I know what you mean about the "hick towns" I have family that live in Nowhere Ville and if you do the slightest thing wrong, the whole town is talking about it for days, and not only your town but everyone in the next one too. My mouth drops when I hear how my grandma talks, she's not your average sweet little old lady. I live in big city so if you do hear the "N" word it's usually between two friends saying it to each other in fun but in those little towns it's all about the racism. As far a Gays, do what you want but no one likes PDA.
Blight Wrote:On a side note, I have always found the term Homophobia to be funny. Wouldn't it mean that you are afraid of gays? I just imagine it like being afraid of clowns (or marionettes for me), and it makes me laugh.
In a certain way it is being afraid. It's kind of a "fear of the unknown" I suppose. Why else would people have anything against other people based on their sexual preferences?
Andromeda18_ Wrote:In a certain way it is being afraid. It's kind of a "fear of the unknown" I suppose. Why else would people have anything against other people based on their sexual preferences?
Yea who cares, get over it, as long as they aren't hurting anyone. But then again it also goes against people's religion, someone needs to rewrite the rules i.e. the Bible as well as all the other religions, to fit modern day.
daisyflower2003 Wrote:Yea who cares, get over it, as long as they aren't hurting anyone. But then again it also goes against people's religion, someone needs to rewrite the rules i.e. the Bible as well as all the other religions, to fit modern day.
That would completely defeat the purpose of religion. It isn't about what people think or feel or want to do, it is about a certain way to live your life and
you must be the one to change. Lots of people think that believing only some things in a religion and leaving out the stuff they don't like that they are still what ever they choose to call themselves. Like Christians for example; lots of people call themselves Christians but then they publicly disagree with many of the beliefs held by Christians, meaning they aren?t Christians at all (note: I'm not calling all Christians hypocrites, just the ones that practice like above). You can't just rewrite the rules of a religion because they are inconvenient, because then you just destroyed it.
All right, that is enough preaching (especially considering I don't know where I stand with my own faith), on to the gay issue. I used to not be able to stand gays, at all. But the destruction of your ignorance gives you insights to things you didn't understand before. I hate that for so long a judged people based on their sexuality; it is so fucking shallow it sickens me now. I realize that you can't choose whom you love, it just happens. And while I still don't like gayness, I?m not going to judge anyone on one small thing that I personally disagree with; what business is it of mine? People are people and I will make decisions about them one at a time.
Blight Wrote:Lots of people think that believing only some things in a religion and leaving out the stuff they don't like that they are still what ever they choose to call themselves. Like Christians for example; lots of people call themselves Christians but then they publicly disagree with many of the beliefs held by Christians, meaning they aren?t Christians at all (note: I'm not calling all Christians hypocrites, just the ones that practice like above). You can't just rewrite the rules of a religion because they are inconvenient, because then you just destroyed it.
But wouldn't you like to believe in something whole heartedly and not something that you don't agree with, like back to your example of being a Christian, if it was altered then maybe that Christian could really be a Christian. Congress alters outdated laws so why not do the same with religion?
Keeping in mind I am, the same as you, unsure where I stand with my faith.
daisyflower2003 Wrote:But wouldn't you like to believe in something whole heartedly and not something that you don't agree with, like back to your example of being a Christian, if it was altered then maybe that Christian could really be a Christian. Congress alters outdated laws so why not do the same with religion?
Keeping in mind I am, the same as you, unsure where I stand with my faith.
Yes, but if a human makes a change to a religion than isn't the change therefore a defiance of the belief itself? If you don't change your thinking t fit what the religion is then you don't practice that religion, which is where I?m at right now. What you are talking about is creating a new religion, rather than modifying an old one. I?m not saying reforms don?t happen, but to alter a system of belief to the extreme you refer to is to defy and reject one belief for another.
Blight Wrote:Yes, but if a human makes a change to a religion than isn't the change therefore a defiance of the belief itself? If you don't change your thinking t fit what the religion is then you don't practice that religion, which is where I?m at right now. What you are talking about is creating a new religion, rather than modifying an old one. I?m not saying reforms don?t happen, but to alter a system of belief to the extreme you refer to is to defy and reject one belief for another.
I guess that could happen, since it already has with the other forms of Christianity, Baptist, Catholicism, and so on, but you can't please everyone. Maybe everyone should belong to their own "religion" consisting of their own beliefs, but then again I?m sure there would be controversy as there always is. And in a way I suppose they already do they just don't call it a "religion."
Blight Wrote:That would completely defeat the purpose of religion. It isn't about what people think or feel or want to do, it is about a certain way to live your life and you must be the one to change. Lots of people think that believing only some things in a religion and leaving out the stuff they don't like that they are still what ever they choose to call themselves. Like Christians for example; lots of people call themselves Christians but then they publicly disagree with many of the beliefs held by Christians, meaning they aren?t Christians at all (note: I'm not calling all Christians hypocrites, just the ones that practice like above). You can't just rewrite the rules of a religion because they are inconvenient, because then you just destroyed it.
I agree that a person can't alter the rules of a particular religion just because it is convenient but I think a person can believe in god without having to agree with all those rules. A person can believe in god and not be homophobic. Homosexuality has been around for as long as heterosexuality, animals often display homosexual tendencies, it's normal, society is the one who sees it as abnormal.
One of my best friends is gay. I had been his friend for some years when I found out he was gay. He didn't change on account of that, he's exactly the same wonderful guy whom I love like a brother.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I agree that a person can't alter the rules of a particular religion just because it is convenient but I think a person can believe in god without having to agree with all those rules. A person can believe in god and not be homophobic. Homosexuality has been around for as long as heterosexuality, animals often display homosexual tendencies, it's normal, society is the one who sees it as abnormal.
One of my best friends is gay. I had been his friend for some years when I found out he was gay. He didn't change on account of that, he's exactly the same wonderful guy whom I love like a brother.
Nicely said, perhaps most people, in a way, are in the same position, believing in God but not believing in some parts of the religion. Could be the reason why so many of us only go to church on Easter and Christmas.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I agree that a person can't alter the rules of a particular religion just because it is convenient but I think a person can believe in god without having to agree with all those rules. A person can believe in god and not be homophobic. Homosexuality has been around for as long as heterosexuality, animals often display homosexual tendencies, it's normal, society is the one who sees it as abnormal.
One of my best friends is gay. I had been his friend for some years when I found out he was gay. He didn't change on account of that, he's exactly the same wonderful guy whom I love like a brother.
The problem is like this: As you said society rejects Homosexuality, and society creates religion. When a religion is formed, values and beliefs are superimposed on the religion and the problem perpetuates itself. Part of the reason I didn?t like (actually I guess I hated) gays was the teachings of my church. Once my faith waned, I questioned a lot of stuff.
Blight Wrote:The problem is like this: As you said society rejects Homosexuality, and society creates religion. When a religion is formed, values and beliefs are superimposed on the religion and the problem perpetuates itself. Part of the reason I didn?t like (actually I guess I hated) gays was the teachings of my church. Once my faith waned, I questioned a lot of stuff.
The thing is that prior to the existence of the Bible, in some societies, homosexuality was seen as a normal thing, then it was seen as a bad thing, then it was seen as relatively normal again and now we're back to a time where people see it as a bad thing. The teachings of Christianism were created by a society of long ago which saw homosexuality as a bad thing. That's why people should always think well about the things they're taught, they can't just accept them without giving it a second thought. It's like me telling you to jump off a bridge and you doing it right away just because I told you so.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:The thing is that prior to the existence of the Bible, in some societies, homosexuality was seen as a normal thing, then it was seen as a bad thing, then it was seen as relatively normal again and now we're back to a time where people see it as a bad thing. The teachings of Christianism were created by a society of long ago which saw homosexuality as a bad thing. That's why people should always think well about the things they're taught, they can't just accept them without giving it a second thought. It's like me telling you to jump off a bridge and you doing it right away just because I told you so.
Yes I have jumped off many bridges too. The main problem with me was not that I couldn?t think for myself, it was that every time I did my faith would die a little. Then I realized that my main concern was not getting into heaven, but avoiding hell. I can accept the fact that this life is all I got but I don?t want to burn in hell for eternity. Of course when I discovered this was my motivation for my faith, I instantly pronounced my religiousness dead because I was not even following it right so what was the point.
Blight Wrote:Yes I have jumped off many bridges too. The main problem with me was not that I couldn?t think for myself, it was that every time I did my faith would die a little. Then I realized that my main concern was not getting into heaven, but avoiding hell. I can accept the fact that this life is all I got but I don?t want to burn in hell for eternity. Of course when I discovered this was my motivation for my faith, I instantly pronounced my religiousness dead because I was not even following it right so what was the point.
I've talked to my aunt who says there is a book, Conversations With God by Neale Walsch, actually 3 books, and it'a about a guy that with in the last few years sat and talked to God. My aunt refered to it as a modern day Bible, if you will. It might be worth checking out.
I'm pretty sure i will be on the VIP list if there is a hell.
daisyflower2003 Wrote:I've talked to my aunt who says there is a book, Conversations With God by Neale Walsch, actually 3 books, and it'a about a guy that with in the last few years sat and talked to God. My aunt refered to it as a modern day Bible, if you will. It might be worth checking out.
I guess my faith was never really that strong to begin with because I have never really felt ?the power of god? as people like to talk about. Praying always seemed like me just talking to myself. Then again I think about the stuff I did even when I calmed to be a Christian and realize I was a hypocrite (or a heretic). Loose morals, foul language, and the hunger for fighting kind of ruin the image of good Christian boy who was leader of the youth group. Ha ha, now that I think about it I was a louse example for the younger members; I even bought cigs for an underage member once. Looking back I was a shoddier Christian than I realized.