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3x3 Eyes  Anime Cartoon/Manga Internation
Overall Rating:
Rating of 4.1 out of 0
Front Pic
Sku #: DVD-167
Discs: 2
Audio: Jap
Subs: Eng, Chi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Series Info: Episodes 1-7
Posted by lifestop
Legends whisper about the ancient Sanijyan, powerful three-eyed demons that possessed the secret of immortality. Yet their fascination with humanity led to their slaughter by one of their strongest leaders, Lord Kaiyanwan. Today, humanitys blind arrogance has built a civilization that believes only in itself and we preserve our sense of security only by refusing to see the shadow-world lurking beneath the surface of our town. One man, Yakumo, will be forced to confront this hidden world and discover the curse of immortality. What he finds will force him to embrace the demon world to find, not only its humanity, but also his own. <br />
Rating of 4.4 out of 0
Rating of 4.2 out of 0
Rating of 3.8 out of 0