All the sites I\'ve been to have listed the company for this one as \"unknown\", which is too bad, because someone oughta take credit for such a good release. With a name like \"perfect collection\" one would think it would be FX though. This is a truly great series, but here in the U.S. it\'s released over 3 disks......It\'s only a 6 ep. show! Be smart and buy this collection. It\'s worth every penny of the $12 you\'ll pay for it, and then some.
-Video- Is perfect. I\'ve seen anime in every way, shape, and form, be it through 3rd generation vhs tapes, to digital fansubs, to R1 dvds, and the video on this is absolutely beautiful. Considering it\'s a HK dvd, I would\'ve accepted some lowered video quality. However, this is obviously an R1 rip, and a well-done one at that. Watched the R1\'s at a friend\'s house and this disk is every bit as clear and vibrant. No blurring or graining during action scenes or anything. Playing glitches slightly at two points during the disk, it just freezes for about a half-second, but doesn\'t un-sync the subs or audio or anything. This could\'ve just been my disk or my dvd player as well. Overall, I\'d give it a 5/5, perfect score.
-Audio- is equally beautiful. R1 rip with dubbed english track or original japanese. Both sounded loud and clear to me. No complaints whatsoever.
-Subs- Although I\'m more a fan of subs, the dubbing on this show is just too good. Especially considering that it\'s one of those shows that, in it\'s native language, is too heavy on the non-sensical jibberish and obscure Japanese pop-culture references to be understood by anyone who wasn\'t raised in Japan. I did turn the subs on throughout about half of it just to see how they were, and overall I\'d say they were satisfactory. Clear and understandable, and even makes a legitimate attempt to explain the dialouge to the viewer. They were some on-screen translation notes, which are always professional-looking. The subs were probably rips too. Timing is questionable in certain fast-paced scenes, but what do you expect? Chances are you\'ll be watching the dub anyway. The subs are definitely adequate though, if that\'s the way you wanna go.
Packaging is a little boring, but I found the menus to be rather stylish. It\'s interesting how HK dvd menus are often better than the official releases. In any case, this is a solid purchase. I doubt any other FLCL release beats this one for quality.