Worst Movie of All Time...
CrayonShinChan Wrote:These are bad:

Jason X - I was actually glad the cast was being slaughtered! V_V"

To call it a B Movie is like giving Jason X an oscar. I guess this is what happens when a bunch of geeks get hold of a camera. -.-"

I am sure that Jason X was made just too slag all the other Friday's. And it's a hell of a lot better than the first one.
Are you kidding? I've never minded the Jason movies. However, a friend of mine rented X when it came out and we turned it off after about 40 mins. It was just too damn stupid.
My friends and I went and saw 28 Days Later, 28 minutes later we were in a new movie...
daisyflower2003 Wrote:My friends and I went and saw 28 Days Later, 28 minutes later we were in a new movie...

Ha ha ha, that is just funny.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
074ku Wrote:Freddy Got Fingered is an awful movie. I ussally like Tom Green too.

I couldnt sit through that movie when it was on cable the ramp scene where the guy got hurt mixed with the other stupid crap was enough. I would say I watched that garbage for 10-15 minutes with all the pieces and that was more than enough. How can anyone watch it all the way through?
[Image: IA.jpg]

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