Cyrus's Trade/Sell List

Aren't you viewing it right now?

I don't really have an updated list

I think the only stuff i got that isnt on the list is aeon flux dvd edition, paranoia agent, and nadia the secret of blue water. Maybe one or two others but thats mostly all i think
is big o still for trade? Will you take X, berserk for it?
um no cus i already own both of them
Well it had been a while since i updated my list so i put on some new anime i picked up i don't believe i bolded anything new though

Also i added a few good trades to my list and i took a few items off as well
im really looking for neon genesis evangelion platnum dvd's and last exile dvd's

If you have either of those in r1 and want anything on my list let me know

I may do some money also but i'll have to consider how much you want.

P.S. anything bolded i will definately trade off and anything not bolded i may trade off for dvd's from those sets or those whole sets cus im really after them
well i think im just gonna buy the neon genesis platinum set unless i can just find someone to trade me soon so....

I was thinking.

I would put it up for sell

I have the fx set and it comes with the whole series and the movies.

so if you want to make cash offers go ahead or anime offers too but id prefer cash
i picked up the shinkai collection which is voices of a distant star and the place promised in our earlier days.

So don't need either of those anymore
i may be selling off my entire suikoden collection (or trading it but prolly selling) i have suikoden 1-4 3 and 4 in near perfect condition and 1 and 2 in great condition no skipping at all and they should all work fine.

If any of you are interested in making me an offer before i ebay sell these give me a pm
Still looking for the r1 last exile set. If you are interested in trading it i will do a disk for disk trade plus a little depending on what version of r1 set you have.

Anyone who wants to trade it off get back to me
Your PM inbox is full. I could not send you PM about your offers. Let me know if you're friends are interested in Cowboy and Trigun. It will be $40+shipping for Noir. Everything is in brand new condition. Thanks
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
bumpity bump bump

im still really looking for last exile on r1 and neon genesis evangelion platinum

if you got em or want anything off my list (i just got spriggen too) then get back to me.
i got heat guy j now and i no longer need Neon genesis Evangelion platinum

bumpity bump bump
Bumping this list

also in case anyone tried to pm me and couldn't my box has plenty of room now

also again i have neon genesis evangelion plus movie 4 disk FX version for trade and of course anything in bold and sometimes stuff that isnt bolded.

Check my list.


Im looking for last exile R1 and id like Technolyze as well

Miyazaki movies im interested in too preferable not ghibli collection

im gonna do a big revamp and update soon but right now im just bumping
yeah well i just spend about 45 mins trying to update this then it didnt work for some reason so i'll do it later but i do have other stuff to if u wanna try to ask me if i have something specific

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