Please tell me some one else has been following E3 as well. Come on tell me what you think. I am totally loving sony now I cant wait for ps3 next year.. Geez, has anyone checked out the specs. Its like two g4's smashed together fed to a government super computer and pumped full of steroids. I would not be surprised if it cost $600 on release.
It won't. The system won't sell if it is. I think companies aren't going to make very much on hardware this release. In my opinion from what i've read most companies are going to try to make most the money on software sales. Dunno though. /shrug
Also, I think M$ is insane for taking out the hard drive. That's the one thing that made the xbox better than the other systems. That and Halo. That's about it lol.

I also just got pissed. FF12 is now going to be released on the ps3? Wtf! It was supposed to be the last FF game on the ps2. That makes me kinda mad.

Oh, another reason i'm pissed at squareenix. They ran a technical demo of ff7 showing the intro but state that ff7 will not be remade. Wtf is the point of remaking the beginning as a technical demo? That's just gonna make fans want a remake even more and really piss them off when it never comes.
I am really hyped for the 360. It'll have media center software and xboxlive capabilities right out of the box. They totally got the controller right this time, and considering that the demos shown is only 1/3 the power I am totally hyped. As far as the hard drive is concerned you can pay extra for one with a hard drive, the reason for that was that only 1/3 of xbox users actually moded and put the hard drive to use so most players never saw the memory numbers drop, so for most gamers that much memory was a waste. But the hard drive is going to have ipod esque functionality so I am not bothered with the extra cost. The games look great and the whole multi quandrant indicators with xboxlive and multiplayer is cool. I like the design but not the white color, but it is lighter and a little smaller than the first xbox. The ps3 will be at least $450, probably $500. No less than 450 because its got cards and hardware in it thats running on the market for $500 each and if you add up its total harware contents its more like $1600, plus the blue-ray dvd player. nintendo did not give much but I am a fanboy and will for sure buy the revolution. come on you can play all your gamecube games plus download every nintendo game for all previous nintendo consoles so that is righteous. Plus its tiny but you can always trust nintendo to deliver quality games even if its not the most innovative or beautiful, and its tiny. Its like the size of my roadrunner cable modem and thats small. Plus I am totally buying a ds for nintendogs.
1/3 is a pretty big number for hard drive use. It would only grow when you have it xbox live enabled outta the box and make it free. Live use is gonna skyrocket and a lotta people are gonna have to buy the extra hard drive since it was left out. I'll bet live use since it's now free and outta box will be at least 1/2 users.
yeah i have been following e3

the ps3 is amazing and the xbox 360 seems ok but it doesen't seem much better then the normal xbox, the nintendo revolution looks kinda cool and i think it comes with a tv which is kinda cool and the fact that you will be able to download older games is awesome...

the one issue i have is if those games are going to be like 20 dollars then...

if they are like 2 dollars or 5 dollars then thats cool but i assume they will be at least 10 to 20

yeah in reply to ciden they did the same thing they did with ff 10 that they are doing with ff 12


oh when the ps2 came out it was 800 or more so i assume the ps3 will be around 1000 first couple days but like a month or 2 in it will drop drastically to around 500 or so...
Cyrus Wrote:oh when the ps2 came out it was 800 or more so i assume the ps3 will be around 1000 first couple days but like a month or 2 in it will drop drastically to around 500 or so...

800? Am I correct in assuming you don't live in the U.S.? lol

Should let people know what currency ur talking about if you're not using dollars. Cost $300 at launch, and I expect the ps3 to go for about the same.
I may be wrong but i think a little info is slightly off.Xbox has a hdd as far as i know but it is detachable so you can upgrade if you need it.Prices at this stage are opinions of the press.Ign especially love to make up predicted values.FF12 was shown in vid form,probably the advertising cost of making the ff7 tech demo.It was to show that the ps3 is backwards compatable.They arnt showing the ps2 version in playable form this e3 just the extended trailer.
This is part of a thread i made for some mates of mine but here it is anyway.Its quite opinionated where i add my comments and im not a big nintendo console fan so a little harsh towards them.


[Image: xbox5hx.th.jpg]

An IBM PowerPC based CPU with 3 symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each.
165 mil transistors

The CPU is joined by the GPU which handles the graphic output of the system (and which has 150 million transistors in it), the Southbridge, which enables all of the Ethernet and controller issues, and the TV encoder, which handles resolution issues, such as progressive scan, interlacing and other TV related issues.

The GPU has the ability to generate 48 shader units
It has 512 MB of main memory with a 10MB framebuffer.
10MB embedded DRAM.

All games optimized for 16:9 aspect ratio, HD Output (720p and 1080i); multichannel surround sound output

Detachable and upgradeable 20GB hard drive to download demos, trailers etc and to rip music for playback and to listen to custom play lists in every game

A wireless controller with Microsoft-patented wireless technology; Xbox Guide Button alowing access to menu for live, music etc and to power on or power off Xbox 360 without leaving the couch

Instant, out-of-the-box access to Xbox Live, including: a built-in Ethernet port for connectivity; Xbox Live Marketplace for downloadable content; a Message Center to receive voice and video messages from friends; ability to talk to friends, even while watching movies or listening to music; and an Xbox Live Headset

3 USB 2.0 ports for Xbox Live Camera peripheral; to plug in wired game controllers that are also common for Windows PCs; to stream media from any portable media device, digital camera, and Windows XP PC

Progressive-scan DVD movie playback out of the box; DVD and CD music and photo playback out of the box; support for DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD, MP3 CD, JPEG Photo CD

Windows Media Center Extender built in to access recorded TV (including high definition) and digital movies (including high definition), music, video and photos stored on Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005-based PCs through any Xbox 360

Support for up to four wireless game controllers and an optional Universal Media Remote with Windows® XP Media Center Edition Button for Media Center Edition functionality

Support for Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter via 802.11b, g and a

Interactive, full screen 3D visualizers

Two memory unit ports to save data on portable memory units, starting at 64 MB

Detachable Face so each console can be personalized

Oh yeah and incase its not in the above. Water cooled

Note: the 360 developers have been working with alpha kits so far with only 2cpus and a current gen graphics card so what games have been shown so far have either been low framrate or not to impressive.Launch is a ways off so i imagine things should get better.ign gamespy and gamespot have all said perfect dark is looking pretty darn good in the behind the curtains viewings.


[Image: e32005playstation3pics20050518.th.jpg]
[Image: e32005playstation3thecontrolle1.th.jpg]

Product name: PlayStation 3

Cell Processor
PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz
1 VMX vector unit per core
512KB L2 cache
7 x SPE @3.2GHz
7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs
7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE
* 1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy
total floating point performance: 218 GFLOPS

RSX @550MHz
1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance
Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels
Multi-way programmable parallel floating point shader pipelines

Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell- base processing)

256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz

System Bandwidth
Main RAM 25.6GB/s
VRAM 22.4GB/s
RSX 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)
SB< 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)

System Floating Point Performance

Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1

USB Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
Memory Stick standard/Duo, PRO x 1
SD standard/mini x 1
CompactFlash (Type I, II) x 1

Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 3 (input x 1 + output x 2)
Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)

Bluetooth (up to 7)
USB 2.0 (wired)
Wi-Fi (PSP)
Network (over IP)

AV Output
Screen size: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDMI: HDMI out x 2
Analog: AV MULTI OUT x 1
Digital audio: DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) x 1

Disc Media
CD PlayStation CD-ROM, PlayStation 2 CD-ROM, CD-DA, CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW, SACD, SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD, DualDisc, DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side)
DVD: PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM, PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW
Blu-ray Disc: PlayStation 3 BD-ROM, BD-Video, BD-ROM, BD-R, BD-RE

Anyway.ps3 has huge networking potential.With an imput and multi out.They look like they are preparing for alot of online features but havnt said anything about a live style system.They mention things like treating your ps3 as a server,conecting to its content and media abilities while away.They used the psp as an example.They also mention the camera as being high def so you can treat it like a web page alowing comunication or tv broadcast to friends or whatever.The multiple tv outs also come into play as you can browse the net,stream video etc while playing a game.

As well as all the controler via blue tooth there are also all the usb ports which can be used for periphials like eyetoy and force feedback steeringwheels and psp.They showed off excelent use of the eye toy in a tech demo.The were only using the old camera.They had a bath full of water and ruberducks, the presenter holds up 2 glasses to the camera and starts filling and swaping water between them on screen.He also splashed some water around which looked quite cool.
There is also a camera voice recognition game that looks a little different and sleezy.It has a cool holographic display of yourself though.Im not sure what they were thinking about the controlers but lucky they are just prototypes.I should reserve judgemet till ive held one but compared to the xbox360 they look fugly IMO

They showed off some pure cell demos.They showed potential media interfaces by playing many clips on screen at once.A thousand thumbnails of video playing.I think it was 48 normal vids playing or 12 high def clips playing at once.
Showed off some graphics scenes run purely by cell which were rather impressive like blowing up a petrol station.

They also showed off various games.A 2 month port of unreal engine runing smooth as silk was rather impressive.Most of the games looked prerendered fakes because no games can be this polished when there is so much time left and so little time with kits.Killzone for example.But if they are a real representation then dam im impressed.Sony always pull through with actual games comparing if not beating their prerenders but not normally at launch.We'll see, i think the early alpha kit and poor look of most of microsofts presentation have lowered peoples standards.I expect things will look alot better towards launch.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
God I hate the new Playstation controller, it looks like a fraking boomarang. Why cant they stick with good old dual shock.
forgot to mention nintendos crap conference which had lots of crap.Some really nice zelda.A bunch of crap marios (soccor,party7,dancedance revolution and something else which i cant remember)where is my normal good platformer.
They showed what revolution may or may not look like and the new gb which is just another gba.

Gb Micro

[Image: sizecomparison1vp2hr.th.jpg]

Thats right its a gba only so small you cant hold it or see the screen.It does however have the nicest screen they claim that they have produced.Im sure it will sell well with the fans for no apparent reason whatsoever.


[Image: revol4wj.th.jpg]

The info was so scarce it makes you wonder why they bothered.They have something they claim is completly different coming for it that will change the way you look at gaming.Probably be something stupid.So far rumours are on all the 3d vision tech that nintendo have patented like a 3d gogle type system mixed with touch pads on controlers.At this stage i dont consider them competition to sony and microsoft.Maybe when they actually say something i might change my mind.Anyone who goes on stage says we are here to make good games and spew forth how they make good games without backing it up with any hardware or games must have a screw loose.I have no idea why all the crowd lap it up.

will work on internet with a live type system
will be backwards compatable with all nintendo consoles,cube nes/snes n64
may look like the thing they pictured but may not.Final version will be the size of 3 dvd cases stacked on top of each other.
wireless controlers
2x usb
512meg flash memory built in
2-3 times as powerful as cube.

They also say it will hold its own against the other consols and people will be impressed by its visuals.
Im also not a big beleiver in the backwards compatability.Most people dont mind ripping off games they can't buy so emulation for the old systems is rampant.Most people that actually want to play them would have by now.The main thing is ease and micromicro transactions.If you charge $2 for a zelda people would download it and play it in anticipation for the latest game being released.However it would have to be super cheap which i dont think is possable for alot of the games,especially those they charge an arm and a leg for on gba.

How many people actually use it anyway.Very few gamers would buy a ps1 game to play on their ps2.Its more about playing the games you allready own on the new system.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
Actually backwards compatability is a huge seller to many people, including myself. I've already sold my gamecube while I can still get a decent price for it and will buy the revolution after the first price drop. I also have quite a few PS1 games I play on my PS2. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean other people don't. Especially when you consider how much gaming has grown and how many games on the current systems people will want to keep and play again later.

Also, Xbox 360 will not come packaged with the hard drive, it will be an optional purchase.

Third, the revolution will not have any kind of touch screen or pad. They have stated this a couple of times. I doubt they would use 3d goggles. That would just be stupid. The only way it wouldn't be is if they sold you a 3d headset so you could actually look around while you're in the game. I don't think technology is even close to allowing that in a decent looking video game yet though. Some third party company tried releasing one but it didn't work for crap. That would be fricken sweet to play halo2 with one of those though. Big Grin

As for the controllers, I think a cross in size between the large and s xbox controllers would be perfect. I don't really like the small one when playing FPS's or racing games, so I use the big one mostly. That and the small one's right trigger isn't as sensitive as the large one so it's hard to do things like drag race in NFS undergrounds with it. Can't really hold a constant speed very well. Anyways... I like the layout of the sticks on the xbox controllers better so if all the systems switched to that I would be happy. Havn't noticed nintendos controller yet. Probably don't want people to know how wierd, pointless and all around stupid it will be. I know they like to be different... but being different just for the sake of being different is stupid.
Yeah the revolution rumours are crappy.As i said that was from a friends forum who wanted the specs posted.They know my sense of humour.I was exagerating my distaste for them on purpose.
And alot of its bits and peices from across the last few days that i would have updated or removed parts of.if something new was said at e3.
When i said 3d gogles i meant more like those ones for imax theatres rather than a virtual headset.
I still stand by my backwards compatability.It is handy for newer systems like what you mentioned if you dont have a multiav device like an amp or want less clutter but the old emulation is still lame.There is the ability to play games you already own(if you own originals) but that is more the collectors route.That takes the type of gamer that doesnt mind playing games over and over.I dont think that really applies to average joe gamer who doesnt know what e3 is.Im sure there are heaps of gamers that use the function but i really cant see the majority doing so.I just take it from seeing what my friends and family do.
Im actually a collector sort myself.But none of my friends are.I like having the best of last gen incase i want to play them again.You also have to take into the account the countries veiw.The way gaming is advertised as a whole can influence people habits and view of it.Cube games for instance arnt all that common anymore here.Most gaming stores are getting rid of them.
Are you sure about the hd.I wasnt totaly sure because of the way they word it.But on the site it says detachable and upgradable harddrive.Considering you probably need it for live and its suposed to be playable out of the box that was the other reason i thought it would be standard.As well as its ability to play custom sountracks.Without the hdd the system cant do some of its major bonuses.
And then there is this "This time around the unit's hard drive will be external, and a smaller size of 20 gigabytes. This will allow you to move hard drives between consoles easily. The reason for the smaller capacity, presumably, is cost."
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
Cidien Wrote:They ran a technical demo of ff7 showing the intro but state that ff7 will not be remade. Wtf is the point of remaking the beginning as a technical demo? That's just gonna make fans want a remake even more and really piss them off when it never comes.

They did the same thing with the characters from VI, when the psx came out. In my life I have only been excited twice about new systems. I remember I dropped a nut when I saw pics of Super Mario World for the SNES. The second time was when I saw Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast, and I finally thought they got 3D right. None of the games from PS3 or Xbox360 look that exciting to me, not much of a jump in my eyes to get me going.
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[Image: time0hq.th.jpg]1st gen ps2
[Image: halotgs49ta.th.jpg]1st gen xbox
[Image: gearsofwar200505170127097093em.th.jpg]1st gen xbox360
Id have to say its got me kinda happy.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
In reply to ciden

i know a guy who paid 800 for his but that may have been during the rush but i know like the first and second day out it was really expensive im not really sure why though

just wondering what do you think of hl2 on the xbox

personally i think it looks like crap i play hl2 all the time and when i saw the video for hl2 for the xbox i was kinda dissapointed...

what do you think

also yeah im sure it will be a lot cheaper but with the cost of hardware i can't see how it will be so cheap

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