The movie is about a naiive and a little clumsy teenage girl named Haru and her adventures in the cat kingdom. The excitement begins when Haru and her bestfriend, takin the day off from school. While walking around a shopping district, they saw a strange, dark blue cat carrying a small gift wrapped box. While it was crossing the street, a truck was about to run over the cat. To Haru\'s quick thinking, She saved the cat. And then, without her expecting anything strange, the cat stood up, cleaned himself, and gave her a formal thank you. She realizes that the cat she saved is the young prince of all cats. By the time Haru\'s about to sleep, she is visited by the cat emperor, father to the prince she saved, accompanied by a parade of cats. To her surprise, she is given invitation to the cat kingdom. Thus begins Haru\'s fun and thrilling adventure. On the technical side, the characters are all cute and lovable! I\'m not surprised if you\'re smiling and end up laughing, because the quadruped cats can express natural human movements, like reading a newspaper, crossing arms, slouching on a sofa and baking a cake! The movie is graphically amazing and the story is what makes it special. This film will definitely put a smile on your face.