Naruto Cast
Well after seeing the first few epps i think they fucked it up.
no blood, and Really bad voices.
i think the voice of naruto should of been a better girl like :
Brianne SIDDALL - Outlaw Star, .hack//sign
(she was supposed to be the lead of naruto before Studio Pierrot wanted that ugly talentless hagg.)

My Pick would be :
Barbara Goodson - FLCL AS Naota (Main boy) she did a great job you cant even tell she is a chick she does great boy voices ! if they would of used her and Steven Jay Blum they would of been better off also add the damn blood when they see the sexy woman.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


How about the fake cast that was floating around the net... if it was indeed fake. If it was fake someone spent a lotta time making up a fake interview I read...
Quote:It will still be better though. A bunch of twelve year olds doing voice work from their closet could do about the same as 4kids does...
Try monkeys. With vacum cleaners running in the background.

Honestly, (as I've said before) I think the voice casting wasn't really bad. Naruto and Chouji could use some work, but Naruto's isn't even that bad, it's difficult to cast someone who's supposed to be an annoying, bratty kid, especially when you only have older females to work with (older guys don't work, and kid actors dont seem to work very well).
hakken Wrote:especially when you only have older females to work with (older guys don't work, and kid actors dont seem to work very well).

Then try using a girl that hasn't already gone through menopause, or a woman that doesn?t look like a man; that might help.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
...And make them sound even more girly? I dunno if that would work. Still, it might.
hakken Wrote:...And make them sound even more girly? I dunno if that would work. Still, it might.

I don't know. Honestly, whenever I hear "his" voice, I see that leprechaun hag in my head. Totally ruins it. Like a sexy chick with a man?s voice. EWWW. But I was just thinking it might sound more like a young boy. Little Goku is fine in Dragonball, though I would totally freak out if I ever talked to the woman face to face. I was thinking of a woman age 25-35. The other ?woman? has a weird distortion and gravel in her voice and it sounds fake like it isn?t a real person. Totally displaces the character for me.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
I think the reason they wanted 'gravel' in her voice is that it's supposed to make it sound more authentic - Naruto's just going through the time of life kids' voices start changing, so it might be appropriate. My little brother's getting a bit of that, though not to the same extent.
That's the problem with a lotta kids voices in anime. It sounds just like it is. Adults doing crappy impressions of what a kid should sound like.

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