Gettin' out of Hell!
I'm surprised I remembered that, but I think that's around the time that you and I really got to know each other. You sealed my fate with fudge...haha!
WinkI bet you can't wait.Wink
I'm still waiting for my exact dates, dear. As soon as I have them, I will send you an emial via SIPR, they may restrict the phone, but I still have my secure email! MAHAHAHA!! (this place is getting to me!)
Hey it is a good thing that you're getting out of hell. Kudos for going in the first place.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:Hey it is a good thing that you're getting out of hell. Kudos for going in the first place.
Thanks, Kakoi! (Not that I had much of a choice in the matter *grumble*)
Hopefully, I won't have to do this again!

I'm already making plans for when I get The Hot Springs in Arkansas!Wink
Ka-Talliya Wrote:Louisiana...yuck

Haha, the title of the post says gettin out of hell you made it sound like Ethiopia or Iraq and it's Louisianna LOL well that tells me how much of a pussy you are if you think Louisiana is hell you'd prolly shit yourself and go into shock if you were ever stationed in a real hell hole!
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balthier Wrote:Haha, the title of the post says gettin out of hell you made it sound like Ethiopia or Iraq and it's Louisianna LOL well that tells me how much of a pussy you are if you think Louisiana is hell you'd prolly shit yourself and go into shock if you were ever stationed in a real hell hole!
If you had the ability to read, you might discover that she is talking about Iraq, someplace a worthless bastard like yourself could never fathom going.
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
balthier Wrote:Haha, the title of the post says gettin out of hell you made it sound like Ethiopia or Iraq and it's Louisianna LOL well that tells me how much of a pussy you are if you think Louisiana is hell you'd prolly shit yourself and go into shock if you were ever stationed in a real hell hole!

*Does in a Nelso voice*

Haha you suck!

Sorry guys couldn't resist. Well later all. Oh

*switces to Uncle voice*

One more thing, wlcome back Katllya, hope you have a safe trip back. Bye now.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
balthier Wrote:Haha, the title of the post says gettin out of hell you made it sound like Ethiopia or Iraq and it's Louisianna LOL well that tells me how much of a pussy you are if you think Louisiana is hell you'd prolly shit yourself and go into shock if you were ever stationed in a real hell hole!

Yes if you would read more you would find out that she is currently in the middle east deployed and she will be returning TO Lousiana where her and I are currently stationed. But she has been gone for almost 4 months now. So please read more before you make posts like that. Especially how in the way you directed that post i don't care for your language at all. And yes she is My Wife..
haha oh she said it like she WAS IN Louisiana (why she said "yuck" about Louisiana?), sorry i don't take the time to read alot of the posts you guys post too much Tongue

Ok Iraq is hell i agree with you there I was stationed there for 6 months so I know. You will be glad to come back to Louisiana Smile
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balthier Wrote:Ok Iraq is hell i agree with you there I was stationed there for 6 months so I know. You will be glad to come back to Louisiana Smile

stationed there doing what exactly? :confused:
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
vegeta76 Wrote:stationed there doing what exactly? :confused:

Helping with Iraqi officer training and patrol
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Thanks to all of you who helped Mr. balthier see the error in his reading, or lack there of. Wink I am indeed in the Middle East right now, and very much looking forward to getting home to my husband and daughter. Big Grin

Edited version 4 :eek:
My prayers are with you , for your safe return home .
Finally, well before you get to go home I did a little math and if you drank all 3 of your drinks you get while there that means you would have drank 360 drinks. I on the other hand got 0. Oh I and Schultz think KA-TA got an easy assignment compared to us.

But any time like this away from your daughter and husband sucks. I hope you achieved your workout goals while you were there. Can't wait to see you and Schultz at the wedding. Akane wants you there for her bachelorette party.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
glad to hear that you and akane are doing well morg.. haven't seen either one of you around here for months but im sure the two of you must be busy :p
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
Well, it's been tougher in some ways and easier in the pool and DQ, but it has been 4 months.

BACHELORETTE PARTY, I'm there, Morgy, I'm there!

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