The series takes place in Tokyo and is about a high school student named Takumi that has been delivering tofu in his father's 86 since he was a junior high student. Five years have passed and there is a racing team named the Speedstars that has formed on the same route that Takumi has driven on the past 5 years. Takumi doesn't seem to take much interest in the team, but continues to improve his skills. Around that time another racing team comes to challenge the Speedstars to a downhill mountain race on Akina Mountain. Takumi haven met one of the challengers while delivering tofu, decides to take part in the race. Tension builds up as the series progresses and Takumi earns respect and gains honor from defending the Speedstars. Saying anything else would be ruining the series. The sideplot shows more about the life of Takumi and how he comes more and more into street racing. It also shows his relations to other racers and his relationship to a girl named Mogi that has a side job of being an *ahem* escort service.<br />