So what is your favorite ending to an anime?
My favorite ending was the ending to I My me Strawberry Eggs. It gave me a weird heart warming fuzzy feeling inside. But it is an awesome ending! ^_^ Another ending that was good was Pretear. The imagery (can't spell xD) was awesome!! JUST LIKE SNOW WHITE ^.^
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
i like happy endings, all sad endings suck
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
I know Berserk had the worst ending.

I really enjoyed the final battle in the Ninja scroll movie and the ending of Now& then, Here& there (I still feel every anime fan owes it to himself to watch this show). Every Ghibli movie raps up nicely too.
Now and then, here and there.. wow was that a different anime. Its hard for me to descibe what i felt when i watched that show. But i actually liked berserk's ending once i realized what they where attempting to do with it.

But the one that i absolutly hated i mean hated was how they finally ended Kenshin in the last oav that they made.. I know a certain person that will never watch that oav again and he considers it to never exist at all. (right morg?)
I hate almost every anime ending ever. As for the final Kenshin OVA, I consider it to not exist too because it was so bad, you might as well as series 3 of Kenshin in there too because that was pretty much pointless. As far as I'm concerned it ended with Shishio and then continued a little while later with the movie. The final OVA and 3rd series are both pointless and hold no real meaning, so to me I don't consider them to exist.

My problem overall with most anime endings is that they tend to either go all pansy and do some "oh look we used some kind of magic and saved the universe", or "lots of people die, its a sad ending" or "And they continued on their adventures to leave it open in case we ever decide to make any more, but if we don't then they lived happily ever after".

Not that I have a problem with the final option, as thats the one from the 3 staples of anime endings that I think is ok. I normally hate the other 2 because they are normally so out of place with the context, actions and atmosphere of the anime and it just tends to seem like they are just looking for a quick and easy way to end it with as little hassle as possible.

Again, even if everyone dies, I don't have a problem with it in theory, but they tend to die in stupid fights or for some dumb reason, nothing particularly clever or interesting. Especially when they break their own rules, eg: Someone survives countless fights, explosions, slashes, energy blasts etc.. only to suddenly die from one punch/slash/beam just because the enemy is meant to be all super evil or something.

But if people die in a meaningful way then I think it can be quite entertaining and of a high quality, but what I don't want is End of Evangelion where everyone dies for no particularly important or interesting reason.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
where does the list begin

well the ending of the more latest anime i really liked even had me abit emotonal was GunGrave...the friendship that never died

"Never Betray"

and yeah i liked Berserk ending after i also reaised what they did with it...plus it made me read the manga thus i am ever greatfull to it Big Grin
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It's funny you should bring this topic up Babyeater because recently I've been thinking a lot about endings. I remember how some years ago happy endings were cliché but nowdays it's the other way around, sad endings are everywhere!
It's not that they aren't good endings story wise, but they're really sad! Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, Trigun, Last Exile, Evangelion, Haibane Renmei, etc! It's like all of the really good series have sad endings. The funny thing is that I never cry about real life situations but I'm a real fountain when it comes to anime, movies, books and manga and these sad endings don't help one bit! :p
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
the sad ending tend to evoke more emotions thus are in most good anime
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Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Ryujin Wrote:Again, even if everyone dies, I don't have a problem with it in theory, but they tend to die in stupid fights or for some dumb reason, nothing particularly clever or interesting. Especially when they break their own rules, eg: Someone survives countless fights, explosions, slashes, energy blasts etc.. only to suddenly die from one punch/slash/beam just because the enemy is meant to be all super evil or something.

But if people die in a meaningful way then I think it can be quite entertaining and of a high quality, but what I don't want is End of Evangelion where everyone dies for no particularly important or interesting reason.

Yeah that is stupid the supposedly invincible fall like jokes... As far as deaths go if they don?t have a reason building it up and a good purpose than they are well crap... Lucky for me I havent seen that crap... But a 'super evil enemy' lmao That's still a waste of a good anime if a guy dies just because of that evil crap after surviving everything else.

But as far as endings go I hate happy endings lol...I don't know why but the thing where the hero always wins to is just a load of crap in my eyes.
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Schultz Wrote:I know a certain person that will never watch that oav again and he considers it to never exist at all. (right morg?)

I feel the same way about DBGT. It is a blasphemes tragedy that was an obvious attempt to continue the series for monetary reasons. Good endings, that?s a hard one cause a lot suck. Even though it?s not the same as the manga the end of Love Hina in again was really satisfying. I liked Zoids New Century X and it?s ending (someone will make fun of me for this one). Tons of good anime get crapy endings: Bebop, Char?s Counter Attack (were like everyone dies), and GTO I all hold personal angst on, especial GTO.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
grave of the fireflies, that ending was so sad, but it was good.
OMG i cried like a baby when i first saw GOTFF...it was also the first Ghibli movie i had ever seen...
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Right way

then the...

Rav way!

not only did i not care for DBGT i really hated the ending of it. Ya i hated seeing GTO end like it did. that series made me want to watch so much more of it. I don't think i will ever get tired of it. Also other endings i really hate are incomplete ones kinda like Flame of Recca.
Blight Wrote:I feel the same way about DBGT. It is a blasphemes tragedy that was an obvious attempt to continue the series for monetary reasons. Good endings, that?s a hard one cause a lot suck. Even though it?s not the same as the manga the end of Love Hina in again was really satisfying. I liked Zoids New Century X and it?s ending (someone will make fun of me for this one). Tons of good anime get crapy endings: Bebop, Char?s Counter Attack (were like everyone dies), and GTO I all hold personal angst on, especial GTO.

I loved bebops ending because it summed up the overall message of the anime that we all have to come to terms with our past.

I really don't know how you couldn't like it...

Anyways i looked i was looking at gt a month ago and i thought it looked really gay. Could someone explain the apeal of it because from what i have heard of it the description doesn't give it the credit it needs.

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