ORGUSS starts in a futuristic Earth where factions are fighting over control of a giant space elevator system that launches satellites at a tiny fraction of the cost of outdated rockets. Kei, a brash playboy and hotshot pilot, is caught in an explosion that disrupts the time-space continuum, throwing him twenty years into the future. But the world he lands in is nothing like what he expects; the bomb he attempted to defuse has also pulled together several parallel universes, all now co-existing on one Earth. He finds himself in the middle of a conflict between the Emaan, a nomadic trader race, and the warlike society of the Chiram. Kei is befriended by a band of Emaan and quickly develops a love/hate relationship with a young woman named Mimsy. Kei soon realizes that he is a "differentiated idioblast", one of a very few who might be able to put right this catastrophic melding of worlds. To succeed at this mission, however, may forever separate him from this strange group of travelers and the woman he comes to love.
(Credit to Jason Huff<br />