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rav96 Wrote:my aprents have always been moms over protective and my dads uber strict!!!
hes gonna make me have an arranged marriage stooopid indian society
but my moms cool shes always hintin find your own but she gotta be sikh and same cast etc...
m like screw you guys..well i dont say that to them..hehehe let em beieve i'll bend to this stupid society. mWahahaha
but ive got alot more freedom at uni for the past coupla years
I'd definitely rebel. Screw arranged marriage. One of my Vietnamese friends just had an arranged marriage (they do know how to throw a wedding though) and I couldn't believe she let her parents do it. At least she really likes the guy she married.
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my sister is halfway through gettin one but she doesnt mind...
as for me... no way am gonna get an arranged marraige but its noy like im doin a good job anyway..i mean ive met the J in Japan and shes visited and things but its like wtf the distance be a killer!!!
most women run away from me or your too nice etc syndrome
so my parents would probly do me a favour...But last resort
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:They actually did that to you??? Sounds so like my parents. Lat year just because I was
sleeping in in my Dorm they called the Police and filed a missing persons report. Police
guy actually asked me where I'd been. I really am getting tired of my parents.
damn that really messed up! i mean your parents should know that they can trust you buy now..damn your old enough
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ladysilverice Wrote:Those sea men are sneaky little bastards!!!
they be the skurge of the seven seas
those scurvy kerrss
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ladysilverice Wrote:Those sea men are sneaky little bastards!!!
I got your se men right here. :eek:
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wow you manged to catch the sneaky bastards
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11-24-2004, 01:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2004, 01:49 PM by Andromeda18_.)
rav96 Wrote:so my parents would probly do me a favour...But last resort
Not even as a last resort! No, no, no! It's a choice you must make not somebody else.
By the way, I'd never tell you're Indian by looking at your pictures. Then again it seems I'm really lousy at recognizing ethnicities, all I see is people! :p
Geez, and I thought Portugal was a somewhat conservative country! I'm starting to see we're actually quite liberal.
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well im British born and bred!!!
but indian (punjabi to be exact) ethinicity!
and i can tell you've probably got me mixed up with some good lookin guy coz im sure me being brown is obviuos...
ah now your other comments make more sense they be directed at someone else in the pretnse of it being me biggy. thers loadsa peops on the forum thus you can get mixed up easily
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11-24-2004, 02:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2004, 02:54 PM by Andromeda18_.)
rav96 Wrote:but indian (punjabi to be exact) ethinicity!
and i can tell you've probably got me mixed up with some good lookin guy coz im sure me being brown is obviuos...
Since when does being brown mean someone's Indian?! I just thought you were naturally taned (which you are :p )!
Oh, and let me set something straight, I do think you're good looking, you!
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'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -
It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard
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Puppet Master Wrote:See you there  I'm hosting the party and there will be kegs.
Vicious Wrote:I got your se men right here. You can keep 'em, I have to fight off enough of the sneaky little bastards as it is!  The fiance doesn't help much... :p
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
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You know I got a questtion for you guys. How do you deal with a family that believes that
everything is your fault just because things aren't going the way they planned? Also what
do you do when they think they are perfect and you are the only imperfect one in the
family? I am going insane here!!!
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:You know I got a questtion for you guys. How do you deal with a family that believes that
everything is your fault just because things aren't going the way they planned? Also what
do you do when they think they are perfect and you are the only imperfect one in the
family? I am going insane here!!! That sounds exactly like my parents. The problem with my family is that (I love him to death but...) my older brother is the biggest momma's boy that ever lived. He never did anything wrong in his teenage years, so when I got there, I was the one that broke all the rules and pushed the boundaries. I turned goth in highschool just to piss them off. Ka-Ta will tell you, I wore nothing but black for my entire junior year.
My parents won't listen to a damn thing I say because they are always right. No if's and's or but's. My solution is I'm moving out. I've tried everything else, I just hope distance will make them finally see. If not, then I just won't visit too often and will put up with them when I do. I was hoping the distance in college would make a difference, but it hasn't. They still had their little strings that they could pull, like my insurance and dependence on them for money. So I'm cutting all those ties. That's my solution.
Sorry, Ryo. I understand exactly what you're going through. I guess when a parent is zealous like this, there really isn't much you CAN do. However, once I move out, I'm taking Elcoholic's advice and I'm gonna write them a letter detailing how I feel. I think they'll flip and be really pissed off for a while, but I just won't answer any calls from them for a while. With a letter they can re-read it over and over. So I don't just get to say it once, I get to say it over and over!
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
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ladysilverice Wrote:That sounds exactly like my parents. The problem with my family is that (I love him to death but...) my older brother is the biggest momma's boy that ever lived. He never did anything wrong in his teenage years, so when I got there, I was the one that broke all the rules and pushed the boundaries. I turned goth in highschool just to piss them off. Ka-Ta will tell you, I wore nothing but black for my entire junior year.
My parents won't listen to a damn thing I say because they are always right. No if's and's or but's. My solution is I'm moving out. I've tried everything else, I just hope distance will make them finally see. If not, then I just won't visit too often and will put up with them when I do. I was hoping the distance in college would make a difference, but it hasn't. They still had their little strings that they could pull, like my insurance and dependence on them for money. So I'm cutting all those ties. That's my solution.
Sorry, Ryo. I understand exactly what you're going through. I guess when a parent is zealous like this, there really isn't much you CAN do. However, once I move out, I'm taking Elcoholic's advice and I'm gonna write them a letter detailing how I feel. I think they'll flip and be really pissed off for a while, but I just won't answer any calls from them for a while. With a letter they can re-read it over and over. So I don't just get to say it once, I get to say it over and over!
Wish I could do that, However if I did all my money would dissappear. Hell I'm not even
allowed to have my own savings account. They just gave me a checking account because
of money I got from work and that was only because a friend showed me how to set it up
before parents set up another joint account. I even have to pay them taxes. Christmas
Tax, Birthday tax, tolerance tax. You name it there is a tax for it. If I did what you are
planning to do I'd probably become a bum overnight. This situtation seems hopeless.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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damn i feel your pain son 
you have it major league hard
i mean i followed my dad and am doing this stupi Pharmacy Degree...i lothe it completely...i even skipped al of todays lectures coz i just cant be done with it...rather be watching anime  or travelin- hehehe i mean when people ask why are you doin a course a master for that matter in somethig you hate...a future you'll hate and the answer was quite simply
i wasnt prepared to be chucked out of house and home. with my pops its his way or the hughway...but that was back then when i was the cross roads from college to Uni... now im nearly 22...ive suffered gonna finish this dgree and see how long it takes get some £££ and then follow my dreams which have some what become unclear...
my advise is...dont be hard on yourself.
its gonna be hard..alot harder for you then i had it from what youve told us.
The Team being "me,myself and i" (as in you)
i know you feel you owe your parents alot... and we all do. i ceratinly know that i owe my mom sooo much for staying with my pops just to raise us and not tarnish our names for the future...its a fucked society esp asian soc coz whenever there is a divorce etc the woman is alays blamed and her kid lives get ruined etc...
do what you will...when your ready do what you MUST
the situation may be hopless for now
But aim for the LONGTERM!!!
you can do it dude!
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