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I assume this goes here, despire some bad language it's a rant, not a flame.
As copied from my diary (bad grammar & all):
When exactly was it that people went from listening to music, & started listening to a bunch of generic voiced fags with no sense of style? Err, let me take that back, they have style, but umm..let's say they can't pull it off.
Complaining about music these days on here came from the fact that my opinion, that if I wanted to see generic singing fags on statge I'd go to broadway was seconded by my buds, & an interview with Jimmy Urine. I must agree with him on one aspect, as he says his band is only famous because the music industry is only pumping out generic piece of shit bands.
Now I understand that blasting pointless bands like The Used (whom i once liked) & My Chemical Romance is an opening to be hated, not that I'd give a damn, but COME ON, there's like a billion bands with the same goddamn sound...The difference is the bands presentation & lyrics. So, you know what I think, whenever someone has the idea to make either a pussy-punk band or a shitty-emo band they need to smash themselves in the head with a brick till their motivation is gone, then they should e-mail, or snail mail their lyrics to a good band of the same genre. That would certainly leave MTV's rock count down open for real music.
Now before speculation is made, I still listen to bands that are emo 'only because we're to hurt & whiney to be punk'; ok i take that back, I don't listen to that, I listen to emo XD, but..hmm
I guess that's not a true statement either. Emo is pretty much like Punk, when someone decided to market it it crawled up its own ass & died...Hot Cross ring any bells, I looked into them a loooong ass time ago, anyone know who they are? Last I checked they're now called scremo...which is a way of saying we're retarded & I like to publize my pains...
Let me take some of that back, wait maybe not; emo started as screamo or whatever bullshit, now it has been renamed so that a bunch of pussy teens can feel pround by calling themselves a word, much like the word punk, which started as a 'bad/mean word' & is now the lifestyle of a bunch of retards needing to be sterlized.
Quote Time: "Since the late 90s, though, bands have been emerging in the vein of Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, and the thousands of their clones. As far as I can tell, some lazy journalist somewhere, writing an article about them, decided "Well, fuck, no one knows what emo is anyways, so I'll call these bands "emo" - sounds more appealing than bubblegum pop rock..." and the spiral continued downwards into the current amalgomation of bands MTV has told everyone is "emo.""
The moral of this story....listen to MSI they need more fans
Good luck to all & to all a good night.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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04-26-2005, 04:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-26-2005, 04:57 AM by Cyrus.)
i don't even watch MTV or listen to the radio anymore it's pointless
i'll check out bands that i hear about from word of mouth or bands that are like if you really like rage against the machine you might like this band and those kinda things.....
Even VH1 turned to crap when MTV bought it out
i guess if i concentrate on good older music like tom petty and so forth that i havn't heard all of yet music can still be saved for me
btw almost all punk sounds the same now in fact out of all punk i might listen to greenday on occasion and maybe good charlottes first cd besides that it's worthless and it's all the same.
it's the way i feel about anime sure every so often it's fun to watch something chobits like that all these girls fall in love and it's romance comedy but i won't ussually try to get it or trade for it. for me it better be a more realistic look at love like his and her circumstances or even more then that but all these run of the mill love hina chobits and so forth stuff im just sick of it.......
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Cyrus Wrote:btw almost all punk sounds the same now in fact out of all punk i might listen to greenday on occasion and maybe good charlottes first cd besides that it's worthless and it's all the same. Thanks for posting, but, I hate to sound so cynical, yet; er, I just read you listen to some punk, then went on to listen a semi-punk band, & a pop-punk piece of shit band that sells using punk as their gimic.
Greenday is a band that I don't listen to because of their style (fashion, not music). Plus, quite often I find people threaten to smash my skull in for not liking them & then turn around & say you should ONLY listen to Dookie as it's their only good album :confused: wtf? I can't hate on a band because the band released ONE cd that the person likes. I mean I hate on The Used; I liked them, till I found out the two songs of theirs that I liked was just their two best songs, they were the only two songs they did that were any good, the rest is re-hashed generic bullshit (a lot with the classic 'neo-emo' build of talking about sharp things & the fall season).
I phantom to understand it; punk's attitude was part 'stick it to the man' yet you can have 'pop punk' (popular punk); or even pop meaning bouncy. it's just not possible, the whole thing was get the message out, do it fast, strong, & hard, but you must ALWAYS have a point (ok that part bit the dust in 20 songs, but the rest SHOULD still live on today).
Come on people, disscuss
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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What amazes me is that someone can HATE a band at all.
We're talking about a group of people who get together and make music. They don't tie people up and force them to listen to their music. Sometimes the band is "guided" by a labels A&R department more strongly than other bands. The end result is that bands are just people making music.
Where does this idea of HATING a band come from?
I can understand not liking a band. That means that the music they play doesn't appeal to you for whatever reason. To HATE a band requires that a strong emotion be stirred.
The only thing that bugs me about Green Day is that they seem to be on every radio station I tune into. I actually like the whole album American Idiot but I've gotten sick and tired of hearing it over and over again.
I've also been let down by the new Nine Inch Nails, New Order, and Gorillaz (this one is the best of the three) albums. I'm happy to see these bands still making music and making a living doing what they want to do.
If I don't like a song, I'll turn it off.
If I don't like a band I wont go see them in concert.
I find it impossible to be stirred to hatred by anything I've ever heard.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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Zagatto Wrote:If I don't like a song, I'll turn it off.
If I don't like a band I wont go see them in concert.
I find it impossible to be stirred to hatred by anything I've ever heard. It's simple, the way my & my sisters rooms are built, I can't play my music loud enough to drown out half the p.o.s. bands my sister listens to, because when she turns up her music, only she & I can hear it, when I turn up mine people in the living room can hear it. Where as I could put on head phone & end up with sore ears, I'd ratehr just except the misery & hate bands for playing redundant music
If I didn't litteraly hate redundant music so much I probably wouldn't love MSI so much.
Although I guess it's nt like artist have a choice. Once somethings been done 20 times, they try to put a new spin on it, and so does EVERYONE else. Which is what happened to country music, it died long ago, but its spirit is still alive in that which plays on CMT....that's a load of BS; country died, it's not living on through a genre that isn't itself.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Batz, I agree with every single thing you said. Glad to see someone else has the same opinion I do.
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That's kind of funny that you should bring up country music.
It's only recently that I've found country music worth listening to again. I'll admit, almost everything I hear on the radio makes me want to gag but some of the indy country that's happening these days reminds me about the soul that used to be commonplace in country music.
Check out bands like Neko Case or The Mountain Goats or even the latest disc from Loretta Lynn (which is awesome in no small part to Jack White). In the past I only liked a handful of Johnny Cash or Hank Williams tunes (very few of them even). Lately I've been finding more and more country inspired music in my collection. And who can forget all the great music used in O Brother Where Art Thou?
As for hating music from your sister, isn't that just an extention of your brotherly feelings for your sister?
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Zagatto Wrote:As for hating music from your sister, isn't that just an extention of your brotherly feelings for your sister? If my sister weren't bi-polar, & pretty much mentally incompentent I'd hate her for everything that she's done.
She's entirely to fickle, the bands I don't like that she does, guess what, for the most part she listens to them becuase the guy that leads her on (every now & then) listens to them. Used to he, her, & every other person I knew listened to whatver I did, which was annoying, but then everyone's tastes split. Pop-Punk got big in our town & I started preaching that punk was dead (we'd all been listening to music from like 80s, maybe early 90s & older at the time & they all jumpped on board the pop punk train). I started listening to harder punk stuff & then went into hardcore, following up with a period of mainstream sounding 'emo'.
I went back to hardcore, & now I'm a general mutt. I listen to whatever gets me off for that day, mostly I bounce back & forth between Alkaline Trio, Dir en Grey, Kamelot, & MSI. Sometimes a little Eve 6, or there ilk.
I also listen my older stuff like NoFx & Rancid, sometimes I'll pop in the Warp Tour cds, but they normally just piss me off. Sooo many people go there preaching punk's not dead, & then bang their head to either hardcore or pop-punk crap. It's really ironic, if not just hypocritical.
As for Mountain Goats, I've got one song of theirs. My little buddy sent it to me, as of last week he's a fan.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Zagatto Wrote:As for hating music from your sister, isn't that just an extention of your brotherly feelings for your sister?
I would doubt that. I love my sister and absolutely hate the crap she listens to. I can just here a song from some of her boy bands and hate WILL bubble up in me. So what if I can get away from it, I?ll still hate it if I?m even aware of it. Some songs just cause an emotional reaction in you.
I?m not a fan of punk music; I just don?t find much to like in the genre. Also everyone that says their punk at college are just Arse holes (bunch of pu$$y Mo-Fo?s too) that just like to alienate people and I rather enjoy disassociating myself from them. To be honest though, it is really, really hard to do something original in the music industry AND be successful. I import for my fix of different. AKG (Asian Kung-Fu Generation) and FLOW are great if you don?t mind Japanese vocals. I suggest looking them up, because you won?t really find anyone that sounds like them over here.
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Batz Kage Wrote:If my sister weren't bi-polar, & pretty much mentally incompentent I'd hate her for everything that she's done.
O.K., I was wrong.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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Blight Wrote:O.K., I was wrong.  I don't mean to be mean, she litterally has mental problems & she can't behave herself, it's not just an embrassment or anything, she used to stir up shit with my friends; er it started that they would ask her for "favors" (normally just phone or cybering thank god) then the next day claim they were drunk & expect everything to be A-Ok. I'd bitch them out & she'd just flip out & start hatingme so they'd like her. Later she moved on to spreading shit between my friends & me so we would fight. I can't say that those things were due to her mental problems, but I'd rather beleive that they are.
long story short, her music tastes tend to suck almost as much as she does
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Batz Kage Wrote:I don't mean to be mean, she litterally has mental problems & she can't behave herself, it's not just an embrassment or anything, she used to stir up shit with my friends; er it started that they would ask her for "favors" (normally just phone or cybering thank god) then the next day claim they were drunk & expect everything to be A-Ok. I'd bitch them out & she'd just flip out & start hatingme so they'd like her. Later she moved on to spreading shit between my friends & me so we would fight. I can't say that those things were due to her mental problems, but I'd rather beleive that they are.
long story short, her music tastes tend to suck almost as much as she does 
Well, I know how little sis?s can be. My oldest little sister is a drama queen cheerleader so yeah.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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Blight Wrote:Well, I know how little sis?s can be. My oldest little sister is a drama queen cheerleader so yeah. Well not all little sister's can be that bad....I'm the little sister here and my brother doesn't seem to mind me.....hmm....I don't think...well anyway we like the same music and watch the same anime so I guess it doesn't matter  We're just one big anime family.....oh and drama queen cheerleaders are very scary... :p
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Blight Wrote:I?m not a fan of punk music; I just don?t find much to like in the genre. Also everyone that says their punk at college are just Arse holes (bunch of pu$$y Mo-Fo?s too) that just like to alienate people and I rather enjoy disassociating myself from them. To be honest though, it is really, really hard to do something original in the music industry AND be successful. I import for my fix of different. AKG (Asian Kung-Fu Generation) and FLOW are great if you don?t mind Japanese vocals. I suggest looking them up, because you won?t really find anyone that sounds like them over here. Im a huge fan of punk and ska music. Thats mostly all I listen to. There are a few hardcore bands that I like, but not too many.
And yes, good punk is dead. There hasnt been a new good punk band for years.
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Tsukiko Wrote:oh and drama queen cheerleaders are very scary... :p
Yeah, but my sister purposely tries not to annoy me cause she needs me to physically chase off all the boys after she has used them to her satisfaction. She is evil in a way I never was towards the opposite sex, which says a lot considering the way I used to act. She is straight up a bitch that will rip your heart out. Not that it makes me love her any less, but she is genuinely evil.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe