Black Howling Wrote:The only probalm with homosexuality (I hope I spelled that right) is that if it becomes populer then the human race would perish
Black Howling Wrote:I think you misunderstood me. I said that if every single human became homosexual then humankind would perish.
I don't think I misunderstood, it's plain to anybody who reads your sentence. You said that the human race would perish if homosexuality became popular. It's the "if it became popular" part that shouldn't be there.
Black Howling Wrote:but nature didn't intend a being to be intelligent.
Oh really?! And how did you came up with that?! If Nature didn't intend a being to be intelligent then how come we're intelligent? How come dolphins are almost as intelligent as us? How come other animals display learning capacities, if Nature didn't intend it that way?
Black Howling Wrote:And a so called gay person that has sex with the other sex is bisexual not gay.
Black Howling Wrote:You just contradicted yourself!
Black Howling Wrote:Then they are no longer gay but bisexual. If being hetrosexual (it's spelled wrong isn't it?) and having sex with a man (or woman.) makes you gay then being gay and having sex with a woman (or guy whatever) makes you at least bisexual!
The word bisexual is used to name a person that's both homosexual and heterosexual. Since it wouldn't be practical to use both words the word bisexual was invented. That's why I said animals are bisexual right after saying they're gay, because animals have sex with the opposite sex to procreate and with the same sex for... fun!

A gay man who has sex with a woman, once in his entire life time, who hates doing it but does so in order to have a child is still a gay man not a bisexual. A man's bisexual if he's attracted to both men and women and a homosexual man who has sex with a woman for a specific purpose without feeling attracted to her isn't bisexual.
Black Howling Wrote:Homosexuality will never become popular because it's got nothing to do with popularity. What you said is absurd
No it is logical.
Sure it is.
Black Howling Wrote:If everyone else was gay then no I wouldn't become gay. But if my parents were gay then yes I owuld probably be gay also.
No you wouldn't! It's been "proved". Besides, if that was true then why do heterosexual parents have homosexual children? It's the same logic.
Black Howling Wrote:I like women because it's Natural! If I didn't we wouldn't have much of a race left.
And some men like men because it's
Natural. It's in their nature to be homosexual the same way it's in yours to be heterosexual. While animals display homosexual behaviour and still procreate we humans don't have to do that. We don't even have to be gay to end the human race. I'm heterosexual but I don't want to have children for anything in the world. If everyone was like me the human race would perish and still everybody would be heterosexual. Humans have a choice! Even if all humans were homosexual there'd still be both men and women in the world, the human race wouldn't have to end!
Black Howling Wrote:I don't know what going aganist nature nor did I pertend to speak for nature I simply said that nature might think of it as a crime.
Nature doesn't
Black Howling Wrote:I don't hate homosexuals but I don't want to see two gay men having sex on TV do you?
Yes please!

I mean, many men love watching two lesbians getting it on, I like it, so why can't I like watching two men getting it on as well?
Black Howling Wrote:You need to relax before I tell you a much worse version of what I just said. e.g you choose to be gay just like you choose to have sex with an animal. Something along those lines.
You can say whatever you want, the problem's yours not mine. And by the way people who are attracted to children and animals are sick. They have a chemical inbalance in their brain which can be treated. There's no such inbalance in homosexuals's brains.
daisyflower2003 Wrote:Well in nature, for example, worms, can choose what sexuality they want to be at any given time. If there are too many females, then some of them will switch to male mode and keep up the worm race. I think the same would eventually happen, evolution, if an all man world were to come to be, I think some of them would eventually become women because nature has a funny way of balancing things out.
That's because worms are hermaphrodites. A worm is both female and male and even when two worms are mating they're still male and female. Each has an egg and they exchange sperm.
takumi25 Wrote:The same with being homosexual. If they want to be one then why not, its their freedom and its their life.
Nobody WANTS to be gay they just are... Do you WANT to be straight? Maybe you do but chances are you just are because thats the way you feel...
takumi25 Wrote:The thing is...I think the decision to be homosexual should be around their teens so they can think for themselves.
Again what 'decision'? What age did you decide you were straight?
edit: LOL by the way if two gay guys want kids they jack off into a cup and find a surrogate mother. The chances of someone getting pregnant from one sexual encounter are quite slim. Its all done artificially...
Black Howling Wrote:I think you misunderstood me. I said that if every single human became homosexual then humankind would perish.
Just as much as we would perish if all the guys cut their balls off but is it going to happen?
Black Howling Wrote:You need to relax before I tell you a much worse version of what I just said. e.g you choose to be gay just like you choose to have sex with an animal. Something along those lines.
Whats that supposed to mean? Gay people are the equivelant of people who take part in beastiality? Thats PURE homophobia. Again where the hell is the choice? Get it out of your head.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Nobody WANTS to be gay they just are... Do you WANT to be straight? Maybe you do but chances are you just are because thats the way you feel...
Again what 'decision'? What age did you decide you were straight?
edit: LOL by the way if two gay guys want kids they jack off into a cup and find a surrogate mother. The chances of someone getting pregnant from one sexual encounter are quite slim. Its all done artificially...
Dude...obviously two guys cant make a baby?!? even idiots knows that. Im talking about "adoption" here.
And I really believe that being gay is a decision they make from what they see in their environment. I refuse to believe that gay people are born "gay". Thats just absurd, maybe there are some chemical imbalances that they have to deal with but no one is born gay. I dont dislike gays but Im not for it either. I just let them be because thats how they want to live. Everything in life is a decision thats why there is "change". It is foolish to say that "Im like this because thats the way I was born". Even a handicap person can do anything if he really puts his mind and body to it.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Well, I disagree with you. Actually it's not that I disagree I just see things differently. In my opinion sexuality isn't related to the way a person's brought up. I have a friend who's gay and he first found out he was gay when he was 8 years old. Another gay friend of mine found out he was gay when he was 17, he had girlfriends prior to that. Both my friends were brought up by a mother and a father, still they're gay, and both of them have brothers who were brought up in the same way and are not gay. Being brought up by heterosexual parents didn't matter at all. I believe the same thing happens if a child is brought up by parents of the same sex. In my opinion sexuality is ultimately an instinctive thing. Even if it wasn't why couldn't homosexual parents teach a child that there are people who like people of the same sex and people that like people of the opposite sex? A boy who lives with his mother and grandmother (let's suppose the father died), despite being brought up in a very feminine environment won't necessarily turn out gay. I think that a child who's brought up by homosexual parents will be more open minded and less prejudiced than a child who's brought up by heterosexual parents.
I guess you're right. There will be gays even if their parents are not gay. Gay people has been in history for so long. Based on your statement its up to the person to be gay right? Thats exactly how i think. I also think its based on decision and not the way they are born. Have you ever heard the doctor in the delivery room say "Its a gay"!!!!
I have to say that it is unnatural to be gay. If it wasn?t, then ALL people would be hermaphrodites. Instead both men and women were fashioned (however the hell it happened; evolution sounds as far fetched as most religions do) as the way of furthering the species. Animals just get really horny, kind of like prison inmates (cringe), but it is still not how nature intended things to be.
It is also this that makes it apparent that someone chooses to be gay. I heard that there is a gay gene or something but it sounds like a crock of shit. It?s like saying ?Whoa is me; I?m just a gay person and I had no choice in it.? Sounds a lot like fate and destiny and both are bull. People are the results of the situations they get put in and the choices they make. A person at any time could say ?Well, I think I?ll go try out that side of the fence? and choose their sexuality, given that generally doesn?t happen but it?s not like it hasn?t happened either.
Blight Wrote:I have to say that it is unnatural to be gay. If it wasn?t, then ALL people would be hermaphrodites. Instead both men and women were fashioned (however the hell it happened; evolution sounds as far fetched as most religions do) as the way of furthering the species. Animals just get really horny, kind of like prison inmates (cringe), but it is still not how nature intended things to be.
It is also this that makes it apparent that someone chooses to be gay. I heard that there is a gay gene or something but it sounds like a crock of shit. It?s like saying ?Whoa is me; I?m just a gay person and I had no choice in it.? Sounds a lot like fate and destiny and both are bull. People are the results of the situations they get put in and the choices they make. A person at any time could say ?Well, I think I?ll go try out that side of the fence? and choose their sexuality, given that generally doesn?t happen but it?s not like it hasn?t happened either.
You don't get to decide how you feel. Just like if someone were to kill your family, you wouldn't be able to help it that you were angry or sad. It just happens. I am sure that every gay person has at least once wished that they were straight so people would treat them normally, but does that make them straight? That's like saying "I want to be a engineer, so now I am".
onizuka17711 Wrote:You don't get to decide how you feel. Just like if someone were to kill your family, you wouldn't be able to help it that you were angry or sad. It just happens. I am sure that every gay person has at least once wished that they were straight so people would treat them normally, but does that make them straight? That's like saying "I want to be a engineer, so now I am".
Actually, it?s more like ?I want to be an Engineer, so I went to college and studied to be one and now I am.? It is true that your feelings determine the things you want but in the end it is your designs that propel you take be complacent or to take action. You always have a choice, and even if you decide to do nothing that was making a decision about what you are going to do. People often do things that they don?t like, but chose to them anyway, like work.

They may feel gay but people can be pretty good at ignoring their feelings.
Instead of thinking of it as feeling in terms of choice think of it as the type of women you like. No matter how much I like women, I get right turned off by those 500 lb ladies you see posing for the fatty magazines. There are guys who like their women that way. I don't think that's a choice that is made. I think it's just the way someone is wired or whatever events shape their life.
On a more basic level what about people who like tomatoes and people who don't like tomatoes. Is that a choice that people make to not like a food?
So lets extend this to being homosexual. Does someone choose to prefer attraction to men rather than women? I don't think so. It's kind of like deciding to like a different type of food or shape of body.
Just to complicate matters, a persons taste changes throughout their life. They may discover over time that they enjoy the taste of tomatoes. I'm going to let this thread hang here.
The biggest argument I HATE is that being gay isn't NATURAL. We're born naked but clothing is manufactured to keep us warm. That's one unnatural thing that everyone I know accepts as a normal thing. How about these computers? I'm pretty sure they didn't naturally grow on trees so that makes them pretty unnatural. I'm trying to imagine this forum existing without them though. Or how about braces? ...or marriage? ...or baptism? ...or any number of other man-made things that people accept as normal?
So what is it about homosexuality that is so unnatural? If you're concerned about the propagation of the species then it's a good thing that homosexuals are typically ok with surrogate parents. Oh wait... that's another of those "unnatural" concepts that humans have come up with.
I'm getting all worked up here again. Gay bashing in any form bugs me in a big way.
I'd before I write something I'd have to ban myself for.
Zagatto Wrote:Instead of thinking of it as feeling in terms of choice think of it as the type of women you like. No matter how much I like women, I get right turned off by those 500 lb ladies you see posing for the fatty magazines. There are guys who like their women that way. I don't think that's a choice that is made. I think it's just the way someone is wired or whatever events shape their life.
On a more basic level what about people who like tomatoes and people who don't like tomatoes. Is that a choice that people make to not like a food?
So lets extend this to being homosexual. Does someone choose to prefer attraction to men rather than women? I don't think so. It's kind of like deciding to like a different type of food or shape of body.
Just to complicate matters, a persons taste changes throughout their life. They may discover over time that they enjoy the taste of tomatoes. I'm going to let this thread hang here.
The biggest argument I HATE is that being gay isn't NATURAL. We're born naked but clothing is manufactured to keep us warm. That's one unnatural thing that everyone I know accepts as a normal thing. How about these computers? I'm pretty sure they didn't naturally grow on trees so that makes them pretty unnatural. I'm trying to imagine this forum existing without them though. Or how about braces? ...or marriage? ...or baptism? ...or any number of other man-made things that people accept as normal?
So what is it about homosexuality that is so unnatural? If you're concerned about the propagation of the species then it's a good thing that homosexuals are typically ok with surrogate parents. Oh wait... that's another of those "unnatural" concepts that humans have come up with.
I'm getting all worked up here again. Gay bashing in any form bugs me in a big way.
I'd before I write something I'd have to ban myself for.
I wasn't trying to use naturalness or whatever to justify not like gay people or anything like that; just because something isn't natural doesn?t mean it isn't any less significant. I was just commenting on the fact that it isn't natural for the sake of arguing that it isn?t. I don't think anyone that has commented yet does have full on hate for gays. I haven?t done one bit of gay bashing the whole time and I haven?t witnessed any either (not saying I didn?t miss it, just haven?t seen any). I don?t like gayness, but as I?ve said before, only shallow people judge themselves and others based purely on sexuality. Putting yourself or others in a box is dumb. But is my choice to not like it any less valid than people who do choose to like it? It is really none of my business to tell anyone else how to live their lives, and if I were to tell a gay couple that I don?t approve of what they were doing, I would hope to get punched in the face. Needless to say I don?t do that, because it would be wrong. Am I digging a hole?
I know decisions are heavily influenced by the way one feels, but it is kind of like what you said about the food Zagatto, I?m sure everyone remembers eating veggies that you didn?t like; eventually you learn to like them or your parents don?t give you food at all. Yes it is a crappy decision, but you still make it.
I just skimmed over half of that & wanted to throw my 2 cents in.
If you really know a gay guy (my new best guy friend is gay & my new best gal pal attracts gays like a moth to a falem) then you know it's not a choice. Sure there are guys that will screw anything, but gay guys seek companionship in the same sex, not just a good lay.
Then there's bi-sexuals, of which I jsut met one of those too. Hard to explain them. Most people that claim they're bi are just willing to screw anything.
Anyways, my point, watch the mannerisms of a gay guy & if he's not trying to hide it then it's obvisous that he's gay; these actions & reactions are not adapted, they are with them since birth, least most of the time.
It's like my gay hating old teacher once said: "I'd like to believe gays chose to be the way they are, but I've seen little kids in primary schools that example the same actions."
Ok, that's not all that I had to say, but I must be going for bi-s, I'll do more research, I'm invited to a sleep over with the two above mentioned guys

Heres my view on gays and anything of that sort. As long as they don't bug me they can live their lives however they want its not my business so I don't give a damn...
That brings up one of my favourite quotes:
"Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins."
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I don't think I misunderstood, it's plain to anybody who reads your sentence. You said that the human race would perish if homosexuality became popular. It's the "if it became popular" part that shouldn't be there.
Oh really?! And how did you came up with that?! If Nature didn't intend a being to be intelligent then how come we're intelligent? How come dolphins are almost as intelligent as us? How come other animals display learning capacities, if Nature didn't intend it that way?
The word bisexual is used to name a person that's both homosexual and heterosexual. Since it wouldn't be practical to use both words the word bisexual was invented. That's why I said animals are bisexual right after saying they're gay, because animals have sex with the opposite sex to procreate and with the same sex for... fun!
A gay man who has sex with a woman, once in his entire life time, who hates doing it but does so in order to have a child is still a gay man not a bisexual. A man's bisexual if he's attracted to both men and women and a homosexual man who has sex with a woman for a specific purpose without feeling attracted to her isn't bisexual.
Sure it is.
No you wouldn't! It's been "proved". Besides, if that was true then why do heterosexual parents have homosexual children? It's the same logic.
And some men like men because it's Natural. It's in their nature to be homosexual the same way it's in yours to be heterosexual. While animals display homosexual behaviour and still procreate we humans don't have to do that. We don't even have to be gay to end the human race. I'm heterosexual but I don't want to have children for anything in the world. If everyone was like me the human race would perish and still everybody would be heterosexual. Humans have a choice! Even if all humans were homosexual there'd still be both men and women in the world, the human race wouldn't have to end!
Nature doesn't think.
Yes please!
I mean, many men love watching two lesbians getting it on, I like it, so why can't I like watching two men getting it on as well?
You can say whatever you want, the problem's yours not mine. And by the way people who are attracted to children and animals are sick. They have a chemical inbalance in their brain which can be treated. There's no such inbalance in homosexuals's brains.
First the intelligent thing. I was talking about
humans not animals. If you can show me an animal that is as intelligent as a human good for you but you can't. Do animals have artificial insertuation (spelled wrong)? No because they don't have technology. You don't seem to understand. If every person was gay then some would have sex with the other sex to try to keep the race alive but what about the others?
You can say whatever you want, the problem's yours not mine. And by the way people who are attracted to children and animals are sick. They have a chemical inbalance in their brain which can be treated. There's no such inbalance in homosexuals's brains.[/
Although this doesn't have anything to to with being gay. Are they treated? I was just wondering because most of them don't get out of jail (if they are catched).
And some men like men because it's [B]Natural. It's in their nature to be homosexual the same way it's in yours to be heterosexual. While animals display homosexual behaviour and still procreate we humans don't have to do that. We don't even have to be gay to end the human race. I'm heterosexual but I don't want to have children for anything in the world. If everyone was like me the human race would perish and still everybody would be heterosexual. Humans have a choice! Even if all humans were homosexual there'd still be both men and women in the world, the human race wouldn't have to end![/B]
Again because you have a human's intelligence we have all this crap about choice and religion and media. Animals don't choice to have children or not (infact some animals are actually raped sometimes by other animals of the same species. And yes its fucked up.).
I'm heterosexual but I don't want to have children for anything in the world. If everyone was like me the human race would perish and still everybody would be heterosexual
That choice just happens to end in the same result. But thats like saying 'i'm not gay but if I fired a nuclear missle the human race would perish do you see now?'
Oh really?! And how did you came up with that?! If Nature didn't intend a being to be intelligent then how come we're intelligent? How come dolphins are almost as intelligent as us? How come other animals display learning capacities, if Nature didn't intend it that way?
Why is the world round? What is the meanning of life? Do animals go to hell for not having religion? Animals don't have technology because they don't have the intelligents.
I don't think I misunderstood, it's plain to anybody who reads your sentence. You said that the human race would perish if homosexuality became popular. It's the "if it became popular" part that shouldn't be there.
Why? Explain to me why you think it shouldn't be there.
And some men like men because it's Natural
sure it is.
About my theory lets just say what if all the rats in the world became gay? Wouldn't they perish? Evolution would have to work quite fast (and it hasn't been proven) to stop the race from perishing.
ultimately I am not gay so I can't talk about them as if I have experince nor can you.