with both animals of the same sex and of the opposite sex. Most people have heard that dolphins of the same sex mate with each other, it's a very well known case but the truth is that in Nature this happens very often. Animals' instinct forces them to procreate to perpetuate the species, the gene pool, but that doesn't stop them from displaying homosexual behaviour as well. The same thing goes for human beings. Many gay people want to have children and many go as far as having sex with a person of the opposite sex just to have a child. Their instinct to procreate is at work here even though they are sexually attracted to people of the same sex and even though they are human beings who therefore have the capacity to go against that instinct. Being gay doesn't go against nature, quite the opposite. What is going against nature anyway? Nature is in continuous evolution. Did you know you are a mutant? That we're all mutants? That's how animals (humans included) evolve. You have one species but then a mutation is born and that mutation survives the sorrounding environment better and in time it becomes the majority and it is therefore the next step in that species evolution. That's how we and the monkeys appeared. We don't descend from the monkeys. We both descend from the same animal, we're kind of like cousins. In that species two types of mutations appeared one that led to us and another that led to the monkeys. So you see you can't really say that something goes against Nature because what you consider today as being against Nature might be the norm in the future. For someone who thinks religion is a bunch of fairy tales you sure share its view of things.
I think you misunderstood me. I said that if every single human became homosexual then humankind would perish. By using technology a race of homosexuals could survive but nature didn't intend a being to be intelligent. If a race of animals
ALL became gay then they would probably become extinct. And a so called gay person that has sex with the other sex is bisexual not gay. You need to relax before I tell you a much worse version of what I just said. e.g you choose to be gay just like you choose to have sex with an animal. Something along those lines.
Black Howling Wrote:I think you misunderstood me. I said that if every single human became homosexual then humankind would perish. By using technology a race of homosexuals could survive but nature didn't intend a being to be intelligent. If a race of animals ALL became gay then they would probably become extinct. And a so called gay person that has sex with the other sex is bisexual not gay. You need to relax before I tell you a much worse version of what I just said. e.g you choose to be gay just like you choose to have sex with an animal. Something along those lines.
Well in nature, for example, worms, can choose what sexuality they want to be at any given time. If there are too many females, then some of them will switch to male mode and keep up the worm race. I think the same would eventually happen, evolution, if an all man world were to come to be, I think some of them would eventually become women because nature has a funny way of balancing things out.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Homosexuality will never become popular because it's got nothing to do with popularity. What you said is absurd! Do you think most people are heterosexuals just because it's popular? So what you're trying to say is that you like women simply because it's what people usually do, not because you're genuinely attracted to them! Also, you don't have to see animals being gay, they are! In reality animals are bisexual, they mate with both animals of the same sex and of the opposite sex. Most people have heard that dolphins of the same sex mate with each other, it's a very well known case but the truth is that in Nature this happens very often. Animals' instinct forces them to procreate to perpetuate the species, the gene pool, but that doesn't stop them from displaying homosexual behaviour as well. The same thing goes for human beings. Many gay people want to have children and many go as far as having sex with a person of the opposite sex just to have a child. Their instinct to procreate is at work here even though they are sexually attracted to people of the same sex and even though they are human beings who therefore have the capacity to go against that instinct. Being gay doesn't go against nature, quite the opposite. What is going against nature anyway? Nature is in continuous evolution. Did you know you are a mutant? That we're all mutants? That's how animals (humans included) evolve. You have one species but then a mutation is born and that mutation survives the sorrounding environment better and in time it becomes the majority and it is therefore the next step in that species evolution. That's how we and the monkeys appeared. We don't descend from the monkeys. We both descend from the same animal, we're kind of like cousins. In that species two types of mutations appeared one that led to us and another that led to the monkeys. So you see you can't really say that something goes against Nature because what you consider today as being against Nature might be the norm in the future. For someone who thinks religion is a bunch of fairy tales you sure share its view of things.
Sorry for the double post but I just have too give you my opinion.
Homosexuality will never become popular because it's got nothing to do with popularity. What you said is absurd
No it is logical.
Do you think most people are heterosexuals just because it's popular?
If everyone else was gay then no I wouldn't become gay. But if my parents were gay then yes I owuld probably be gay also.
So what you're trying to say is that you like women simply because it's what people usually do
I like women because it's
Natural! If I didn't we wouldn't have much of a race left.
Also, you don't have to see animals being gay, they are! In reality animals are bisexual
You just contradicted yourself!
The same thing goes for human beings. Many gay people want to have children and many go as far as having sex with a person of the opposite sex just to have a child.
Then they are no longer gay but bisexual. If being hetrosexual (it's spelled wrong isn't it?) and having sex with a man (or woman.) makes you gay then being gay and having sex with a woman (or guy whatever) makes you at least bisexual!
Being gay doesn't go against nature, quite the opposite. What is going against nature anyway?
I don't know what going aganist nature nor did I pertend to speak for nature I simply said that nature
might think of it as a crime.
Did you know you are a mutant?
I knew that a longggggggggggggggg time ago.
So you see you can't really say that something goes against Nature because what you consider today as being against Nature might be the norm in the future.
I won't repeat myself.
For someone who thinks religion is a bunch of fairy tales you sure share its view of things.
First Religion (the bible. The old genesies you know before Jebus?) basically hates gays (or so bible bashers would construde it) The word Sodemised (spelled wrong) Comes from the bible city Sodem and Goamorea (I don't care if it's spelled wrong!!!!!!!). I don't hate homosexuals but I don't want to see two gay men having sex on TV do you?