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Alright, I know you most of you are as lazy as I am, so I'll make this short...
Parents are driving me nuts!!!
- Uber religious
- Over-protective
- Search through my stuff
- Extrordinarily religious
- Untrusting
- Think I'm still 12 (they need to transpose the numbers there)
- Did I mention religious? (yea, lectured me about having my fiance in my room with me)
- Make me go to church with them when I'm not very religious
- Lecture me on a daily basis about remaining "pure"
I can't take this anymore!!!! I still get 20 questions when I go to walk out the door and I'm completely independent! I only live at their house... so I'm moving out come January!!!
If you have any advice on appartment hunting, I'd really appreciate it!! I'm searching for places near my college in Vermont and I'm looking for a $500 price range. Any suggestions or advice???
Did I mention I'm ready to pull out my hair?? I got yelled at for having a beer yesterday because today I had to work. :confused: :confused: :confused: :mad:
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
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Sorry to hear that Lady Silverice. Sorry to say your parents sound a lot like mine. The
only difference is they think I'm 6 or something. They call me almost every hour and I'm
living on campus. Geez, as for apartments, I only know about somr in Cali. sorry, I feel
your pain though. Good luck finding some apartments. Later.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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Well,I've moved out before, and am now moving out again this weekend. My parents are getting on my nerves again. I'll be renting a room in a townhouse. I get the master bedroom with my own bathroom for $550 a month. For your own apt here, I'd be looking at $1000 a month. And I'm not trying to pay that. My roomies right now are some 19 year old pink haired anime chick. She better not touch my DVD's. :mad: And some other 19 year old chick who I've already noticed has at least 1 decent looking friend.
And LSI, don't pull out your hair. You already look bad enough without going for the GI Jane look. :p
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sounds pretty bad my mom is the only one who drives me insane she has to control my life all the time and i cant move out till i turn 18
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my parents where axactly the same, they were the really old fashion, traditional types. i eventually moved out and it was fun, but money was tight. couple years later i maved back to the house. they really lightened up alot from back then. now i just want to finish college and move to new jersey.
LSI, good luck on finding and place.
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11-22-2004, 05:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-22-2004, 05:48 PM by Nina182B.)
Geez I know how you feel.. Sometimes I'll visit my parents for a day and they still drive me nuts with their constant advice and questions. Like what Vicious said, get roommates or move in with your boyfriend... might as well move in together since you're engaged right.. hmmmm.. but it sounds like your parents might kill you if they found out. Still, it will save you money splitting the rent, plus, I wouldn't want to be in a place by myself. I think I'd get really loney. I have a hard time sleeping by myself too. If you can, try to find a place that will cover your gas, water & electric. Stay away from gas heaters! That can be really expensive during the winter.
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Thanks for all the responses guys! Yea, it's getting pretty bad. And yes Nina, if you've ever seen Carrie (sp?), then you'll know how my parents will respond to finding that out!  I'm looking for an appartment for $550 and I've got one person who I might be roomies with. They're a friend of mine though, so I think I'll be ok. But I nearly bit their heads off last night when I caught her going through some of my drawers in my room! :mad: :mad: :mad:
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
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Vicious Wrote:And LSI, don't pull out your hair. You already look bad enough without going for the GI Jane look. :p Vic, what would I ever do without your charming quips?  You're such a fluffy bunny somtimes. A pink one at that. :p Don't worry, the long hair is gonna be around for as long as my hunny is... which will probably be for a very very very long time!
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
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My parants dont annoy me too much. Sometimes they really get on my nerves, but they dont try to influence me or my decisions. However, they do make me go to church, but are not super religious nutjobs.
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-spike- Wrote:My parants dont annoy me too much. Sometimes they really get on my nerves, but they dont try to influence me or my decisions. However, they do make me go to church, but are not super religious nutjobs.
It annoys me when my parents are too protective...I mean honestly I can take care of myself...
But I don't have to go to church AT ALL. My parents arent really religious and I am the least religious of all...Won't get into that though...
'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Sorry to hear that Lady Silverice. Sorry to say your parents sound a lot like mine. The
only difference is they think I'm 6 or something. They call me almost every hour and I'm
living on campus. Geez, as for apartments, I only know about somr in Cali. sorry, I feel
your pain though. Good luck finding some apartments. Later.
My advice for you is to get caller ID.
My advice for the lady is either talk with them and make them understand you are not 12 anymore or else get caller ID when you move out. =P
And she can't move in with her fiance if she wants to continue her relationship with her parents. My parents aren't even that religious and they'd be PISSED if I did that. My sister did it... I know lol.
And i'd have really been yelling at my parents if they went through my stuff trying to find something.
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Puppet Master Wrote:It annoys me when my parents are too protective...I mean honestly I can take care of myself...
But I don't have to go to church AT ALL. My parents arent really religious and I am the least religious of all...Won't get into that though...
Ya know, I think I made my parents less religious lol. Since I quit wanting to go to church years back my parents quit going too.
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Cidien Wrote:Ya know, I think I made my parents less religious lol. Since I quit wanting to go to church years back my parents quit going too.
I literally can't go into a church personally...Brings back too many bad memories...
'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard
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My parants are bitches about video games, they dont like violent or FPS games, wouldnt let my buy half the games I wanted. But now that im living away from home I can buy whatever I damn well please.
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Damn! Your parents do make your lives a living hell don't they? I'd have exploded a long time ago if I was in your situation (bit of a bad temper). Oh wait, I have! :p When I was 16 I got fed up of going to church against my will, had a huge argument with my grandmother but once my mind was made up there was no turning back. Of course she didn't speak to me for quite some time but I couldn't care less. The truth is I stopped going to church and she got over it.
I have my boyfriend in my room all the time, with the door locked. He's there every night till 4 am. Truth be told she never had any problem with us being together in my room. She did complain about him staying there till 4 am a couple of times but she doesn't anymore. You've probably noticed by know that I can be a bit of a bitch but that was the only way to tame my grandmother.