Ok...I've been holding off posting in this topic for a long time...mainly because its such a touchy subject and highly flamable...but meh I figure now is probably a good time.
ok I'm going to go back a few pages and work my way forward covering as much stuff as I can. So if you are one of those people who can't read more than 5 lines then look away now...anyway here goes...
Andromeda18 Wrote:Homosexuality has been around for as long as heterosexuality
Where did you get his info from? Where is your proof? have you been around since the dawn of man? if not then I wouldn't make strange blanket statements like that.
Andromeda18 Wrote:animals often display homosexual tendencies, it's normal, society is the one who sees it as abnormal.
Eh what? Again where is your proof? where did you hear this? and how is it "normal"?. When normal is considered actions that are shared by the majority of a group. I'd like to know what these "tendencies" are too and how "often" these seemingly un-named animals display these "tendencies". Anyway, as I said "society" represents the views of the majority (in general) and as I have said this is what defines "normal". So that sentence does not make much sense.
' Wrote:Andromeda18The thing is that prior to the existence of the Bible, in some societies, homosexuality was seen as a normal thing, then it was seen as a bad thing, then it was seen as relatively normal again and now we're back to a time where people see it as a bad thing
What?? As if the Bible spans across all countries and peoples

. Again what "societies"? where? what time period?. You are going to have to substantiate and back up all of these "facts" you keep stating. Unless to you a "fact" is just you making something up, thinking it's true and then stating it as if it were. Again, how would you know if it was seen as normal or not?
Andromeda18 Wrote:That's why people should always think well about the things they're taught, they can't just accept them without giving it a second thought.
Maybe you should take your own advice.... :p
GubiGubi Wrote:Actually we are now in general accepting it again when you look at society and laws ect. Not everyone does but the general view is that is accepted. It's alot better in the UK than the USA at the moment but laws are changing.
Again, if you're going to make statements like this at least make some attempt at backing it up.
Andromeda18 Wrote:However, even animals who live basically to eat, sleep and procriate display homosexual behaviour
Again, what the hell are you talking about? there you go again making these statements with no backing up or facts of any kind. I'm beginning to see a trend...
Andromeda18 Wrote:Ultimately they'll mate with an animal of the opposite sex in order to perpetuate their gene pool but they also try mating with animals of the same sex
Yes because the animals really hate the opposite sex and one day sit down and look to the future with all of their advanced cognative abilities and decide "yes, I simply MUST have children! what will become of the species!!!" and then say "ewwww" in disgust as they mate with the opposite sex.
Andromeda18 Wrote:How I wish you were right! It's true that in the the more industrialized countries homosexuality is accepted in a general way. However, only 25% of the world's countries are industrialized. The other 75% are poor countries in which religion and tradition are still very important and homosexuality is seen as a bad thing
Em what?? Have you been to Greece or Turkey? Hardly industrialised countries and yet gayness is far more rampant there than I have ever seen it in any "industrialised" countries. Stop saying this crap without any backup.
GubiGubi Wrote:Yeh I suppose but by those rules then it has never been accecpted ever as it was only really ancient Greek or Roman societies that you can actually say where totally open to it. (I mean all accepeted and took part
*SIGH* A common missconception. Are you actually saying that "all" of the people acepted this and took part? not one person didn't? Seriously...you need to do your research and stop being so naive. What was actually the case was that the rich and powerful lived hedonistic lifestyles where their every whim was taken care of and they were the ones who took part in it, and sculpted naked men etc... the average or poor people didn't really go in for that stuff at all, they were too busy working long days and whatnot.
My theory on how exactly it came about was that the rich had so much spare time on their
hands and lived only for entertainment, joy and the pleasures of the flesh (food, sex etc..) that they decided to experiment. Remembering at this time that men were considered much better than women and were sometimes compared to gods, its feasable to assume that they may have thought that by mating with another man that they could create a god, at least on some level. But most likely it is because they were bored and had too much time on their hands, experimented, got acustomed to, and BAM gayness appears, simple as that. Granted that is just my take on things, I was not there nor am I claiming it as "fact" or anything
GubiGubi Wrote:I mean stuff like the Japanese took feminine boys and dressed them as girls and sent them to war to have sex with the soldiers
Isn't that just people being pedophiles? Nothing to do with gayness there really
GubiGubi Wrote:some old tribes (African?) making teenagers drink the sperm of the elders to 'take their wisdom'
Maybe, but they just drank it from a cup, they were hardly blowing them. Its not like they were attacted to each other or wanted to have sex or anything.
GubiGubi Wrote:Some animals are gay and we are just nature aswell, nature created us so EVERYTHING we do is down to nature
Thats psudo logic if I have ever heard it. First of all, don't say animals are gay when you have no proof. And secondly "nature" is not some being or conscienceness that has a plan. Creatures developed on a planet, some with more intelligence than others, created social structures and from there humans created society, which everything else stems from, society, intelligence, ideas and working in groups. By your logic destroying the world with nuculear weapons is all in "nature" and a part of "nature's plan".
Andromeda18 Wrote:So what you're trying to say is that you like women simply because it's what people usually do
That's pretty much why people do anything, everything is based on society and how we interact with our environment from a young age and as we grow.
Andromeda18 Wrote:Also, you don't have to see animals being gay, they are! In reality animals are bisexual, they mate with both animals of the same sex and of the opposite sex. Most people have heard that dolphins of the same sex mate with each other, it's a very well known case but the truth is that in Nature this happens very often.
Again, where is your proof? show me a study that took place? show me pictures or video? show me any evidence to back this up...oh wait you can't because it's not true. Seriously, stop spouting this un-backup nonsense.
Andromeda18 Wrote:I have a friend who's gay and he first found out he was gay when he was 8 years old
Thats like saying "I knew I loved blowjobs when I was 4!", its just stupid, people of that age have no idea of sexuality or attractoin as they have not reached puberty yet so their hormones are not active therefore they have no sex drive, fact!.
daisyflower2003 Wrote:Well in nature, for example, worms, can choose what sexuality they want to be at any given time
Yes, they have the ability to switch, we don't. Plus they are worms...they irrigate the soil, does that mean we should?
daisyflower2003 Wrote:I think some of them would eventually become women because nature has a funny way of balancing things out.
Thats just dumb, we are not genetically or physically capable of a sexual metamorphases. Thats like saying you think people could change their arms into legs at will, or that if there were not enough chairs that some people would become chairs, lol
Andromeda18 Wrote:How come dolphins are almost as intelligent as us
LOL, maybe you, but not the rest of us. Just no, it's not even comparable the difference in intelligence. Stop being dumb.
Andromeda18 Wrote:That's why I said animals are bisexual right after saying they're gay, because animals have sex with the opposite sex to procreate and with the same sex for... fun!
Ryujin Wrote:Yes because the animals really hate the opposite sex and one day sit down and look to the future with all of their advanced cognative abilities and decide "yes, I simply MUST have children! what will become of the species!!!" and then say "ewwww" in disgust as they mate with the opposite sex. 
That pretty much answers that...
Andromeda18 Wrote:And some men like men because it's Natural. It's in their nature to be homosexual the same way it's in yours to be heterosexual
No, I think its a choice based on your surroundings and whatnot, but I'll cover it better later...
Andromeda18 Wrote:And by the way people who are attracted to children and animals are sick. They have a chemical inbalance in their brain which can be treated. There's no such inbalance in homosexuals's brains.
Again, where is your proof? what imbalance? what proof? show me the study, and that it is air tight, show me this "treatment". Otherwise just be quiet now.