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Neo Ranga Part 1  Anime Cartoon/Manga Internation
Overall Rating:
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
Front Pic
Sku #: DVD9101
Discs: 6
Audio: Jap
Subs: Eng, Chi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Mecha
Series Info: 24 Episodes - 360 min
Posted by lifestop
The story opens with three ordinary young Japanese females attempting to live a normal life. This is made a bit more difficult because of their lack of parents, but the oldest of the three is mature enough to make do. She's the serious type, keeping her mind on the immediate and working multiple jobs to keep the money coming in. The middle female is a fiery high school student, seemingly the most sensitive and emotional of the three. Meanwhile the youngest has got the whole `intense' thing going, with a sideline in cynical. Things go a touch strange when they are given three tickets to a small pacific island. On this island they are given one staggering truth after another that makes huge changes to their world. The first is that their brother married the local princess, the second is that he seems to have been lost at sea with the conclusion being that they now rule this independent, and weird island. An island steeped in myth and folklore including the myth of the island having it's own god to look after it. Although the girls are somewhat shocked to find that this myth is a little more immediate, as in `he lives over there', and active, as in the rather graphic punishment of a traitor to the island. In any case these sensible Japanese girls are having nothing to do with any of it and return to Japan. It's just a shame for them that Neo-Ranga, the huge mecha-like god of the islands, seems to have grown attached to them. - Andrew Shelton <br />
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
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Rating of 5.0 out of 0