11-23-2004, 12:43 PM
Whoa, I had some usage problems there! Meant to say until I was fourteen I had a problem with it because I lost mine then (with an 18 year old, oh yeah
). I?m nineteen now.

The anime eqaution
11-23-2004, 12:43 PM
Whoa, I had some usage problems there! Meant to say until I was fourteen I had a problem with it because I lost mine then (with an 18 year old, oh yeah
![]() ![]()
11-23-2004, 01:59 PM
No! you're definitely not the only one having that kind of syndrome.
![]() rav96 Wrote:wow like im not the only one plagued with
11-23-2004, 03:32 PM
Chamone 14 + 18 Go on then my son
![]() but yeah technical virginity rocks...when i get asked im like yeah dude im like 21 and not gettin any i love the face coz i always get "your kiddin right" but hey its my choice i had oppurtunities to lose it before esp 2 years ago..man that year was "SHWING" year for moi... but i wanna wait till its with some one i love...lame i know and ive had a gizzilion peops saying SEX is just SEX dont put to much into it. but im Emo and Make za Love not Za Sex :p but now i cant pull to save my life D'oh thus couldnt get any even if i wanted it D'OH *applies for marraige certificate to right hand* ![]()
Theres the...
Wrong way the... Right way then the... Rav way! \m/
11-23-2004, 06:46 PM
shugotenshi Wrote:That is sad to hear. Not being able to accept someone because of their looks, their likings or their style is not a sign of openmindness, but then, you're the only one suffering from that statement. Why ? Because if you are close enough to those trivial things, you don't know what true friendship is. Relation with other shouldn't start about looks, likings or style, but I guess this is just my opinion. Who said I'm not able to accept someone because of their looks? There's this guy who I work with who was burned as a kid. Half is body is all burned and he's missing an arm and his other hand really only has one digit. But I talk to him more than I talk to anyone else there, becuase he's a nice guy and me and him just argue about football all day long. He's ghetto too, so it helps that we both sit there and make fun of each other. He's the coolest guy there IMO. Point is . . . that's he's not a total dork like alot of those anime losers. You hear them open their mouth for about 30 seconds and you can tell the difference. So don't try to twist my words around on me. I said what I meant to say without you trying to infer things from it. I said I don't hang around total dorks. There's more to 'dorkness' than just looks. And if you can't understand that or are confused by it, chances are you're a dork.
11-23-2004, 07:06 PM
Maybe it's because I've never seen those anime losers like you talk about, I'm not trying to infer things from what you've said, but it seemed like you could base your friendship on other people's behavior, that is something I really don't agree with. English being my third language (is it a dork sign ?), it may be a reason why I tought so, and I apologize for the misunderstanding.
And there is no need to be so agressive Vicious, I didn't judge you as one of the worst on this planet.
You'll need it in due time
11-23-2004, 07:09 PM
shugotenshi Wrote:And there is no need to be so agressive Vicious, I didn't judge you as one of the worst on this planet. I just hate it when people infer stuff from what I say because I've never been one not to say what's on my mind. If I had wanted to say "I hate ugly people", I would have said "I hate ugly people and screw you if you don't like it" and not left it up to anyones imagination. And perhaps you should judge me as 'one of the worst' on this planet. Wouldn't bother me any. I'd actually take it as a compliment.
11-23-2004, 07:17 PM
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Yes I am, and I'm kind of embarassed to say the word let alone talk about the subject.I've always been embarassed talking to my parents about sex... but who wouldn't be.. Here's two embarrassing stories sorta related to this subject: I was flying back to NJ to visit my boyfriend during school break. I had a pair of handcuffs that was in my carryon luggage (this was before 9/11 so I didn't think it would be a big deal to have it in there) They placed my bag in the metal thing to check, and the lady who was checking says in a really loud voice "Are those bracelets... *pause* those are handcuffs!" So all the other people waiting to go through the detector stare at me and so do all the other security guards.. so I said "yeah, they are" Then the lady tells me I can't bring that on my carry on and I'd have to put it in one of my checked in luggage. Ok, no problem, I took the handcuffs out and was about to go back to the check in area, when the lady goes on the intercom, tells the baggage people to bring back one of Nina's luggage and says "Don't worry, it'll only take a second for her to put her handcuffs in there" I couldn't believe it! She said my full name for the whole airport to hear! And then the guy who brought my luggage said, "Yeah sorry you have to put your handcuffs in here.. we had this situation too when a bunch of guys were traveling" He said it in a matter of fact voice as if it was all natural.. but it was so weird! Geez that was embarrassing. Then there was that time when my boyfriend and I went to Spencers. He thought it would be cool to have a black light in the bedroom. We were arguing about how naked bodies would look in the black light.. I thought it was going to be corny. A salesperson heard what we were talking about and yells at another salesperson "Hey, is this black light good for sex" We eventually got a 4 feet long black light and when we were leaving the store, a group of teenage guys saw us and clapped. I think the most embarrassing thing that could happen to somebody is getting caught in the act by their parents. That would be utter humiliation.. imagine the awkwardness.
11-23-2004, 08:07 PM
Vicious Wrote:With that being said, I think BE is on to something. I'm sorry, but most people that like anime are either fat slobs, or pimple faced geeks. It's true. Go to a con and see for yourself. The percentage of unattractive people is higher at an anime con then it is compared to the percentage of unattractive people in general. I would not hang out with 95% of anime fans. Call me stuck up or whatever, but I'm not hanging out with total dorks.It's interesting to watch a con over the course of the day. As it gets later, the smaller weaker uber-otaku who have been online since 5am get tired and thin out. Meanwhile the more "normal" people who were up untill 4am partying(the real kind not lan... well maybe a little lan) take their place as their hang-overs fade. Of course, there are still the super uber-otaku who can survive for days on the promise of knowing more obscure trivia than someone else, Pocky, and their desire to keep moving as so to always be upwind of themselves. But there is more of a balance. r00ster Wrote:The problem with this theory is... that only those types would be caught dead at an anime con in full-out cosplay, because their social standing can't possibly get any lower...Ill have you know that cosplay, while dangerous, can be enjoyable... wait no... can be done without ruining of your social standing (provided it exists to begin with). While most people forget that they aren't really Inu Yasha, there are a few who know better than to ever acknowledge their costume out side of the con setting. And boy is it fun to confuse and bewilder the local workers. Or even better, homeless people, who aren't sure if you are real or another vision brought on by bargin priced gin. As for cons in general, w/o cos-play they can be quite fun for the casual fan, or even non fan, if you follow two rules: 1. Go to a big con, a small one would be like going to EuroDisney to find out if you might like Disney World. 2. Saftey in numbers. If you look lonely a big sweaty guy will make you his bitch, but unlike prison you can't shank him later. Besides, sarcastic comments are not funny unless someone hears them. As for the equation, anyone ever notice that beside being ugly and awkward, geek girls often have breasts far larger than they should. Now I don't mean anime geeks but all full on hardcore geek girls. Watching some of them walk is watching one of those ball clacker things people put on their desks. Sure one could theorize that the over sized breasts might lead to an awkard puberty causeing the girls to be less social, thus becoming geeks who never learn about make-up and fashion, but I doubt it.
11-23-2004, 08:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-23-2004, 08:14 PM by babyeater0.)
dvd_master Wrote:Um... just because a person likes anime doesn't mean they're going to be ugly. I'm certainly damn hot. And I have lots of friends who are hot and are just as into anime. There is no equation to determine someone's looks by their likes and dislikes. This is the stupidest theory I've ever heard of. Be my wife. Quote:Whoa, I had some usage problems there! Meant to say until I was fourteen I had a problem with it because I lost mine then (with an 18 year old, oh yeah ). I?m nineteen now. LUCKY BASTARD! I WANT TO BANG AN 18 YEAR OLD!
11-23-2004, 08:23 PM
The look on people's faces, when they come across a pair of handcuffs is always fun. "But your not a cop...oh...eeeeww"
Nina182B Wrote:I think the most embarrassing thing that could happen to somebody is getting caught in the act by their parents. That would be utter humiliation.. imagine the awkwardness.Sisters aren't that great either. I've been walked in on alone by my mother and sister. And caught a few times with my last GF. Her mother found us in the basement at 3am. We had enough time to hide, so I never even saw her face but she knew. "Well I hope your useing protection" And once her older sister came in the room to wake us up, turned around and walked out thanking god for blankets. I managed to avoid eye contact again, my GF however was looking right at her.
11-23-2004, 09:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-23-2004, 09:43 PM by Ryo of Inferno.)
rav96 Wrote:Chamone 14 + 18 Go on then my son Rav let me make this clear, I am not technical virgin. I am complete Virgin. Virgin with a capitol V. Never had opportunity to lose it. You want to know how bad it is? Wasn't even allowed to take that education class. So anyway, you being a technical probably means you know more than me. Oh well. By the way Wanderer what can be done with handcuffs? Sorry my naiviete is showing through. ![]() Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
11-23-2004, 10:00 PM
dude that sounds hard *marry your right hand in the mean time* :p...
OMG hairy palms ![]() but it sucks how it coz of your parents and not your own choice ![]() ![]()
Theres the...
Wrong way the... Right way then the... Rav way! \m/
11-23-2004, 10:02 PM
Nina182B Wrote:I've always been embarassed talking to my parents about sex... but who wouldn't be.. Here's two embarrassing stories sorta related to this subject:so do naked bodies look better with black lights??? and handcuffs two very kinky things ![]()
Theres the...
Wrong way the... Right way then the... Rav way! \m/
11-23-2004, 10:04 PM
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:what can be done with handcuffs? well generally to restrain people mWahahahaha!!!
Theres the...
Wrong way the... Right way then the... Rav way! \m/
11-23-2004, 10:07 PM
rav96 Wrote:dude that sounds hard *marry your right hand in the mean time* :p... What do you mean *marry my right hand?* Sorry wasnt't even allowed to take that education class everyone else took. Basically Virgin ears and eyes. Parents wanted to keep me, get this, 'innocent and holy.' Basically home = Alcatraz because parents don't trust me at all. ![]() Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn |
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