What do you guys and girls do and like besides anime??
I'm 23 and a Graduate student at a Texas university. Im working on my english master's degree, and my thesis is on depictions of the american dream in chicano literature and film

I realy enjoy comics, manga, and video games, so im pretty much a nerd wether i like it or not. I also love movies, and was thrilled to figure out a way to talk about them in my thesis.

I'm mainly just trying to get myself a teaching job out of this degree, and see what happens from their. I'm a Graduate Teaching Assistant, so that takes up most of my time. Right now life comes a semester at a ttime.
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
snowboarder Wrote:It's an exhilarating feeling when your tucked in behind your windscreen and your blasting down the straights @ 170mph....

Yeah, that's what I'm scared of. One of my best friends who knows me well, even said so - the fact that I love speed, combined with the fact that I lack self control when it comes to things like that, combined with what can happen to you if you wreck on a bike is a really bad combination.
Vicious Wrote:Yeah, that's what I'm scared of. One of my best friends who knows me well, even said so - the fact that I love speed, combined with the fact that I lack self control when it comes to things like that, combined with what can happen to you if you wreck on a bike is a really bad combination.

Yeah, I remember when you told us about that time, when a friend of yours died after taking a curve too fast, and you decided to do the exact same thing to see what would happen. Not a very sensible thing to do.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
I'm sure you've heard the saying among riders that there are two kinds of riders...those who have crashed and those who are going to crash. You're not going to escape crashing...it's as simple as that. You may just crash in a parking lot. Hopefully that's all it will be.

I layed mine down about 2 yrs ago. I was only going about 30mph but I had lost respect for the machine under me and for the rules of the road. We all think we're infallible and that's when mistakes are made. I wound up losing my front end and sliding about 20-25 feet. I had a concussion, scraped up and trashed knee, raspberry on my side where my jacket rolled up and cracked/broken ribs which was the worst pain in world. Imagine being in agony when you breathe and being terrified of laughing hard, coughing or sneezing because of the pain it will cause.

I got off easy. Imagine laying it down on the freeway or on a busy road....bad news all the way around.

Now I mostly ride on the track on trackdays. You don't have to worry about semi trucks or the dummys in their roll cages yapping on the phone and not paying attention.

It still is alot of fun though....Big Grin


Dont know much about moto but my brother inlaw races and has done supercross when he was younger. He races a yamaha somethingorother in the 250 class, I have been up to lauden in new a hampshire a few times for some races pretty cool. He hasent raced for a couple of years cause he crashed badly. He had been having transmission trouble and colided with another bike on a bad turn went flying 25 feet through the air and landed on his shoulder and has a bad a-c seperation in his hand and shoulder. When he finally stopped sliding the first thing he did was get up and look for his gear. He also makes the leather suits for other riders.
He also works for M$.
Well anyway I work walk my dog and play guitar, I used to spend all my time with my girlfriend but times change. Oh and I'm 20.
Well I haven't replied in here yet and some of what I say probably won't come as a surprise. Other stuff might. Other things that I like to do besides anime are. Search for a good pair of Parachute Pants. If I can't find them Leather pants preferably with flame decals will suffice. Other stuff includes collecting 80's music, playing paintball, hiking, biking (bicycling), reading (mostly science fiction fantasy and adventure), singing, dancing, kareoke, console games, PC games, Fouce ball aka table soccer, and driving. There is proabbaly more stuff but that is all I can think of at the moment. Later.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Search for a good pair of Parachute Pants.

Damn I don't even know why im telling you this. I don't condone the wearing of parachute pants but I weirdly came across this site a while back http://store.yahoo.com/parachutepants/index.html

Don't ask me how but I certainly wasn't looking for it... Honest.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Damn I don't even know why im telling you this. I don't condone the wearing of parachute pants but I weirdly came across this site a while back http://store.yahoo.com/parachutepants/index.html

Don't ask me how but I certainly wasn't looking for it... Honest.

Sure you werent I guess Ryo has an ally in that department haha
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Didn't really plan on replying to this thread, but I'm bored. So, um, I like to masturbate. And I've begun to my friends to call me Ero-Wilkerson. Not much else I feel like divulging right now.

Oh, and a big J/k (well, kinda. I am a weird ass) for those who can't take a joke.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
hmmm... watever makes you happy .........

i've just joined a softball team for this summer. now i'm fencing and playing softball, w0w, this summers going to be crazy! can't wait. hahahha....
[Image: ffc.jpg]

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