Positive news reguarding FX
elcoholic Wrote:Cashan from another store just confirmed that Flora himself has been arrested late last month in his house.

Fx titles wont be available indefinetly. Maybe they'll be back, probably not.

Probaly not is an understatement...Hopefully a new company will rise from the ashes to take their place. But the chances of that are lower than ever. But Cidien correct me if im wrong but AV only makes SUBBED titles right?
[Image: IA.jpg]

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I think they've released a few eng rips from fx or someone. Unless i'm thinking of somone else. Anyways, point is - MAC and MI aren't very big - and all the other names are insignificant next to MAC and MI.
the way i see it: the downfall of FX was also the downfall of the "decent" HK market
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
Cidien Wrote:I think they've released a few eng rips from fx or someone. Unless i'm thinking of somone else. Anyways, point is - MAC and MI aren't very big - and all the other names are insignificant next to MAC and MI.

They have done their own rips but check my Chobits review here - http://import-anime.com/review.php?item_id=3474 I'd never buy one again if they can't even get widescreen issues sorted, it's pretty vital. Im not saying the video was horrible but I couldn't knowingly buy another like it. Looking at my review I should of give it less stars! I might go change that now especially the audio!!!...
Patience - I have a feeling FX will be back with a vengence ,save your money until then - why do i say this , The money is too good for a company like FX to pass up , give them a little time- im willing to bet I'm on the money with this one-- just have patience ! Wink
Yea but its hard when the guy running the whole thing is caught.. ;o) kinda puts damper in things..
Ha unless flora plans to run it from his cell in a Pablo Escobar stylee :p Which reminds me is there is anyway we can track news on his case on the net?
Actually if he's in hong kong there's a good chance he'll simply be fined. And a lot less than he made selling dvds.
I liked av's naruto releases, funny thing is on one site its subs are rated 1 point lower than fx's when fx ripped av's box sets.
it's hard cus i have always gone FX and now im not exactly sure who to go with i guess i will have to check reviews first hand. Im not saying FX was perfect but it was the best

hope it comes back
Cidien Wrote:I think they've released a few eng rips from fx or someone. Unless i'm thinking of somone else. Anyways, point is - MAC and MI aren't very big - and all the other names are insignificant next to MAC and MI.

Actually I think animegod is way bigger than fx or atleast they used to (I think they were busted too not so long ago). They sell alot on the asian market too and fx doesn't/didn't. They have waaay more titles on their list and in their good days (1,5/2 years ago) they were pumping out perfect releases every week with very little quality issues. IA used to run on just animegod products and the store was pretty full and other stores also always had a nice MAC selection in stock. If they go back to how they were they can replace fx no problem (assuming the dvd5 issue is resolved).
elcoholic Wrote:Actually I think animegod is way bigger than fx or atleast they used to (I think they were busted too not so long ago). They sell alot on the asian market too and fx doesn't/didn't. They have waaay more titles on their list and in their good days (1,5/2 years ago) they were pumping out perfect releases every week with very little quality issues. IA used to run on just animegod products and the store was pretty full and other stores also always had a nice MAC selection in stock. If they go back to how they were they can replace fx no problem (assuming the dvd5 issue is resolved).

Exactly two of my most treasured sets are MAC. Look at their site it's HUGE. FX didnt even have a site. I wouldn't be suprised if they were so big they paid someone off to carry on without police trouble. MAC and MI have been going strong for ages with only minor set backs.
Update on the FX situation from Ien over at iloveasiandvds

Quote:damned FX is driving me nuts. well i just got word he's okay, but they've gotta wait until the smoke clears until they start up again.

so now, we've gone from no hope back up to some hope again. yay!

Again things are looking up. If anyone hears anything else please post it here. I have been keeping up with a number of threads on other sites, but information is scarce and rather unreliable.
[Image: kitty.gif]
Damn this is crazy lol... Guess Cidien was right that he probably just got fined.
I think the HK law says there is an upper limit to how much you can get fined for this type of crime. Maybe this limit will be quite a bit less than Floras assets. ^^
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