Positive news reguarding FX
Robojack Wrote:With FX gone, there's a HUGE void to be filled, one that MAC can't do on its own. Hopefully another company comes along and takes advantage of this opportunity.

Yeah but the problem with this opportunity is the risk is definatly higher than ever. MAC can't handle it on their own because if they do try they will likely be caught as well. If a new company does arise to take FXs place we still have to wonder if they will make sets of the same, higher, or lower quality. If MACs alone releases will take a long time so to be simple we will have to wait, see, and hope for the best as you said.
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I've always liked MI better than MAC. They do a superb job with video and audio and packaging, just not with subs (with NGE, Noir, and Love Hina being a few exceptions). Hopefully they will get their act together and learn from FX rather than using a dumb translator.
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
I don't care if their stuff is subbed, as long as they are good subs. Rahxephon and x gundam are both good examples of good subs. Or they could do the easy thing and copy fansubs. Why they don't do that is beyond me. They take the time to get the video and everything and rip it illegally but they don't take the time for the more important subtitles. They afraid of stealing from fansubbers and not from companies or what? Either that or hire translators that know what the hell they are doing.
Cidien Wrote:Or they could do the easy thing and copy fansubs. Why they don't do that is beyond me. They take the time to get the video and everything and rip it illegally but they don't take the time for the more important subtitles.

Its stupid why they dont use fansubs. I guess they get impatient waiting for them or something. You can rip hardcoded fansubs in half an hour for one ep with AVISubDetector. I told MAC about it but I dont think their into doing there own rips... I think we should all find a good series thats not on HK and all rip an episodes scripts each and send them of to MI or something... Could pay off...
I think the majority of MI's R1 Rips are MAc or FX Rips. If they continue to rip MAc & Mac continues with DVD5's then we are up shit creek. :p
Zagatto on Women:

Something I learned through the years is that if you please one woman then you've got two or three women that think you're great.
If you piss off one woman then you have twenty or thirty that think you're garbage.
CrayonShinChan Wrote:I think the majority of MI's R1 Rips are MAc or FX Rips. If they continue to rip MAc & Mac continues with DVD5's then we are up shit creek. :p

Yeah, I have seen it the other way around too though. Like the firtst Yu Yu set, FX ripped it from MI. But I refuse to buy MAC stuff, so unless MI comes up with something or another company starts and does a good job, then I'll stop buying HK's.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
IS this the Death Of HK's well good quality ones????

should i even care? coz R1's and R2's are getting cheaper wo0t
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

MI has just finished "rereleasing" the last FX titles, and added 2 titles to thier new release list, Inuyasha the movie (yeah i know..), and E0217* Kinonotabi (Beautiful World) (1~2 End)*.. i have images of that box here somewhere if anyone wants to see it. B
bmvtoys Wrote:MI has just finished "rereleasing" the last FX titles, and added 2 titles to thier new release list, Inuyasha the movie (yeah i know..), and E0217* Kinonotabi (Beautiful World) (1~2 End)*.. i have images of that box here somewhere if anyone wants to see it. B
Where did you get the codes and list from? Smile
Zagatto on Women:

Something I learned through the years is that if you please one woman then you've got two or three women that think you're great.
If you piss off one woman then you have twenty or thirty that think you're garbage.
CrayonShinChan Wrote:Where did you get the codes and list from? Smile

easy...MI...product codes:
E0217 The beautiful world...has a dude on a bike in the snow (at least looks like it).

Attached Files
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I know they are MI codes... but where did you get the list from? Or did you just buy the sets?
Zagatto on Women:

Something I learned through the years is that if you please one woman then you've got two or three women that think you're great.
If you piss off one woman then you have twenty or thirty that think you're garbage.
Direct from manga, buy from them all the time (have a store). B
Looks like everyones counting out AV, who knows they could take fx's place
:p AV doesn't do diddly. They 'could'. But you 'could' also sprout horns. (you don't have horns already do you?)
Cashan from another store just confirmed that Flora himself has been arrested late last month in his house.

Fx titles wont be available indefinetly. Maybe they'll be back, probably not. Time for IA to hook up with MI.

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