So what do you think is the worst movie of all time that you have seen?
Till yesterday I woulda have said Once Upon a Time in Mexico but this piece of crap 'You Got Served' goes above and beyond terrible. So what about everyone else?
I think you need to look alot deeper than well known box-office flops. You need to go back to 80's B-Movies to find them.
Ryujin Wrote:I think you need to look alot deeper than well known box-office flops. You need to go back to 80's B-Movies to find them.
I don't pay attention to Box Office flops actcually im stuck because one of my teachers let someone bring this piece of garbage in. It's hard to believe how terrible some of these movies are...
I'm always amused at peoples choices in these threads. It always seems to be something that appeals to a fair number of people or something that people had high expectations for that gets chosen.
The cult classic "Plan 9 From Outer Space" by Ed Wood is widely regarded as one of the worst movies ever made. Personally, I'd have to say Heat by Andy Warhol resulted in two hours of my life that I would like to scorch from my memory.
For modern, popular titles I put Titanic at the top of my list. The production was fine but I felt that the acting was wooden and the whole thing was romanticized beyond the point I can stand. I don't know if it was being forced to listen to that Celine Dion song or watching DiCaprio struggling with an empty role that bugged me more.
Here is my top ten worst that I have seen:
10) Secret Window, predictable ending. I will never get those two hours of my life back.
9) House of the dead, should have known better then to see this movie.
8) Ninth Gate, what the fuck another Johnny Depp movie? too much build up for nothing.
7), uhh, I would rather watch two flies fuck then watch this steaming pile of shit.
6) Space Truckers, nuff' said.
5) Fast and the Furious, I can't believe Paul Walker keeps getting work. Pretty cars though.
4) Sole, German film, damn nasty, people eating shit, kids screwing other kids, no thanks.
3) Troy, This is the only movie I have seen where the men are prettier than the women.
Horrible adaptation, watch the ones made by NBC, you get more from it.
2) Unbreakable, If they are going to do a fucking movie about Superman, please let it be
called Superman. I'm Mr. Glass....nice villain. I felt analy raped after watching this crap.
1) Head, That's right the Monkees movie written by Nicholson. I only put this one here
because I have not and will not see Gigli or Baby Geniuses 2.
Sure the 60s,70s and 80s had some bad B movies, but at least they were fun to watch.
Hmm, I'll have to say Thirteen (I think that is what it was called). That was a F'ed up movie, girls doing all kinds of crazy crap and a complete waste of time.
house of a thousand corpes is the most ridiculous movie i've ever seen.
other then that, i really don't hate all the other movies.
Hudson Hawk
Ed Wood
Eyes Wide Shut
Biker Boyz
Plan 9 from outer Space
any of the cheesy teen films from the last 10-20 years, this includes the comedies and horror
Some of you are going to disagee with me about the teen films, but they usually have little to no plot, some loser scores in the film, they are always campy and happy, some pretty girl who can barely act playing in a series of horror films that insult the viewer if they are anything but a teenage girl.
Only one I can think of at the moment is Virtuosity with Russell Crowe because I (tried) to watch it recently... If he didn't get his ass out then nobody would of watched it... I had to turn it off (After Russell Crowe got naked though!

While I was in school I forgot about perhaps the POOREST Excuse for a horror film that ive ever seen...'Dont Look in the Basement' and quite frankly thats good advice garbage film..
I dont like horror movies, not because they are scary, but because they are stupid beyond belief. look at Freddy and Jason for example....
Titanic is also another one of my most hated movies.
vegeta76 Wrote:look at Freddy and Jason for example....
That was AWFUL... So was Jason X... I think Jason X had a quote saying 'terrifying' on the front. Come on!
Hey! Say what you will about Jason X, but NOBODY disses Freddy vs Jason, that film was surprisingly cool.
If I had to say a recent film that I really disliked then it would probably be Alien vs Predator for ruining what could have been a good film and messing up two pretty good franchises.
Ryujin Wrote:Hey! Say what you will about Jason X, but NOBODY disses Freddy vs Jason, that film was surprisingly cool.
If I had to say a recent film that I really disliked then it would probably be Alien vs Predator for ruining what could have been a good film and messing up two pretty good franchises.
I agree with you on Jason X and FVJ since Jason X was sorta boring just like all of the Jason films before FVJ. But AVP what truly ruined it was the end where the human lived that sucked! Not that the Alien franchise is all that great..
avp, i heard there was a lot of bad reviews about it.