04-24-2005, 04:49 PM
I assume this goes here, despire some bad language it's a rant, not a flame.
As copied from my diary (bad grammar & all):
When exactly was it that people went from listening to music, & started listening to a bunch of generic voiced fags with no sense of style? Err, let me take that back, they have style, but umm..let's say they can't pull it off.
Complaining about music these days on here came from the fact that my opinion, that if I wanted to see generic singing fags on statge I'd go to broadway was seconded by my buds, & an interview with Jimmy Urine. I must agree with him on one aspect, as he says his band is only famous because the music industry is only pumping out generic piece of shit bands.
Now I understand that blasting pointless bands like The Used (whom i once liked) & My Chemical Romance is an opening to be hated, not that I'd give a damn, but COME ON, there's like a billion bands with the same goddamn sound...The difference is the bands presentation & lyrics. So, you know what I think, whenever someone has the idea to make either a pussy-punk band or a shitty-emo band they need to smash themselves in the head with a brick till their motivation is gone, then they should e-mail, or snail mail their lyrics to a good band of the same genre. That would certainly leave MTV's rock count down open for real music.
Now before speculation is made, I still listen to bands that are emo 'only because we're to hurt & whiney to be punk'; ok i take that back, I don't listen to that, I listen to emo XD, but..hmm
I guess that's not a true statement either. Emo is pretty much like Punk, when someone decided to market it it crawled up its own ass & died...Hot Cross ring any bells, I looked into them a loooong ass time ago, anyone know who they are? Last I checked they're now called scremo...which is a way of saying we're retarded & I like to publize my pains...
Let me take some of that back, wait maybe not; emo started as screamo or whatever bullshit, now it has been renamed so that a bunch of pussy teens can feel pround by calling themselves a word, much like the word punk, which started as a 'bad/mean word' & is now the lifestyle of a bunch of retards needing to be sterlized.
Quote Time: "Since the late 90s, though, bands have been emerging in the vein of Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, and the thousands of their clones. As far as I can tell, some lazy journalist somewhere, writing an article about them, decided "Well, fuck, no one knows what emo is anyways, so I'll call these bands "emo" - sounds more appealing than bubblegum pop rock..." and the spiral continued downwards into the current amalgomation of bands MTV has told everyone is "emo.""
The moral of this story....listen to MSI they need more fans
Good luck to all & to all a good night.
As copied from my diary (bad grammar & all):
When exactly was it that people went from listening to music, & started listening to a bunch of generic voiced fags with no sense of style? Err, let me take that back, they have style, but umm..let's say they can't pull it off.
Complaining about music these days on here came from the fact that my opinion, that if I wanted to see generic singing fags on statge I'd go to broadway was seconded by my buds, & an interview with Jimmy Urine. I must agree with him on one aspect, as he says his band is only famous because the music industry is only pumping out generic piece of shit bands.
Now I understand that blasting pointless bands like The Used (whom i once liked) & My Chemical Romance is an opening to be hated, not that I'd give a damn, but COME ON, there's like a billion bands with the same goddamn sound...The difference is the bands presentation & lyrics. So, you know what I think, whenever someone has the idea to make either a pussy-punk band or a shitty-emo band they need to smash themselves in the head with a brick till their motivation is gone, then they should e-mail, or snail mail their lyrics to a good band of the same genre. That would certainly leave MTV's rock count down open for real music.
Now before speculation is made, I still listen to bands that are emo 'only because we're to hurt & whiney to be punk'; ok i take that back, I don't listen to that, I listen to emo XD, but..hmm
I guess that's not a true statement either. Emo is pretty much like Punk, when someone decided to market it it crawled up its own ass & died...Hot Cross ring any bells, I looked into them a loooong ass time ago, anyone know who they are? Last I checked they're now called scremo...which is a way of saying we're retarded & I like to publize my pains...
Let me take some of that back, wait maybe not; emo started as screamo or whatever bullshit, now it has been renamed so that a bunch of pussy teens can feel pround by calling themselves a word, much like the word punk, which started as a 'bad/mean word' & is now the lifestyle of a bunch of retards needing to be sterlized.
Quote Time: "Since the late 90s, though, bands have been emerging in the vein of Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, and the thousands of their clones. As far as I can tell, some lazy journalist somewhere, writing an article about them, decided "Well, fuck, no one knows what emo is anyways, so I'll call these bands "emo" - sounds more appealing than bubblegum pop rock..." and the spiral continued downwards into the current amalgomation of bands MTV has told everyone is "emo.""
The moral of this story....listen to MSI they need more fans

Good luck to all & to all a good night.