I finally checked into The Mars Volta.. they leave something to be desired, not my kinda of music of choice at the moment, i'll probably like them in about 3 months, should say I may like them in a few months...

Er, While talking about good music, I ahve to mention The Dresden Dolls. One of my bros came by & made me rip their CD, it's awsome if you like wild music; Drum & Piano is a rare line up for any band that I listen to.

Also, I finally listened to Jack Off Jill, & I find them suprisigly good. Considering the only time I see a recomandation to their music is on pancake faced goth sites, I was a little iffy about them, but they seem to be a real good band, especailly with their exceent cover of Love Song.

I was also told to give NIN another chance, my bro told me that Pretty Hate Machine wasn't that good of an album so I downloaded Spiral & am going to check it out.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
rarnom Wrote:Oh man, MxPx. I used to listen to those guys like 10 years ago back when they were called Magnified Plaid. I remember seeing them in concert in the basement of a church and you could get in for free if you brought 3 cans of food. I think they had just gotten a new guitarist and the newest hit they had was 'Punk Rock Show'. What good times.

Talk about Deja Vu Even though they really are not one of my favs I got to see MxPx also at a church thing up in Renton WA around 94-95. Talk about small world
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
System of a Down, Mindless Self Indulgence, E Nomine, The Pillows (My luffers Big Grin), Daft Punk, The Offspring, Ministry of Sound, Prodigy, Star Sailor, HIM, Royal Gigalos, DJ DVD, Howard Shore, oh the list goes on..Ill give it a rest for now =\

Last but not least ..My greatest love.

<insert drum roll here>

THE TREWS :p (everyone should listen to them Wink home boys) Soem canadians might have already, what with much music and all.

And Blight: I have the amazing. Violent Pornography is my favorite song on the album ^^'
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
All right I got a question: What MSI song should I download? I tried one and it was Like "I love my mom because she fucked my dad" and was like "Get the F*** off my computer" after that. Give me a bright spot, cause tornado makes me laugh, and I might be able to like them.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:All right I got a question: What MSI song should I download? I tried one and it was Like "I love my mom because she fucked my dad" and was like "Get the F*** off my computer" after that. Give me a bright spot, cause tornado makes me laugh, and I might be able to like them.
That's my friend's favorite song by them; I'm Your Problem Now.

ok that's hard to say:
Panty Shot might make you laugh; it tries so hard to be offensive but it's pure bs about looking up the skirt of a 5 year old XD.

Grab the Mic
starts out "Let's see your little penis (at the show it was recorded he snatched down his pants)" the chours is something like: "And now it's so small, & you try to take to take, but now, I've got the mic."

Bitches is cute.
Thank God mocks present day rappers.
I've never heard the original Bring the Pain, but I love the cover,
BackingMask used to be my favorite, but it's not exactly all that great.
My favorite is Last Gay Song "This is the last gay song that I will ever write... it's a good thing it's almst over, but when the chours is in you know I'm gonna fu*k it up"
Diabolical has a bit of a feel that Tornado does.
Hail Satan is Tornado, only it starts out with Jimmy saying 'hail satan'.
Golden I, best I can remember is a little rappy-ish.
Holy Sh!t: "I'm fine, then I died....Holy sh!t."
Kill The Rock: "It's the little things in my pants that we're all waiting for, I never really knew what that thing down there was used for." has nice beats too.
I can't get Last Time I Tried To Rock Your World out of my head, but it's a little bit like I'm Your Problem Now, but better.
Molly gets me going with the drums, how Kitty hits'em everytime he says 'good girl' & I love the bass line.
Planet of the Apes starts out with a nice voice synth, then after a bit of stuff you might not be to fond of, goes into a thing of 'yes do doo do" which even my dad sings.
Pu**y All Night: He sings a few lines in a language I'm not sure exsist, but it's a cute song about him trying to drug a girl to get laid.
Ready for Love was a response to people buying their records & then bitching about them sucking.
Rip Off...complete non-sense lacking humor...
Personally I love Royally Fu*ked, but it's in the same vein as I'm Your Problem now as it goes: "Mom, dad, why don't you finger me too."
7-11 I think was a song about hoes, but I don't remember, it's more of a pun I guess.
This Isn't Good; another song about Jimmy hating his own work -_-..
Tight; strangly reminds me of Marlin Manson, I think cause they toured with him & stole part of the guitar/synth from one of his songs (I've noticed MM-like riffs in two songs.)
What do They seems like filler for a CD, but it's pretty good.
Wack!: Once again Jimmy complaining about his on style; it's a bit outlandish, but I guess like to here him b!tch about himself.

Then they have their slower songs;
Unsocailble: "One of these shapes is not the others"
Do Unto Others: "Everyday, I ask why, you were picked to be Jesus Christ,... it should have been me... I'm not the one that should be saved."
Bed of Roses: "hey it's alright my life, has never been a bed of roses; this way's better for me. I don't care to live the life I've chose anyways." It's like their other slow songs, it's hard to believe it's them.
Then they have their skit stuff like:
Ecnegludni Fles Sseldnim; which is Jimmy (maybe Steve) pretending to be retarded (very believeable...Tongue) This inspired the Left Rights; which is Jimmy & Steve talking bs & most of it isn't even songs..
J- something about whiting the pink walls with a big long john, & a bike..
M- Sounds like a really bad prank call.
F: "yo yo, yo yo, why you out gay bashing, i'm at ya house fu*king your the @ss."

The first set is basicly all the songs of their I listen to of a daily basis, minus Fagget which is a song "about fu*king people you're not supposed to fu*k". the lyrics of the original talk about liking when the random people he sleeps with doesn't give a damn, & it freaks him out when he sounds just like his mom. The re-mix starts out with "I fu*ked my mom"x3

That's a long list, but it's just to give you direction, I'd say try about 3-4 songs that you think will interest you, & they'll grow on you. I started out listening to Bed of Roses, Two Hookers, & I Hate Jimmy Page, now I listen to everything they do.

Edit: Er, on second thought you might be better off waiting for KJ to give you a suggestion Tongue
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:

Bed of Roses is good


Kill the Rock, Molly, I hate Jimmy Page, Bitches, Faggot, ... I think they're all listed above though ^^'
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
katherine_jean Wrote:Blight:

Bed of Roses is good


Kill the Rock, Molly, I hate Jimmy Page, Bitches, Faggot, ... I think they're all listed above though ^^'
I just started listening to them. Very...interesting :p .
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
onizuka17711 Wrote:I just started listening to them. Very...interesting :p .
Guess you could call it that ^^'
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
Within the last week I've triedlistening to a few more bands, er I already told about them, but I'll do it again;

I always thought Jack Off Jill was a stupid goth band; er they're not even really goth, & I can't get enough of Jessicka's voice. They also di an actually respectible cover of Love Song Smile

My Ruin is er, not my type of music for the most part, although I love Miss Ann Thrope, which features Jessicka; her voice combined with the gruff lead singer of My Ruin's is a perfect clash.

The Dresden Dolls; they're pretty much one of the only bands that have made an appeareance on MTV & still don't suck; but they're an aquired taste. I sent one of the songs to a buddy of mine that's into Old School Rock 'n Roll, & The raw puck attitude (he's not to fond of the punk sound, just the attitude), his opinion of the song was "It's kinda scary".

Nine Inch Nails; ok, my dad loves 'I Wanna Fu*k You Like An Animal'...well appearently that's NIN's only good song, cause I like it, but I've listen to Pretty Hate Machine & the 2 disc Spiral (save for 2-3 songs), & it's cheap, slow 60-80 beat per minute (not an actually count) industrial, with a voice that's not all that great.

As for industrail & techno goes, The Faint are good, sadly I haven't had the time to listen to him lately as JOJ has even take'n up most of my MSI listening time :S
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
I?m gonna through out the old bands that I like, just cause I feel like it.

Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody, enough said.

AC/DC-My fav song is Big Balls. It?s one long sexual innuendo.

Pink Floyd- Just awesome all around.

The Doors- I like them for what they did when they were supposed to edit their song to play it on T.V. and then didn?t lol.

Alice Cooper- Dude was F?ed up but still awesome. It is good to see the contrast of him today and how he was way back. (footage that is)

Guns N' Roses- How can you not?

Jethro Tull ?Ha ha ha, just screwing with you there.

oh, and I DL'ed Bed of Roses and it is a pretty good song.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

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