i have just recently bought a dvd pack off of ebay. it had 186 eps of Naruto, 2 movies, and a special. im only on episode 20. the language was japanese with subs. usually i hate subs. but it seemed to work fine for Naruto. the description for the dvds said it was the complete set. but i thought it was still being broadcasted in Japan and that new eps were coming out. so which is it?
The latter. Naruto is probably going to be be arround 300-400 episodes by the time it is all said and done. They are going to milk it worse than dragonball. Allready they have subjected the fans to about 50 filler episodes of pure crappyness. I like Naruto, but have stopped watching it till they get back to the real story.
[Image: kitty.gif]
Some of the filler episodes are actually quite good. Others.... they should be slapped for. The food ninjas was probably the worst idea they've had so far.
Cidien Wrote:Some of the filler episodes are actually quite good. Others.... they should be slapped for. The food ninjas was probably the worst idea they've had so far.

I can like some filler episodes if the series hasn't become repetitive and dull. I keep wanting to check Naruto out but the length really puts me off. If it ends up like 400eps I really couldn't justify myself starting it. I think I might just read the manga as volume one was good and manga is a lot less time consuming. Is the manga better than the anime?
My main gripe about the filler episodes is that they have made Naruto out to be as big a fool as he was at the start of the series.

The manga is quite good, but the problem with high-action manga is that the fights can appear to be rather short or chaotic, by that I mean it can be hard to tell just what exactally is going on sometimes. Course some of that may be chalked up to poor scanlations.
[Image: kitty.gif]
yeah! wtf is up with these fillers, they piss me off. it doesn't even seem like the same naruto when it left off, more like darkanx said like he was in the beginning or something.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
gubi-gubi Wrote:I can like some filler episodes if the series hasn't become repetitive and dull. I keep wanting to check Naruto out but the length really puts me off. If it ends up like 400eps I really couldn't justify myself starting it. I think I might just read the manga as volume one was good and manga is a lot less time consuming. Is the manga better than the anime?

Yes I've only read a little of the manga but I could actually read it but thought the anime was terrible.
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Perhaps they think the anime is catching up to the manga a bit too quick? Could just be giving it a little time so they don't screw themselves later. Don't read the manga so no idea how far ahead is it/was when fillers started.
Cidien Wrote:Perhaps they think the anime is catching up to the manga a bit too quick? Could just be giving it a little time so they don't screw themselves later. Don't read the manga so no idea how far ahead is it/was when fillers started.

Yeah, that is pretty much what is going on, the anime was going faster than the manga, so either they needed to pause the production or make fillers, and they decided on the latter. They have Naruto running around on badly writen, random missions. It wasn't so bad at first, but it has just been dragging on and on (I would say that it feels as tho half a year+ has passed since Sasuke defected).

I think a better way to fill episodes would have been to go back to the early days of the team (the "lost episodes" if you will) and reenforce the relationship between the group members. It seemed as tho Naruto and Sasuke never really even formed a strong bond (even that of rivalry) to warrant Naruto's drastic desire to save his "friend". It would have been a much better use of building up some storyline than to have Naruto being the "third wheel" to other group members.

Forgive me, I tend to rant.
[Image: kitty.gif]

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